How many days are the sick leave given after the operation to remove the hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids - the disease is not contagious, but the hospital after it also relies. The fact is that the exemption from work for the patient is given for the ability to comply with bed rest and perform other medical recommendations. The need to sit in the workplace in the first week can adversely affect the health of the operated, cause severe pain and even complications, reducing the effectiveness of surgical intervention to zero.

It is legally approved that the sick leave is issued for 10 days after discharge from the medical institution. Time spent directly in the hospital, for this period is not superimposed. Before returning home, the patient may stay in the clinic after surgery for up to 5 weeks maximum. More time is required only in case of acute complications. Often, patients are discharged after the second and third week of hospital stay.

In case of complications with hemorrhoids, the period of home rehabilitation can be extended by 2 and even 3 times. If the patient's condition is very serious, the discussion of the matter is carried out by a special medical commission. She decides whether the patient is able-bodied and whether he currently needs to comply with the home regime. Hospital after removal of hemorrhoids can not last more than 10 months. If the decision on the extension was approved by the specialists, the patient should visit the treating proctologist every 2 weeks.

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How to get a sick list with hemorrhoids?

To get help, when the first symptoms of hemorrhoids need to consult a proctologist at the place of residence. Visit a private clinic is also not prohibited, but it will be a little more difficult to get a sick leave sheet.

In a non-governmental institution, you will have all possible tests to make sure the diagnosis is true. In addition, for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, it may be necessary to visit a doctor from the public clinic, becauseNot all private medical centers are accredited for the issuance of a hospital. Therefore, this nuance must be clarified immediately.

If presented to the employer by the sick leave, by law it must be fully or partially paid from the time of the operation. In addition, compensation is provided to those who quit at least a month before the start of therapy. The following categories may become an exception to the rules:

  • being on leave at their own expense( in this case, not all the days of therapy are paid);
  • students( they are supposed to have a special certificate on the model);
  • servicemen( they also issue a special certificate)
  • arrested and serving a sentence in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • patients who refuse to undergo a complete examination.

If the hemorrhoids are diagnosed and the sick leave is refused, contact the head of the medical unit and write the appropriate application. On your question are required to collect a medical commission and resolve the problem. You are also allowed to contact the insurance company to receive cash compensation for the operation and to recover the material costs of the therapy.

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