Pancreas hurts during pregnancy

As practice shows, a disease such as pancreatitis, which hurts the pancreas, often worsens during pregnancy, which can cause serious complications. How to deal with the most severe pain that brings this ailment?

Often, during pregnancy it hurts in that part of the abdomen, which is located above the navel. In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, the pain encircles the body, appearing in the sides and back. As a rule, it occurs immediately after a meal, and this attack lasts long enough.

What is important, some relief can be obtained if you give up for a while from food - in the absence of exposure and stress on the pancreas, the pain loses its intensity. In this case, it is best to settle with maximum comfort, most importantly, not on your back, periodically for short periods of time, applying either ice or a bottle with cold water to the area that hurts.

What to do if the pancreas hurts during pregnancy

If the pancreas is sick during pregnancy, then this is an alarming and dangerous symptom, which in no case should not be ignored. That is why, with the slightest signs of the appearance of such a dangerous disease, one should not waste time hurrying to the doctor, until the situation has gone too far and has not resulted in serious complications.

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This is usually due to overeating, as well as the violation of the prescribed diet. In this case, it is advisable to take medications, in particular antispasmodics, for example, nosps, which will relieve pain. However, this moment should be discussed with the attending physician and gynecologist, in order to choose safe during pregnancy, and at the same time relieve painful drugs. As for antibiotics, they really help if it hurts, but if there is a possibility, then it is better to refuse pregnancy, because it can harm the future baby. It will not be superfluous to use enzyme preparations that also reduce the burden on the pancreas.

And, of course, in addition to drug treatment, it is important to add a healthy lifestyle - more rest and sleep, and drink enough fluid, then the pain in the gland will recede, and the disease will cease to cause such serious discomfort.

Needless to say, the pancreas often becomes inflamed during pregnancy, which brings a lot of suffering and inconvenience. Therefore, it is so important not to waste time hurrying to a doctor who will perform a full diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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