Why there is a heaviness in my head?

1 The main causes of

Consider the most common causes that cause such symptoms.

Osteochondrosis is a disease that disrupts the blood flow, which causes deformation of the vertebrae and as a result of problems with movement and coordination. In many cases, it is with age that changes occur in the vertebral discs, which lead to heaviness in the head, drowsiness, fog in the eyes.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, an integrated approach will be required, which includes both taking medications and various types of massage that relax the neck muscles. People's means are also used. In neglected cases resort to the help of acupuncturists and osteopaths.

Intracranial pressure is formed by increasing the amount of fluid entering the brain. This occurs under the influence of factors that are related:

  • with head trauma;
  • with congenital diseases in the central nervous system;
  • with medicinal, food and chemical poisoning;
  • with cerebral disease( tumor, meningitis, encephalitis);
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  • with oxygen starvation.

With increased intracranial pressure, the brain can not perform its functions normally, as a result of which there is, along with other symptoms, a heaviness in the head.

Attacks of epilepsy and migraine are also accompanied by this symptom. Migraine is a pain that has a paroxysmal form. In most cases, it has a hereditary nature and, in addition to heaviness in the head, is accompanied by drowsiness, lethargy, and nausea. Treatment depends on the frequency of seizures and neglect of the disease.

Ménière's disease is an inflammatory process in which inflammation of the "inner ear" occurs. In this case, there is not only a headache and dizziness, but also painful sensations in the ears, as well as nausea.

Neurasthenia, or in other words, asthenic neurosis - is a pathological condition of the nervous system of the patient, formed due to its exhaustion after a prolonged physical or emotional load. The causes of neurasthenia include:

  • the emergence of permanent stressful situations;
  • experiencing conflict situations;
  • stressful, stressful work;
  • lack of sleep;
  • work without rest.

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The process of recovery in this disease does not happen as quickly as we would like. The patient will have to seek help from a psychotherapist who will prescribe a course of special sedatives. They will help cope with the disease and improve the patient's condition. A full rest, complete absence of stressful and conflict situations will be appointed. It is recommended, if there is such an opportunity, a radical change in activity: from physical labor to mental work and vice versa.

2 Injuries and bruises

Severity in the head can cause mechanical trauma, leading to irritation of pain receptors( both arteries and nerve endings).

There are light, minor bruises. But in most cases, unpleasant sensations in the head are obtained due to "whiplash injuries," that is, those that can be obtained in moving vehicles. The sudden jerk during the movement can injure the muscle and lead to the formation of not only the extension of the joints, but also the dislocation of the spine in the cervical region.


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Another possible cause is barotrauma caused by diving or a strong external cough.

3 Other Possible Causes of

Among other possible causes of heaviness in the head are:

  1. Incorrect bite. Symptoms can appear for a long time and have the property to intensify at night.
  2. Development in the respiratory, hearing and vision organs, various infectious diseases.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases. Accompanying in addition to the severity of the head also changes in blood pressure, constant weakness, dyspnea.
  4. Diseases in the motor apparatus.
  5. Long-term stay at the computer. Sedentary lifestyle, improper diet, alcohol, smoking. All this leads to the fact that the vessels are not able to cope with their duties and causes difficulty in the outflow of blood, as a result of which it accumulates in the skull and provokes a feeling of heaviness. Treatment requires great willpower, as it will have to change cardinally your habits. But with the constant appearance of unpleasant sensations in the head of these actions will be small, since regular symptomatology indicates a running process that needs to be treated with medications.
  6. Stroke is another reason that can cause heaviness in the head and dizziness, as there is complete or partial damage to the brain.
  7. Poisoning caused by medications or narcotics, capable of causing vestibular nerve damage.
  8. The formation of cholestas is a tumor that affects the destruction of tympanic membranes, which causes dizziness.
  9. With hormonal disorders, the presence of gravity in the head is one of the symptoms accompanying hormonal changes in the body. Endocrinologist and gynecologist will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  10. Causes severe in the head insufficient intake of oxygen, increased or severely low blood pressure, allergic reactions.
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As can be seen from the above, the number of reasons that can cause unpleasant weight in the head, there is a huge amount. To establish the real cause of the disease, you need to contact a specialist.

4 Diagnosis and treatment of

There are many diseases with this symptomatology. To determine the cause, the patient will have to undergo a series of tests that will help diagnose a disease that causes unpleasant sensations in the skull. These include various tests, MRI, X-ray, audiometry. The nature of the appointed examinations is of an individual nature, since it depends on the patient's complaints, symptoms and the duration of the problem.

After the diagnosis is established, it is necessary to start treatment immediately.

To ease the condition, use anti-inflammatory drugs, use various orthopedic methods and blockades. A good effect can be achieved from special therapeutic physical training, which is aimed at strengthening the muscular corset and the development of vertebral discs. The procedure for stretching the spine can reduce the load and reduce the severity of the occipital and frontal region.

The manual method of treatment of gravity in a head, and also application of physiotherapeutic procedures has not badly recommended itself.

In addition, you need to adjust the diet and exclude from the diet acidic, sharp, salty foods, as well as caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

In advanced cases, you will have to resort to surgery. The main indication for the operation is acute spinal cord engorgement. If you ignore the symptoms you can get serious health problems.

The feeling of heaviness in the head is a symptom that can not be ignored, as it can indicate various diseases. This can be either simple overwork or a reaction to an incorrect lifestyle, as well as more serious illnesses that require prolonged treatment.

Timely recourse to a specialist will help to establish the cause of an unpleasant sensation of heaviness in the head and begin to eliminate it.

Stay healthy!

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