Dolihosigma in children - symptoms and treatment of the intestines in a child, diet, nutrition menu, what to eat, how to treat?

Physicians tend to believe that dolichosigma in children is an innate pathology. It occurs quite often, every fourth newborn, but over time, as the child grows up, the proportions of the large intestine change, and the elongation of the sigmoid region in many does not manifest itself. Therefore, only an experienced doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Parents need to know how the intestine dolichosigma is developing in the child, what signs should be alerted and forced to seek qualified help, what treatment to take if the worst fears are confirmed. About this and we will tell in this article.

Usually dolichosigma in older children and adults appears the same. The patient begins a long constipation, the feces become very dense, and they in their form resemble a cone of spruce. Emptying of the intestine occurs only after the application of laxatives or enemas, feces with a defecation has a fetid odor. Another characteristic symptom of dolichosigma in children and adults is the pain that appears on the left side of the navel. Such manifestations intensify after a dense dinner or dinner, and also after a strong physical exertion. Symptoms of dolichosigma in children under one year of age?

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Constant constipation is the only sign of pathology. But the concept of norm and stool retardation is treated differently here. From the birth of the baby the amount of stool can be different. The norm is that if a baby feeds once a day, the norm is that the child can go to the toilet 12 times a day. You should not worry if the feces have a non-coherent consistency, a yellowish-brown color, an acidic odor.

After the first feeding( in 4-5 months), the feces in children begin to resemble putty for tile, the color turns brown, sometimes there are dark patches. Normally, the stool frequency ranges from 4 to 10 acts of bowel movement per day, but today the doctors consider it normal when the babe coughs every two days or three. If the stool with such a rare emptying has a mushy consistency, if it does not have a putrefactive smell, you should not worry( treatment is not performed).With rare acts of defecation, it is worthwhile to closely monitor the baby's condition, when it is active, when there are no manifestations of anxiety, the tummy of the baby is soft, so its digestive system works as it should.

Constipation in children - no defecation during the day. The child croaks with difficulty, he experiences severe pain, so he is afraid to sit down on the pot. Parents should constantly monitor the condition and the amount of feces. If its fragments are large, if they become much smaller than usual, if the stool has a thick and dense consistency, a putrid smell, it is worth immediately contacting the pediatrician and starting treatment. Only a doctor will be able to distinguish between functional constipation and constipation, which arose because of the presence of intestinal dolichosigma in a child. This diagnosis can only be made in the second or third year of life. Constipation by this time is chronic, prolonged and very painful.

Dolhosigma is diagnosed in children with the help of irrigoscopy and X-ray. Pictures show a significant increase in the sigmoid region of the large intestine, sometimes the child displays a dolichosigma with a large number of kinks and loops.

In terms of the severity of symptoms, three stages of intestinal dolhohsigma are isolated in children, treatment is selected with their consideration:

  • The first stage - compensated - is eliminated with a properly selected diet. Knowing that you need to eat with dolichosigme to children, you can easily correct the diet and achieve the elimination of characteristic piercing. The menu usually includes steamed dishes, the emphasis is on vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil, plenty of fruit. It is useful to include in the daily menu with dolichosigma in children compotes of prunes, oat jellies, the diet is made in such a way that the child had a full meal with an emphasis on healthy food. Determining what you need to eat and what not, it is worth completely forgetting about canned food, fried foods, flour products, sweets and fast food.
  • The second stage - subcompensated - is characterized by chronic constipation, which can not be eliminated with the help of proper nutrition and laxatives. Stagnation of fecal masses leads to the development of intoxication processes, so the child may experience nausea, dry mouth, pale skin, constant headache, increased subfebrile temperature. When subcompensated dolichosigma is diagnosed, treatment in children is symptomatic. Constipation is eliminated with cleansing enemas, proper nutrition with dolichosigma in children and a curative menu can greatly alleviate the condition of the patient. Those who want to learn more about what to eat with pathology of the second stage, it is worth studying the diet menu "Table number 10".
  • The third stage of dolichosigma in children - decompensated - is the most complex and dangerous. Constipation becomes permanent, they provoke a strong intoxication of the body. In a sick child, there is almost always no appetite, he is always capricious, he has pronounced weakness, anemia, constant nausea and vomiting. You can cleanse the intestines only with siphon enemas. The most neglected stages form the intestinal obstruction. It is at this stage that surgical treatment is indicated. But with proper care and constant attention of parents, you can achieve a significant improvement in the state.

In most cases with the development of the child's body, the symptoms of the first two stages are compensated. Therefore, knowing how to treat dolichosigma in children, it is easy to do without an operation. It is more important to decide what you need to eat.

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