Signs of vegetative dystonia in adults and ways to treat the disease

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1 Causes of the disease

Development of vegetative dystonia is often provoked:

  • problems during pregnancy;
  • heavy delivery;
  • with dysplasia affecting connective tissue;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • by pathologies of a physical nature;
  • disorders of the hormonal background;
  • diseases affecting the central nervous system;
  • is a genetic predisposition.

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In many cases, the onset of the disease occurs in a situation of psychogenic situations that provoke disadaptation of the nervous system and the gradual formation of vegetative disorders. Such violations can be the result of conflicts in an educational institution or in relations with relatives, increased parental care, extreme anxiety and other unfavorable circumstances.

Consequences of violations in the autonomic nervous system is an inadequate response to stress, various childhood disorders of a psychological and neurotic nature, a state of emotional imbalance. Against this background, there is a formation of vegetative dysfunctions.

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The most common reasons for forming the VSD are:

  • frequent emotional overstrain and stress;
  • excessive physical exertion and irregular sleep;
  • infections and reduced body defenses;
  • poor nutrition;
  • is a sedentary lifestyle;
  • presence of excess weight;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems;
  • protracted depression;
  • hormonal failures;
  • intoxication, allergies;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

2 Symptoms of pathology

Vegeto-vascular dystonia in adults provokes very blurred symptoms, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of the disease. The variety of complaints of a patient is due to the degree of neglect of the illness, as well as gender, age and social living conditions. As a result of the study of many cases of the disease of the VSD, the symptoms that occur most often were identified.

Often they are represented:

  • fast fatigue;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • by rapid heart rate;
  • tenderness in the heart;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive tract, manifested by nausea, vomiting reflexes, flatulence, belching, constipation and heartburn;
  • increased sweating;
  • by sharp temperature increases without any provoking factors;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • with a desperate shortage of air;
  • meteosensitivity( acute reaction to changes in weather conditions).

The above list of features of this insidious disease is not exhaustive. Vegetosovascular dystonia often causes symptoms from the genitourinary and vestibular systems. So, many patients face frequent dizziness and pre-memory states, frequent urination, pain and itching in the genital area.


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A person has an unreasonable sense of anxiety and restlessness.

There is a decrease in working capacity, development of phobias, tearfulness and regular emotional stress.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia is often recognized by external manifestations, manifesting the appearance of a pale or cyanotic hue and nerve redness on the skin of the face, neck or chest.

3 How is the diagnosis of

The difficulty in establishing the correct diagnosis in the case of vegetovascular dystonia is due to the lack of equipment or tests that could facilitate the diagnostic process. Determination of the disease and appropriate treatment are conducted only on the basis of the analysis of disturbing symptoms. The main stage of diagnosis of the VSD is the elimination of somatic, neurological, endocrine diseases and the identification of factors that provoked the formation of a pathological condition.

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Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using electrocardiography, daily registration of an electrocardiogram, rheovasography. Gastroscopy and endoscopy are used to examine the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Changes in the activity of the CNS are studied using electroencephalography, which involves the recording of bioelectric brain impulses, and computed tomography, which allows recording and monitoring even minor changes in the absorptivity of the rays, making such pictures more informative than x-ray images.

The majority of specialists are inclined to the fact that vegetative vascular dystonia is a consequence of imbalance between the autonomic parts of the central nervous system, which is the reason for the symptomatology of the disease. In this case, for the correct and timely diagnosis is needed such qualities of the attending physician as experience, observation and ability to compare the patient's testimony with the survey data.

Only on the basis of the analysis of the anamnesis and the data of the above-stated researches the diagnosis is put and treatment of a vegeto-vascular dystonia is appointed or nominated.

4 Treatment actions

Is vegetogastric dystonia treated? This question haunts not only patients with this diagnosis, but also many researchers in the medical field, because the etiology of the VSD is still not fully understood.

When diagnosing a disease, many doctors are slow to treat vegeto-vascular dystonia with medications, preferring a technique aimed at changing the patient's lifestyle and eliminating abnormalities in CNS activity.

Patients with a diagnosis of VSD are recommended to observe a stable day regimen with mandatory full rest. In determining the full sleep and its necessary duration, of course, individual approach prevails, but experts advise to focus on the indicators in 8-9 hours. A full-scale sleep largely depends on the external conditions, consisting of fresh air in the room, frequent airing and conducting wet cleanings. The bed should be comfortable and selected in accordance with the features of growth and composition of the user.

It is recommended to pay attention to the combination of periods of work with breaks for rest. To get rid of disturbing symptoms, you can use even-numbered alternations of mental and physical work and significantly reduce the time spent in front of a computer monitor or TV screen.

Adequacy of physical activity is a kind of pledge of improvement of well-being. Patients suffering from vegetovascular dystonia are advised to give preference to swimming, aqua aerobics, dancing, skiing and biking. In this case, positive results are manifested in careful cardiac training and normalization of the psychoemotional state. But from the classes of those sports that are associated with sudden movements, high jumps or a prolonged stay in static tension, it is better to refuse.

Non-pharmacological treatment of the disease involves the following rules of a certain diet, aimed at increasing the consumption of foods high in potassium and magnesium, which favorably affect the nerve endings by accelerating the transfer of impulses. The result of saturation of the body with potassium and magnesium is the improvement of the activity of the organs of the cardiovascular system and the restoration of balance in the work of the central nervous system.

Important components of such a diet are buckwheat and oat porridge, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, greens, potatoes, carrots and eggplants.

Unresolved forms of vegetovascular dystonia are treated with physiotherapy methods that normalize the interaction between different parts of the nervous system. Regular conduct of such procedures has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation in tissues and organs and activates metabolic processes.

In this case, specialists use electrophoresis on the basis of medicinal solutions, the application of paraffin or ozocerite, and laser irradiation. Positive results were proved by water procedures, which are recommended for all patients without exception. It's about contrast baths, circular and fan shower, underwater massage and swimming.

There is no single established opinion on how to treat vegetovascular dystonia, so doctors prescribe to patients herbal preparations based on herbs, which have a sedative and hypotensive effect. This effect is typical of the tincture of valerian, peony and motherwort.

5 Additional information

In the frequent cases of the above technique is enough to get rid of troubling symptoms. If the patient's well-being is not improved, then the treatment is carried out with the medicines presented:

  • with magnesium and potassium preparations, which bring the vessels into a tone and normalize the conductivity of nerve impulses;
  • by nootropics, which improve circulation in the central nervous system and activate metabolic processes;
  • beta-adrenoblokatorami, lowering blood pressure, which in the conditions of the VSD has the property of often rising;
  • tranquilizers that have sedative effects;
  • antidepressants that regulate the functioning of the nervous system and cope with the symptoms of depression.

Regardless of the forms of manifestation of the disease and the prescribed treatment, it is important to remember that only the avoidance of stressful situations and frequent overstrain is the key to stable health.

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