Enlargement of submandibular lymph nodes: causes and treatment

Inflammation and enlargement of submandibular lymph nodes is considered a variety of lymphadenitis, and is the most common form of this disease. The main reasons for the manifestation of submandibular lymphadenitis are various inflammatory processes that occur directly in the oral cavity.

For example, with tooth decay, during chronic tonsillitis, periodontitis and other diseases of soft tissues of dental gums. The enlarged submandibular lymph nodes often speak of such known diseases, for example, tonsillitis - acute inflammation of the tonsils and gingivitis - a serious inflammation of the gums.

Why the submandibular lymph node

has inflamed There are three main causes of inflammation of the submaxillary lymph nodes:

  • infectious diseases;
  • immune disorders;
  • is a tumor-like process.

If the lymph node is inflamed under the jaw or on the neck, this is most likely a sign of a disease of the teeth or ENT organs. Usually, after recovery, such a symptom passes by itself. In other cases, when it is delayed and it is difficult to explain it, detailed diagnosis and treatment is necessary.

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Reasons for enlarged lymph nodes under the jaw

What does this mean? Painful sensations in the lymph nodes always provoke their inflammation. Why can a lymph node become inflamed? This happens if he can not cope with the pathogens.

Here are the common causes of inflammation of the submaxillary lymph nodes in adults:

  1. Infectious diseases ( tonsillitis, streptococcal or staphylococcal infection, tonsillitis, laryngitis, purulent abscess of the tooth, alveolitis, otitis media, sinusitis, mumps, infection of a wound on the head near the jaw, others).
  2. Diseases associated with by the functioning of the immune system - arthritis, lupus, leukemia, HIV infection, AIDS.
  3. Dental diseases of the oral cavity .So, non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene can also lead to an increase in submandibular lymph nodes. You need to thoroughly clean the tooth daily so that you do not have to deal with a similar problem.
  4. Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by toxoplasma, a parasite found in raw meat and feline excrement.
  5. The so-called "children's" diseases - chicken pox, or, in common speech, chickenpox, mumps, measles - all of them strike the lymphatic system of the body.
  6. The tumor is considered the most terrible cause, because of which the lymph nodes change in size. If a person has found a significant increase in the lymph node, and nowhere hit, did not get sick and cleaned his teeth regularly, it is necessary to urgently look for the true cause of the changes. The patient should be fully examined. It should be noted that lymphadenitis can be the initial manifestation of cancer. Therefore, when it is found, it is necessary to identify the causes of this state of the human body.

You should understand that the lymph node is the most important part of the entire lymphatic system. Lymph is one of the varieties of connective tissue. It performs various functions: takes part in immunity, protects a person from dangerous infectious agents, transfers many nutrients, takes dead erythrocytes and microbes out of tissues, and then removes them from the human body.

Therefore, when you notice an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes on one side, consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe a test, conduct laboratory diagnosis and, if found, will select the necessary treatment.

Symptoms of

At an early stage the disease may not appear at all, but very soon its most obvious signs become noticeable:

  • Rapid enlargement of lymph nodes under the lower jaw, their painfulness upon palpation and gradual solidification.
  • Light reddening of inflamed areas, which gradually become burgundy, and then cyanotic.
  • Edema at the site of inflammation.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Sharp short-term attacks of pain, giving in the ear( the so-called "lumbago").
  • Discomfort during swallowing.
  • Inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  • Temperature rise up to 40 degrees.
  • General weakness of the body.
  • An elevated white blood cell count from a blood test.

Diagnosis of the disease in typical cases is not difficult for specialists. Only with severe submandibular lymphadenitis may need differential diagnosis with osteomyelitis, phlegmon. In chronic submandibular lymphadenitis, a puncture biopsy of the node is sometimes necessary to establish a diagnosis.

How to treat an enlarged submandibular lymph node

Treatment should be controlled by a physician. First of all, the therapy is aimed at eliminating the infection that provoked the disease. In general, the treatment of enlarged submandibular lymph nodes in adults is carried out locally with the help of Burov's liquid, and the doctors use an antibiotic( penicillin) to suppress infection.

If a suppuration is formed, warming up with salix and warm lotions is prescribed for its absorption, before getting rid of the focus of infection. If an entire group of lymph nodes has an inflamed effect, a surgical procedure is performed, during which a drainage tube is inserted through the submaxillary incision to expel pus.

Prophylaxis of

If you do not want to experience the symptoms of this disease, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. In a timely manner, treat all emerging infections.
  2. Any damage to the skin( wounds, cracks, scratches, injuries) must be treated with special means to avoid catching the infection.
  3. Observe the rules of oral hygiene and regularly visit the dentist to exclude the development of diseases: caries, fungal lesions, gingivitis may become the cause of the disease later.

Remember that the use of "grandmother's recipes" with acute lymphadenitis meets with doctors extremely negative feedback. If sepsis develops, then the account of the time necessary to save the patient's life can go on for hours. The appointment of antibiotics for lymphadenitis is sometimes the only way to prevent formidable complications.

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