Why does it often turn a head at normal pressure?

1 Causes of dizziness

Externally healthy person can complain of dizziness for various reasons, despite the fact that at this moment his blood pressure is normal and there are no chronic diseases. The most common causes of dizziness include:

  • stress;
  • rapid movement;
  • focus failure;
  • state of hunger.

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Every person in life has ever experienced stressful conditions. At this moment, an adrenaline ejection takes place in the body, which provokes the compression of the vessels, while preventing normal saturation with oxygen. The brain begins to suffer from oxygen deficiency. Many people are familiar with the situation, when fast movement on the carousel surrounding objects begin to flash before your eyes. At this point, the body responsible for the balance, is not able to quickly process and accept incoming nerve impulses, which eventually leads to disruptions in the perception of surrounding objects and causes dizziness.

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Failure of focus can occur in a situation where a person, at a high altitude, looks at distant objects, and then quickly looks at nearby ones. At such times, the tone of the eye muscles is disturbed and the head may begin to spin. To such things when climbing high points it is worth treating very carefully, especially it concerns the high mountains, where it is difficult to maintain balance and to find a point of support.

Dizziness may occur due to a lack of glucose in the brain due to frequent snacking and improper chaotic feeding. Frequent fasting, which can not be tolerated especially by adolescents, can also lead to such discomfort, although the pressure remains normal.

2 Other causes of

In some cases, the head is spinning with sharp turns and inclinations of the head. This is not a sign of any disease. More often such phenomenon is observed at teenagers because of intensive growth of vessels of a brain. In some people, this condition can be observed when they get up or lie down. This may indicate a benign positional failure, in which part of the receptors in the vestibular apparatus perishes. The processes in the vestibular apparatus, in the cerebellum, in the nerve centers of the brain can cause disturbances in the balance. In case of violations from the vestibular system, the person may have in addition to vertigo such symptoms:

  • noises in the ears;
  • tachycardia;
  • gag reflex;
  • severe sweating.

Symptoms are manifested by acute attacks.

One of the reasons may be a side effect when using some medications. These include tranquilizers, antiallergic and antiseptic drugs.

Sometimes the reason why your head may be dizzy is the addictive habits of a person, which includes abuse of alcohol, excessive smoking and drug use. When nicotine enters the circulatory system, the process of expanding the walls of the cerebral vessels begins, which causes dizziness. When the body is poisoned with ethyl alcohol with a hangover syndrome, the cerebral vessels swell, block small capillaries, and as a result, the pressure begins to increase. As a rule, at such times the head starts to ache, it makes you sick, the person is in a state of depression. These symptoms are added to the feeling of insecurity in their situation.

An overdose of drug use, a period of withdrawal, can also cause a condition when the head is spinning. Causes of dizziness, when the pressure is normal, can be:

  • disorders in the vessels of the brain;
  • head injury;
  • epileptic stroke;
  • frequent migraines;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • high level of intoxication.

3 Female dizziness

Very susceptible to frequent dizziness of a woman, because their physiological characteristics are more likely than men to depend on the hormonal background. A change in the hormonal balance can cause a condition when the head is spinning before or during the menstrual cycle. This condition can be caused by anemia, which develops with severe blood loss during menstruation and a decrease in this indicator of hemoglobin. During this period, the female brain suffers from oxygen deficiency, which causes not only dizziness, but also depressive moods.


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During the climax, dizziness occurs due to pressure changes, which can be accompanied by general weakness, chills and nausea. In the process of reorganization of the body in early pregnancy may be dizzy. Blame all toxicosis. Some women believe that dizziness is the first sign of pregnancy. In late terms, this phenomenon can be felt by the increase in the uterus, which presses on the venous vessels, minimizing the cardiac circulation and the cerebral blood flow. Cautioning a woman in a position should often dizzy. In this case, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

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If hormone preparation Utrozestan is prescribed for treatment, which contains progesterone, as a side effect, a woman may have dizziness. In this case, doctors replace him with Dufaston. Sometimes during pregnancy at 39 weeks, the head may be dizzy from oxygen starvation. After childbirth, this phenomenon can also accompany a nursing mother because of increased physical and psychological activity in connection with new responsibilities. Sometimes postpartum vertigo may be a sign of serious abnormalities in the body. It can appear as a result of postpartum hemorrhage, which requires urgent therapy. A breastfeeding mother may encounter such a phenomenon because of a lack of vitamins, which she loses when she feeds the baby. Fatigue, back pain, pressure drop too are capable to provoke a condition at which the head is turned.

4 Age-related dizziness

In old age, dizziness can signal changes in the vestibular system, the state of blood vessels, nerves, in the stem apparatus and subcortical brain nuclei. In addition to them, weakness in the extremities can be observed. Additional symptoms are loss of orientation and coordination, clouding of the eyes. In elderly people, this condition can be observed as a result of disruption in the work of the visual organs. Mental conditions, all kinds of depressive phenomena and phobias can also cause dizziness.

In Parkinson's disease this is also a common symptom. If the head is spinning often, do not ignore in this case, go to the doctor to prevent the development of a stroke or other pathology.

5 Methods of treatment

With regular dizziness, you should consult a doctor, if necessary, get a diagnosis of your condition. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe the treatment.

You can help yourself with sudden dizziness and without medical help. First you should calm down and find a point of support. To do this, you should try to sit down or, if possible, lie down. Indoors, open windows to improve access to fresh air. You can apply a cold compress to the forehead. A warm foot bath helps in this condition. You can drink herbal tea with soothing herbs for greater efficiency.

As prevention, you must try to develop the necessary habit to walk outdoors before going to bed, and, if possible, during the day. Full rest and proper nutrition, including a sufficient amount of vitaminized products, significantly improve health.

Excessive smoking or drinking is of great importance in the occurrence of dizziness. It is necessary to completely abandon these bad habits.

In order not to feel dizzy, you need to take care of your psycho-emotional state: avoid stressful situations, surround yourself more with positive emotions, pleasant people, events. Favorite books, movies, quiet music will help add more positive to life and forget about dizziness.

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