Dolihosigma and discomfort in pregnancy

Are dolichosigma and pregnancy compatible? Elongation of the sigmoid region of the large intestine is a pathology with which a person has to live for the rest of his life. If the disease is detected in time, it is possible to prevent undesirable progress with a proper diet and achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition. When dolichosigma is detected in pregnant women, women are advised to follow their diet more closely and try to effectively combat the most important consequence of the described ailment - with chronic constipation. It is they who pose the greatest threat to the future mother and fetus. And that's why.

Pregnancy itself can provoke the formation of long constipation, with its onset changes the hormonal background. In the first trimester progesterone is actively produced, it relaxes the muscles of the uterus, preventing miscarriage of the fetus. But along with the uterus, the muscles of all organs in the pelvis, the muscles of the large intestine, are also relaxed. Decreased motility leads to a slowdown in the progress of feces. That is why the ligament of dolichosigma and pregnancy aggravates the general condition in women.

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In late terms, progesterone production is markedly reduced, but this circumstance does not bring relief. The fact is that the big uterus begins to squeeze the intestines, so stagnant phenomena in pregnant women are formed with even greater force. The contraction increases when the woman assumes sitting position. In the last trimester, the development of motilin - a hormone, which "controls" the intestinal motility, is reduced, which is why dolichosigma during pregnancy gives rise to severe discomfort. When a woman is diagnosed with dolichosigma, pregnancy can provoke a complete stop of the intestine.

How can dolichosigma for pregnant women be dangerous?

But, nevertheless, during pregnancy the diagnosis of dolichosigma is not a verdict. Of course, prolonged constipation is a very dangerous phenomenon. And here's why:

  • First, the stool masses, stagnating, begin to decompose and rot inside the intestine, releasing toxins and toxins. Intoxication of the organism of the future mother and fetus is the most unfavorable scenario that can occur.
  • Secondly, in addition to intoxication, dolichosigma can become a source of colitis - inflammation of the large intestine.
  • Thirdly, dolichosigma during pregnancy often becomes not only a source of severe discomfort, the disease provokes the formation of hemorrhoids, anal fissures.
  • Fourth, prolonged constipation leads to the activation of painful microflora, bacteria easily "move" through the intestines, becoming the culprits for the development of purulent-inflammatory processes.

When dolichosigma is detected, the expectant mother is advised to strictly adhere to a special diet, she will help to overcome discomfort and inform the child before the desired time. The main thing is to learn by yourself, to eliminate fecal stagnation. There are several safe folk remedies and medications that can help to effectively solve the described problem. Useful for the intestines, for example, in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of water at room temperature, or eat two tablespoons of bran. Today dolichosigma and pregnancy is not a sentence, observing all the rules of proper nutrition, you can safely bear fruit. You can not take laxative preparations alone, only a gynecologist can advise you to drink these or other medications.

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