Massage and exercises with dolichosigma - gymnastics, exercise therapy, exercise on the stomach, can I exercise?

When a patient is diagnosed with dolichosigma, massage and exercise become an obligatory component of complex treatment. For their implementation, you do not need to search for specialists, exercises and massage can be done at home yourself, having mastered some simple techniques. The article will help you to understand what you need to pay attention to and what means to use in treatment.

With this pathology, the patient has chronic constipation, it is they that cause the first malaise in the early stages and trigger irreversible effects on the latter. Therefore, both massage and exercises with dolichosigma are directed to the elimination of this concomitant complication. Properly performed massage stimulates peristalsis and helps to promote fecal masses through the intestines. But you can not massage your stomach very much. Rigid palpation of the internal organs located in the peritoneum, can provoke pain, nausea and even vomiting, so it is necessary to act extremely cautiously.

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Massage technique for dolichosigme

Massage with dolichosigma is performed using the following techniques:

  • First, put the palm on the abdomen, then it should be circled around the navel in a circular motion, not strongly pressing on the massaged area. With a sigh, the pressure of the arms movement decreases, with a sigh intensified. Massage is done exclusively clockwise, in this direction is located the large intestine. The described exercise is performed in a prone position for ten minutes.
  • Then the peritoneal massage is performed diagonally. In the movements involved only the pads of the fingers of the right hand. They are applied under the ribs on the left side, then slightly pressing, lowered to the side of the pubis. When the hands are under the ribs, you need to sigh, and exhale, when the hands go down to the pubis. Exercise in the same position for five six minutes.
  • The third type of massage with dolichosigma is performed in a standing position. The legs are extended to the width of the shoulders, the body, while slightly leaning forward. The palms are compressed into fists, they rest against the side parts of the peritoneum, so that the fists are on both sides of the navel. In this position, we twist our fists along our axis, squeezing them slightly with the navel. Exercise is carried out within ten minutes.
  • Performing such actions daily, it is easy to eliminate the described problem, but it is important to understand that any massage with chronic constipation is ineffective.

When the patient leads a sedentary lifestyle, the manifestations of dolichosigma intensify, but not everyone knows whether it is possible to play sports if the described diagnosis is diagnosed. High physical loads with dolichosigma are contraindicated, but regular gymnastics, as well as special exercises with dolichosigma are very useful. Patients can go in for sports, swim, ride a bicycle, make long walks, but special physical exercises are also very useful. They help to improve the work of the intestines, favorably affect the overall condition of the patient as a whole.

Gymnastics and exercise therapy with dolichosigma

So, patients can be advised to start the morning with an easy gymnastics, which includes the following exercises LFK( get out of bed is not necessary):

  • We go down to the edge of the bed and stretch our heads upwards. Alternately lifts first the right leg, lowering the left, helping the body to meet with each other. Then the exercise is repeated with opposite arms and legs. Each movement is performed 10 times. Such gymnastics with dolichosigme helps to get rid of constipation and back pain.
  • Hands clasp the head of the bed, legs are stretched, closed together, turns stop to the right and to the left.
  • In the same initial position, the right foot is placed on the left foot, we lower the foot down, and we try to get the bed bed. Then we change the leg, each exercise is performed ten times.
  • Hands again behind the head, legs bent to the knees and raised at an angle of 90 degrees. Make knee turns first to the right side, then to the left side.
  • For the next exercise, you must sit on the bed and lower your legs, placing them at a distance of the shoulders. Hands in the sides, with the right elbow in this position we reach the left knee, then with the left elbow we reach the right one. This gymnastics is useful both for constipation and for osteochondrosis. It removes pain well between two scapulae.

During the day a patient with a dolichosigma is allowed a moderate physical load, you can go in for sports, but not professionally. It is useful to squat constantly throughout the day, this physical exercise with dolichosigma stimulates the urge to empty. The methods described above help massage the intestines and effectively combat the most important symptom of dolichosigma - prolonged constipation. Use exercise therapy and play sports is useful and for preventive purposes. It is noticed that a daily fifteen-minute training, coupled with a massage with dolichosigma, leads to very good results: muscles are gradually tightened, digestion is normal, problems with the table are resolved much more quickly.

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