Medicamentous treatment of hemorrhoids, a scheme of conservative therapy, than to treat hemorrhoids?

Each patient receives hemorrhoids medication individually. First of all, acute signs of this pathology are eliminated. And then in the period of patient's recovery, a conservative( medicamentous) treatment of hemorrhoids is prescribed.

To treat hemorrhoids, use the following scheme:

  • Admission of systemic drugs - venotropic drugs, analgesics, as well as laxatives, enzymes and adsorbents( if there is constipation).
  • Local medications that have anti-inflammatory properties, analgesia, wound healing, strengthening of capillaries, wrestlingwith coagulation with thrombosis or stopping bleeding, if any.

Hemorrhoids begin, like any chronic disease with almost imperceptible symptoms. The disease brings a burning sensation in the anus, discomfort, can get wet underwear. He can appear because of the lifting of weights, the nature of food, the wrong way of life, constant work on his feet. Therefore, the influence on these factors is an integral component of complex therapy.

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Sometimes hemorrhoids arise because of persistent diarrhea on the background of imbalance of pancreatic function. To cure such hemorrhoids, a scheme operates in which the pancreas must first be restored. Treatment should only take place under the supervision of a physician with the proper observance of a diet. In this case, it is also necessary to take specialized enzyme medications according to a certain scheme.

It should be remembered that there is no need to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies, since it is possible to start the disease and the disease will turn into an acute form.

Scheme of treatment of hemorrhoids

During the therapy should follow such recommendations as:

  • compliance with the scheme and taking medications prescribed by the doctor in charge;
  • avoidance of physical activity until complete recovery;
  • walks, in order to ensure the outflow of blood and accelerate the effect of conservative treatment;
  • diet to heal the digestive tract;
  • reception of eubiotics: Lineks, Bifiform and others;
  • abundant drink to improve defecation( at least 2 liters per day).

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids

Conservative treatment does not help to get rid of hemorrhoids completely, but helps to improve the patient's condition.

If hemorrhoids become worse, the most important thing is that medications are prescribed to relieve inflammation and restore blood circulation. In more advanced stages, minimally invasive or surgical intervention is necessary, conservative treatment will not be effective. Folk methods are allowed only if traditional medication is prescribed and administered by the patient. They use folk remedies based on the restoration of damaged veins and help prevent a relapse of the disease, while the standard scheme of use is absent.

When a doctor visits the first or second stage of hemorrhoids, the patient is prescribed conservative treatment. Sclerotherapy or ligation with latex rings can also be used. With timely access to the doctor, the patient is prescribed therapy, which allows to postpone surgical intervention or completely prevent the need for it. Thus, it can be said that hemorrhoids are cured.

Than to treat hemorrhoids?

The scheme of conservative treatment does not exclude the observance of general recommendations, incl.and on nutrition. In order to cure hemorrhoids, a diet with a large amount of dietary fiber is used to normalize the stool. Help laxatives, phlebotrophic and anti-inflammatory drugs, limiting the lifting of weights. A timely scheme of treatment with drugs, as determined by a doctor, helps not to resort to surgery.

Conservative treatment also helps with haemorrhage and pain of hemorrhoids. Those.and in this case you can do without an operation. Sometimes after elimination of an exacerbation prescribe homeopathic medicines. This approach helps prevent complications.

Medical treatment of hemorrhoids

In order to cure bleeding hemorrhoids, hemostatic medicines are used by injecting them into the anus. Use ointments with nitroglycerin, which help to remove the pathological spasm from the anal sphincter.

However, at the moment in medicine three methods are used:

  • antihemorrhoidal conservative therapy;
  • minimally invasive technique;
  • surgical operation.

Any therapy scheme prescribed for this disease implies adequate relief of pain. Thus, anesthetic ointments, suppositories, creams, etc. are widely used. Candles are especially indicated if there is internal hemorrhoids. Ointments are prescribed if there is external hemorrhoids. With the internal form of the disease, they can also be used, but there must be a special applicator. Pain medication may contain novocaine and anesthesin to relieve soreness. At the same time, hormonal medications with anti-inflammatory effect can be used. But it is worth remembering that therapy against hemorrhoids is prescribed only by a doctor.

How to cure hemorrhoids with medications?

In order to cure hemorrhoids using a medicamentous method, phlebotonics, which are a pathogenetic agent, are used. They help strengthen the venous walls. Basically, these are such popular medicines as Escuzan and Detralex.

If the disease has developed into a constantly recurring form, it is necessary to remove the hemorrhoids, which is a necessary measure to ensure a better quality of life, because the medicines will no longer help. Hemorrhoids can be dangerous if the spotting from the rectum is repeated. A visit to a specialist in this case is necessary and urgent, as with untimely intervention, rectal cancer can develop.

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