Hanging the skin after hemorrhoids, there was a hemorrhoidal pouch, how to remove irritation, the ball( condensation) under the skin?

Hemorrhoids disease brings a lot of inconvenience and difficulties to a person's life. In addition, after surgical intervention and removal of nodes, there may also be some negative consequences, which we will discuss in more detail. One of the most common problems is saggy skin after hemorrhoids.

Fimbriae with hemorrhoids - a frequent phenomenon in which excess skin hangs around the anus. Also on the site of the inflamed nodes there are painful folds or small external cones( so-called fimbriae).

Why did the skin remain after hemorrhoids?

The main reason that causes such a phenomenon is the patient's inflammation of the perianal area. Edema and blood clots can be incompletely or neglected form does not allow to completely remove them. In this case, there are visible traces - bags after hemorrhoids.

Hanging over the anus folds of the skin in addition, it looks unaesthetic and causes discomfort. If such balls are found, immediately consult with a specialist and develop a rational tactic of getting rid of them.

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How to remove the skin after hemorrhoids?

Skin removal after hemorrhoids occurs by surgery, as conservative therapy is ineffective in this case. A means of traditional medicine can only aggravate the situation. In addition, hemorrhoidal sacs carry a high risk of recurrence of the disease.

How to clean the skin with surgery:

  • surgery will take no more than 10 minutes;
  • procedure is performed under local anesthesia;
  • adaptation time after surgery - up to 3 days.

New pouches can occur repeatedly with chronic constipation, lifting of weights or childbirth in women. Therefore, before this intervention, the patient must necessarily take into account whether she will still give birth or not. And only with a negative response should resort to plastic surgery.

Skin irritation with hemorrhoids

If there is a bag after hemorrhoids, reactions may occur - irritation. They are caused by exposure to unprotected areas of chemical substances, which are contained in large amounts in the feces. Often the appearance of such rashes is accompanied by discomfort and severe itching.

To prevent the occurrence of inflammatory reactions, adhere to the following rules:

  • daily exercise exercises that increase the elasticity of the sphincter( it is enough to regularly compress and relax it);
  • strictly monitor for cleanliness;
  • follow a diet or just eat right.

How to get rid of the skin after hemorrhoids?

If a piece of skin after hemorrhoids continues to torment you, you should minimize the effect on it. Emptying the bowels is necessary at a time and completely eliminating attempts during the act of defecation. Washing after a trip to the toilet and regular bathing also prevent the development of irritations. It is also good to add decoctions of chamomile and marigold to the bath. They have an anti-inflammatory effect.

If the hemorrhoids have passed and the skin has remained and, moreover, it causes considerable inconvenience - take into account the following recommendations:

  1. Take into account the advice of the doctor, in case of a dangerous form - agree to the operation.
  2. A warm bath with the addition of herbal extracts has a calming effect and relieves discomfort from the affected areas.
  3. Molded clay is a useful folk remedy for symptom relief( medical consultation is mandatory before use).

If you are wondering: "how to get rid of impending seals with the help of folk remedies", the answer is more than straightforward. Such healing medicine will serve as an excellent complement to traditional treatment, and not an alternative to it. It is important to take into account the advice of specialists in the selection of such techniques.

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