How to live with dolichosigma - are they taken into the army, are they given a disability?

Today every fourth child is born with a pathology in which the sigmoid part of the large intestine is markedly elongated. Normally, the size of the sigmoid colon is only 25-30 cm, when there are failures in the intrauterine development, its length can reach up to one meter. The described pathology in some cases can be not congenital, but acquired. Therefore, the question of how to live with dolichosigma, whether lengthening of the sigmoid colon can lead to disability, whether it is taken to the army with such a diagnosis, continues to be relevant for many.

Elongation of the sigmoid region of the large intestine leads to the formation of fecal blockages. Prolonged chronic constipation is what all those who have been diagnosed have to live with. Eliminate them with laxatives and cleansing enemas, but the patient must learn to live, resorting to them only in the most difficult cases.

To noticeably ease the condition and eliminate discomfort helps proper nutrition. A person with dolichosigma will be forced to live, following the rules of a therapeutic diet. He must abandon the products that can cause irritation of the intestine and strong flatulence. In order for self-defecation to become possible, you need to eat five to six times a day, in small portions, to include in your daily diet fresh fiber, drink a lot, lead an active lifestyle. Good help from constipation compotes, freshly squeezed juices, herbal decoctions and infusions.

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When dolichosigma provokes the appearance of painful symptoms, it is useful in the seasons of exacerbation to take the procedures of physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy. Knowing how to live with dolichosigma, you can try to lead a normal lifestyle.

Can dolichosigma lead to disability?

The answer to this question is unequivocal, it is difficult, and all because in each specific case the situation develops in different ways. Forecasts can be aggravated if dolichosigma is accompanied by other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are cases when the lengthening of the sigmoid colon is combined with colitis, with chronic superficial gastroduodenitis, with pancreatitis. Getting a disability is simply not possible. For this it is necessary to pass a special commission and collect a lot of documents. In Russia, "Rules for recognizing a patient with a disability" have been developed, according to them there are three categories of disability:

  • The first group of disability is awarded when there are abnormalities in the body that do not allow the patient to take care of themselves. The main condition - the need for extraneous care. Dolihosigma even in the most neglected stages can not lead to such states.
  • The second group is assigned when the functional changes are pronounced, the patient does not need outside care, but to perform the job it must create special conditions.
  • The third group of disability is assigned to those who suffer from disability due to functional changes in the body, resulting from illness or the presence of congenital anomalies. In this case, the patient loses his profession, but can work without lifting a lot of physical exertion. The third group allows you to insist on a shorter working day. Since dolichosigma does not cause irreversible functional changes and loss of ability to work, disability with this disease is not appropriated.

The decisive criterion for disability attribution in dolichosigma is the degree of hypertrophy of the musculature of the intestine and the degree of protein-caloric insufficiency. Only with persistent protein-calorie deficiency of the second degree is disability given.

Do they join the army with Dolhosigma?

Another very important issue that needs to be discussed in the framework of this article is whether the army is taken with a share of taxosigma. This pathology is not the basis for liberation from the army service. This confirms the provision on military medical examination, which was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on 25.02.2003.There is no dolichosigma in this list, therefore the army does not give respite from all those who are diagnosed with lengthening of the sigmoid colon. But there is a special situation when a patient can be considered unfit for the army by clinical signs. What it is?

There is a marked "B" item( limited to the army, enlisted in the reserve).In it, special cases are noted, when there are symptoms of the disease, which require the creation of special conditions for the normal functioning of the organism. In this case, the conscript has the right to demand a postponement for examination and treatment of painful symptoms for a period of 6 months. At the end of this period, it is necessary to again arrive at the military registration and enlistment office and undergo a medical examination. After him, it will again be decided whether to call a sick person with this disease into the army or not.

As you can see, it's quite simple to answer the question of how to live with dolichosigma. This pathology is not an occasion to receive disability and respite from the army, with properly organized nutrition and the use of laxatives, you can fully live even with a multi-loop dolichosigma.

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