How to remove hemorrhoids, how quickly to remove hemorrhoids at home with folk remedies without surgery?

To determine the presence of hemorrhoids, most people can independently, without referring to doctors. As a rule, people try to eliminate it, too.

There are main directions in the elimination of this disease:

  • Conservative treatment - removes hemorrhoids using various drugs.
  • Minimally invasive treatment - involves the removal of hemorrhoids using infrared radiation, is used in the very first stage.
  • The surgical direction includes the ability to remove clots from the node, restore the normal diameter of the vein.

How to remove hemorrhoids without surgery?

Quite often people have this question. You can remove hemorrhoids with the help of special preparations. Only, to begin with, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible contraindications specified in the instructions for use.

You can remove internal hemorrhoids with candles. Most of them have no side effects. An exception may be situations in which there is an allergy to individual components of the drug.

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The same frequent question is: "Has hemorrhoids come out, how to remove?".With the external form of this disease, you can use a special ointment. It is applied to the knots with a cotton pad.

How to remove hemorrhoids before delivery? This is also quite a frequent problem. Elimination of this disease in expectant mothers should be comprehensive. Here, it is necessary to clean the process of inflammation. Future mothers are prescribed safe for the child medications - rectal ointments and suppositories. They have a therapeutic effect on the focus of inflammation. Excellent clean pain and make hemorrhoidal nodes less such drugs:

  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Neo-Anusole;
  • Ointment of Vishnevsky;
  • Heparin Ointment;
  • Gepatrombin G.

Pregnant should not be prescribed drugs with unproven safety,they can lead to obstetric complications.

Venotonics for the removal of hemorrhoids

Venotonics do not allow the following complications to develop:

  • Blood clots.
  • Blockage of arteries.
  • Bleeding.

The duration of use of these medicines is prescribed by a physician. They should be drunk in combination with special therapeutic gymnastics. In the process of taking drugs, you should not drink alcohol, fatty or spicy food.

Venotoniki include plant components that help reduce the progressive development of the disease. These drugs strengthen the venous wall, preventing its further expansion.

There are products with venotonic action. These include: currant black, green tea, rose hips, apple rind, citrus fruits and buckwheat. You should know that the content of important substances needed for hemorrhoids in food is much less than in medicines, so drug therapy can not be dispensed with.

How to remove pain with hemorrhoids?

The pain with this disease affects badly the psychological state of people. There are special candles for removing this kind of pain. Such drugs are sold in any pharmacy.

Also remove the pain in this disease can be special ointments. Ointment contains anesthetics and anti-inflammatory ingredients, which reduces the inflammatory process.

You can use painkiller tablets of non-narcotic effects: Nyz, Ketanov, Pentalgin, they too will help to remove pain. It is important to remember that analgesics are not recommended for use for more than 3 days. They are addictive. It is important to eliminate the cause, rather than resort exclusively to symptomatic therapy.

All types of anesthetics are best supplemented using laxatives. This will allow you to work ahead of time, becauseconstipation strengthens the pain response.

How to remove bleeding of hemorrhoidal nodes

Usually, blood is released without pain and stops after defecation. But if you do not treat this condition, serious complications can begin. And with them there will be strong pains, pus and mucus in the feces, which will be accompanied by a rising temperature.

If there is no possibility to consult a doctor, blood can be stopped independently. First, you need to calm down and throw out all the fears from your head. Isolation of blood at the initial stage of hemorrhoids is not strong. It's very easy to stop it. For this it is necessary: ​​

  • Make a cold lotion on the anus. The cold narrows the blood vessels and therefore removes bleeding. For such a compress, you can wrap the ice in the cheesecloth and hold it on the affected area, or simply moisten the cloth with cold water and attach it to the same place. This process should not be long to prevent inflammation.
  • Isolation of blood with internal hemorrhoids stops well with ice candles. To make them in a small cone of paper pour vodichku or pre-prepared infusions of herbs and put in a freezer for freezing.
  • You can use one of the blood-stopping medications: Etamsylate, Dicinone, Vikasol. They are produced in the form of injections or tablets, but they must be used only in extreme cases. It is impossible to take these medicines alone for a long time without a doctor's prescription.
  • Use a hemostatic sponge. It consists of: boric acid and furacilin. It must be applied to the opening of the anus only for a couple of minutes. Impregnated with blood, the sponge squeezes the blood vessels and stops the discharge of blood. In addition, it disinfects. With such an internal form of hemorrhoids, the sponge can be inserted into the anus. To get it from there is not necessary, it has the property of resolving.

By such measures, sudden bleeding stops immediately. But with repeated episodes, it is necessary to diagnose the disease and purposeful medication.

How to remove hemorrhoids at home?

Removal of hemorrhoids at home includes the necessary medications, and a variety of means. Traditional medicine will help to remove hemorrhoids at home. Here, various infusions of herbs, prepared candles and baths are often used.

Several recipes for decoctions to eliminate hemorrhoids:

  • Brew 1 large spoonful of hotheaded pochechuyu with two glasses of hot water and let stand twelve hours. This portion should be used during the day, for three visits.
  • Two tablespoons of raspberry leaves, brewed with one glass of boiling water. Drink one large spoon, two 2 times a day. Beet juice drink fifty milliliters 4 times a day, at regular intervals.
  • One large spoonful of rose hips is poured in half liters of hot water, and let stand for ten hours.

External folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids

  • It is important to use warm baths with infusions from plants such as calendula, St. John's Wort. For this, you need to pour water or infusion of herbs into the basin and sit in it, spreading the buttocks, for five minutes. Gadgets also help to remove hemorrhoids. For this, a soft, layered fabric is soaked with infusion of herbs and applied to the affected area for fifteen minutes.
  • Removing hemorrhoids at home can be homemade candles. To do this, the tinctures of grass are frozen in special containers. They should look like a chemist's candle. This is the solution to the problem of how to remove hemorrhoids at home quickly if it bleeds and brings unbearable pain.
  • Some substances that are part of rectal suppositories and ointments will help how to remove hemorrhoids at home, and to stop its development.

In the presence of such a disease, it is important to be in a sitting position less and try not to lift heavy objects. The main solution to this delicate problem is to start taking measures early, and to remove the symptoms of the disease in time.

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