Colon polyps - ascending, transverse, descending, polyposis treatment, ICD code 10

Only with routine diagnostic examination, colon polyps can be detected. For the time being, they do not manifest themselves in any way, and when the first characteristic signs appear, there is a danger of their degeneration into cancer. Therefore, it is so important to know what the clinical picture of the disease is, how such pathological processes can be diagnosed.

In the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-10), colon polyp belongs to grade 11, the disease is listed in section K55-K63 Other bowel diseases. The same section of the ICD 10 describes its characteristic occurrences.

Morphological anatomy of colon polyps

Today, until the cause of formation of benign neoplasms in the large intestine has not yet been studied, but there is a high probability of their occurrence when the patient has an ancestral predisposition or long-term chronic bowel diseases, such as colitis, duodenitis, diverticulosis, inflammation of the mucosa. They all have approximately the same symptoms, the patient complains of discomfort, rumblings, constipation or diarrhea. But there are also very characteristic signs that indicate the presence of the described pathology. In order to be able to distinguish between them, you need to know the structure of the large intestine.

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The colon is part of the large intestine, similar to the upper section of a large loop. The area that adjoins directly to the small intestine is called the blind, then comes the ascending colon, followed by the transverse, then descending, sigmoid and direct. It ends with an anus. Look at the picture, all the listed departments are clearly visible on it.

When there is severe pain in the right side, it may indicate that a very large polyp of the ascending gut has grown. By its nature, the pain can be different: both aching, and obtuse, and cramping. She points out that the stools, on passing through their path, encountered an insurmountable obstacle in the form of a neoplasm.

Accordingly, if the pain appears in the left side, it makes sense to suspect the presence of the polyp of the descending bowel. Pain occurs for the same reason: growing, benign neoplasm partially closes the lumen of the hollow organ, forming an obstacle for the passage of fecal masses. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, when approaching the descending part, the stool masses lose a significant amount of liquid( it is all absorbed by the walls by this time), so the "production waste" finally hardens, congestion is formed, the patient complains of constipation. And this is another important symptom. If constipation becomes a constant companion of life, it makes sense to see a doctor.

What symptoms can form a polyp of the colon? If there is a neoplasm in this area, the patient does not experience pain, but he is uncomfortable with discomfort. It is associated with a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen. It is accompanied by eructations. If these signs add to loss of appetite and vomiting, you can suspect the polyp of the transverse colon, located in the right part of it. With left-sided localization, the patient is alternating diarrhea and constipation, bloating and severe rumbling.

We go down further, the polyps of the sigmoid colon provokes the appearance of mucus and blood in the stool during defecation. Symptoms that are characteristic of any other pathology of the digestive tract may be added to the listed symptoms. These are:

  1. General malaise.
  2. Increased fatigue.
  3. Unexplained weakness.
  4. Sharp weight loss.
  5. Appearance of anemia.
  6. Pale skin.
  7. Temperature rise.

Toxico-anemic syndrome is characteristic if the polyps of the ascending colon are diagnosed.

Features of diagnostics of colon polyps

It is impossible to suspect a disease due to the presence of the above symptoms, and all because almost any other disease of the gastrointestinal tract can boast the same signs. Therefore, to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination with the introduction of a contrast agent. Benign polyp of the ascending or descending colon is manifested thanks to this technology rather brightly. X-ray shows:

  • Rounded antireflection, having precise even contours.
  • When carrying out a double contrast, the polyps of the colon appear as rings or semimers located on the inner contour of the hollow organ.
  • Those polyps of the colon, which grow in size more than one centimeter, are visible on the x-ray in the form of low-contrast shadows.
  • Mucosal manifestations on X-ray are visible as barium depot. Knowing how long this indicator can have, it is not difficult to determine where the build-up is located, in what part of the organ it is located, how many neoplasms are present.

If there are many tumors( there may be dozens of them), then a polyposis of the colon is diagnosed. To confirm its availability, other variants of the study, endoscopy, for example, help. It involves the introduction into the lumen of the hollow body of a flexible hose, at the end of which there is a chamber. She fixes the picture of the polyposis and displays it on the monitor, so the surgeon assesses the situation in real time and sees what dimensions the described pathology managed to acquire.

Knowledge of exactly where the growth in the colon is located helps to choose the right treatment, the number of formations( polyposis) influences the choice of the method of operative intervention.

Who determines the treatment strategy? As a rule, if signs of the disease are found, it is necessary to contact the surgeon-proctologist. In themselves, neoplasms are not dangerous, but there is a risk of their degeneration into malignant tumors, therefore treatment of polyps of the colon is reduced to their removal.

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