Treatment of intestinal dolichosigma in adults with folk remedies, non-traditional methods, what herbs can be cured?

When a dolhosigma is diagnosed, folk treatment is included in complex therapy. It helps get rid of the most important symptom - chronic constipation, strengthen immunity and prevent gastrointestinal diseases. Here is a list of the most popular options for treating dolichosigma in adults with folk remedies, how to cook broths, tinctures, microclysters and teas.

If dolichosigma develops, treatment with folk remedies in the first place should help to eliminate long constipation. Normal vegetable oil helps well. Beforehand, it must be sterilized by warming up the oil in a water bath, and then given to children in the morning on a teaspoon strictly on an empty stomach, adults can drink butter in their pure form, and also use it as a dressing for vegetable salads. It is helped by linseed oil with constipation and olive oil. Drink a long oil is not necessary, usually to restore the chair helps a two-week course. Then it is necessary to take a week break, and then another course is drunk as a prophylaxis of possible complications. Such an unconventional method quickly relieves constipation.

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Folk remedies for dolichosigma of the intestine

Good helps with constipation quality prunes. Fruits are thoroughly washed and poured in water at a ratio of 1 to 7. The compote is cooked for ten minutes over low heat, and then the crust of the buckthorn is added to the inside, and again the compote is about half an hour old. In such a folk remedy to enhance the effect, you can add rose hips syrup. To drink such a wonderful drink you need at night for half a glass for a long period of time. Given that with dolichosigma constipation can be prolonged and permanent, compote of prunes can be drunk constantly.

Well strengthens intestinal motility with senna. As a folk remedy prepared infusion of 30 grams of herbs and 100 grams of prunes. Ingredients are boiled with boiling water( 500 ml) and infused in it for four hours. The received infusion should be drunk during the day, each serving is taken in an hour. Six hours after the drunk infusion, desires for defecation should appear.

Nontraditional methods of treating dolichosigma

Non-traditional methods of treatment of intestinal dolichosigma based on the use of ashberry and bran are also used. A sweet tincture is prepared from the mountain ash. Ripe berries are layered together in a glass container, which can be hermetically sealed from above( a bottle for example) and poured with sugar. Then the bottle is closed with a rag( dark rags just need to wrap the container) and put it in a dark place. A day later, a syrup is formed in the bottle, its taste resembles the taste of fermented berries. The berries are carefully wrung out, and the juice is drunk 50 milliliters on an empty stomach once a day. The medicine is very sweet, so you can drink it with water.

The use of bran with constipation - the most effective folk treatment with dolichosigma. In order to get the expected effect, the bran must be pre-soaked with boiling water, let them swell and cool. In this form they are consumed on a teaspoon per day( there is a bran needed during meals).Gradually, a single portion is increased to the volume of a tablespoon. The treatment course is two weeks, then a break, and then folk treatment with bran again resumes. You can alternate courses for two months in a row. Bran, in addition to restoring the motor function of the intestine, perform an absorbing role. They effectively eliminate toxins that slag the intestinal mucosa.

What herbs can cure dolichosigma of the intestine?

Phytotherapy is a whole subsection of folk medicine. From herbal raw materials, infusions, microclysters, medicinal drinks and fresh juices are prepared. Here are the most common recipes:

  1. Infusion of aloe. It is prepared from flower honey. Aloe leaves are cut into cubes and folded into a glass, it is filled to the top with a slightly warmed thick sweet mass, and left for a day in a dark place. Before taking the medication again, the mixture is brought to a liquid state and taken on a teaspoon before each meal.
  2. Mint micro enema. Prepare from 40 grams of dried lemon balm and a glass of boiling water, infusion is insisted, until it cools to 35 degrees, and then refueled in an enema.
  3. Pure juice of fresh aloe. It is taken fifteen minutes before each meal. Powder of peas. It is taken with pronounced constipation of five grams daily( contraindicated in the presence of fecal blockages).
  4. Tea made from cherry leaves and dried apples.

Knowing what herbs can cure dolichosigma, you can significantly alleviate the condition of the patient and improve the quality of his life. When dolichosigma of the intestine is diagnosed, any folk remedies can cope with pronounced symptoms. It is worth noting that even the official medicine welcomes people's treatment with dolichosigma.

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