Hyperkeratosis( thickening of the skin): treatment, causes, signs, remedies

Normally, the epidermal layer of the skin is constantly updated: young cells are located in a deeper layer, and the aged are on the surface. In the future, old cells slough off and leave their replacement on the surface. But it also happens otherwise.so today we'll talk about the causes and signs of skin hyperkeratosis, consider ointments and other remedies against it, give you useful advice on treatment.

What is a thickening of the skin

When exposed to some environmental factors( external or internal), young cells do not lose speed and fission frequency, and old cells slough much slower than under normal conditions. In this case, talk about thickening of the skin, which in medical practice was called hyperkeratosis.

Skin thickening can be of different depths: from 5-6 mm to 4 cm. Self-elimination of the symptom does not occur, so the unpleasant pathology should be eliminated promptly by treatment. Usually thickening of the skin indicates a violation of metabolic processes in the body and the emergence of other pathologies.

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What is hyperkeratosis of the skin, this video will tell:

Classification of hyperkeratoses


Keratoses differ in forms:

  • Follicular .Thickening of the skin in this form is considered as a separate disease or as a sign pointing to other pathologies in dermatology. When the dead cell structures are sloughing, dry scales are formed, causing obstruction of the follicular ducts. The disease is more often manifested in people with a hereditary predisposition to pathology. Provoking factors also are hypovitaminosis A and C, neglect of body care. In absolutely healthy people, the reaction to cold and other physical factors of the environment can be follicular hyperkeratosis. At the termination of influence of provoking factors the thickening of a skin at the healthy person disappears.
  • The lenticular form of is more typical for mature or elderly men. In rare cases, patients with lenticular hyperkeratosis are young men and young adults. This pathogenesis is at the stage of study. Pathology is chronic. The case of spontaneous convalescence after this form of thickening of the skin was not recorded. Strengthening of the clinical picture follows after a long exposure to sunlight on the skin. In the lesions are detected papules, after removal of which the skin remains concave with hemorrhagic bleeding. The painful sensations from the appearance of papules usually do not have to wait. Papules have different shades of color for the skin of each organism. The main palette varies from red-brown to yellow and orange shades. In the places where the papules appear, itching may occur. Papules do not combine into large foci; when a single papule appears, it remains single for a long time. Favorite places for the appearance of papules - arms, legs, trunk, ears, less often - the surface of the skin of the face and mucous lips.
  • Disseminated hyperkeratosis .Characterized by the appearance of formations on the skin, in a form resembling a hair, but differing from it visually smaller in length and greater in thickness. Thisogenesis of disseminated hyperkeratosis is not fully understood. Frequent places of detection of affected skin formations are limbs. In the foci of education do not merge, being isolated for a long time from each other. Due to the great similarity with warts and papillomas, as well as with signs of ichthyosis, pathological tissue is sent to differentiate the diagnosis for histological examination.
  • plantar hyperkeratosis should be classified as an independent manifestation of cosmetic defects, indicating a violation of metabolic reactions in the body.

Hyperkeratosis of the facial skin( photo)


There are also a number of varieties of hyperkeratosis, which are quite common:

  • skin of feet and toes, affected by a fungal parasite and having symptoms of skin roughening. In medical practice, it was called keratomycosis;
  • cutaneous horn, which is a precancerous skin condition. Education has a high build-up with a pointed end. Subject to immediate removal with a subsequent cosmetic defect. To facilitate removal of the dermal horn, its surface is softened with aqueous solutions of chemical substances;
  • of keratoma is a malignant skin formation that belongs to a wide group of dyskeratoses;
  • keratoma climacteric is typical for women during the period of age termination of menstruation against the background of obesity of varying degrees;
  • thickening of the nail roller as a result of fungal attack;
  • hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles under the influence of microscopic fungi;
  • skin mineralization occurs under the influence of pressing footwear, clothing. Sometimes the reason lies in skin lesions in diabetes mellitus. Species of homozygence number from almost a dozen: hard and soft corn, corn with rods, podnogtevaya, etc.

Self-detection of the symptom

Thickening of the skin should be distinguished by the size of the formed cornified layer. If the thickening is less than 1 cm and does not cause problems to the patient, a visit to the doctor can be postponed. With significant hyperkeratosis or the appearance of additional skin problems, it is advisable not to postpone the doctor's consultation in time to prevent a chronic pathology process.

  • Acute hyperkeratosis can be cured by a cosmetologist who will select the necessary cosmetic hypoallergenic skin care products.
  • Hyperkeratosis on the scalp is supplemented by signs of hair loss, the presence of dandruff. Skin becomes dry, hair breaks due to trophic deficiency. Air access to hair follicles is limited by the presence of yellowish scales. Symptoms are supplemented by mild itching. Patients tend to use aggressive hair care products, which aggravates the course of hyperkeratosis. Both a "hyperope" on the hair, and a disdainful attitude to care can be the causes of skin pathology. If the hair and scalp are dry, it is advisable to rub vegetable oils daily in the skin, the electrofene should be postponed until better times. Hyperkeratosis in the form of large scales is often found on the scalp of babies. Save the baby from an unpleasant phenomenon can be lubricated with vegetable hypoallergenic oils or baby cream.
  • With follicular hyperkeratosis , numerous pimples, red convex tubercles appear around the follicles. The most common signs of the disease in the driest parts of the skin: the external surface of the hips, the outer part of the elbows and knees, the surface of the buttocks. The effect for a long time of the triggering factors of the environment on the affected area of ​​the skin contributes to an increase in the area of ​​the affected skin."Goosebumps" may eventually turn into a "toad" if the affected areas are also subjected to wearing tight shoes and clothes. When squeezing acne, secondary infection with infectious agents occurs, which progresses the course of hyperkeratosis. Threats to life and health follicular hyperkeratosis does not represent, but neglected forms cause psychological complexes, which worsens the social adaptation of a person.
  • With disseminated and lenticular hyperkeratosis , lesions on the follicles reach a size of 0.5 cm and appear reddish or orange. Unlike follicular hyperkeratosis, lesions are prone to be located on the hips and lower legs, the auricles and the feet.
  • Thickness on the skin of the face of can be felt on the face. They are dry, more dense than the rest. Over time, affected areas lose shape, sag and cause asymmetry of the face. Since the person in this process looks old, the person makes a conclusion about premature aging.
  • Thickening of the skin in the foot of the feet usually exists as a cosmetic effect of a natural nature. With a significant thickening, the skin coarsens, crackles, bleeding wounds, which are the gates of infection, can appear. During motor reactions, the risk of cracking increases. In young people under 25, such reactions are not detected, the probability of detection of hyperkeratosis occurs in adulthood, when the skin becomes dry. When cracks appear, pain and burning sensation occur in the cracks.

What skin diseases are spoken about, and how to treat skin hyperkeratosis in adults and children, this video will be described:

Possible pathologies

Hyperkeratosis as a symptom appears in the following diseases:

  • various kinds of lichen;
  • onychomycosis;
  • Verrux leukoplakia, n of cervical leukoplakia;
  • different types of erythroderma, including T-cell lymphoma;
  • hereditarily dry skin condition - ichthyosis;
  • idiopathic, tylotic eczema;
  • Norwegian scabies;
  • non-infectious form of dermatosis - psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis, a chronic form of radiation dermatitis.

For treatment of follicular and other types of skin hyperkeratosis, both traditional and folk remedies, read below.

Hyperkeratosis of the scalp( photo)

Treatment of the symptom

If hyperkeratosis is not a sign of a serious dermatological disease, then it is possible to eliminate or reduce the effect of the symptom cosmetologically and medically.

  • Cosmetic measures are aimed at softening the coarse layer.
  • In the application of medical products stand the main direction: the treatment scheme will depend on the cause that caused the pathology.
  • Consultations of an endocrinologist, therapist and other doctors are not excluded.

For ointments, ointments containing fructose( lactic) acids are more suitable. With lenticular and disseminating hyperkeratosis, ointments with glucocorticoids and retinoids with a pleasant odor are possible.

The treatment of hyperkeratosis stop will tell this video:

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