Medicinal colitis of the intestine and its treatment

Drug colitis is the result of long-term use of medications. The intestinal mucosa can become inflamed when taking any medication. These can be laxatives, antibiotics and others. Usually, medication was prescribed by a doctor to treat disorders of other organs. Often, however, the cause of this disease is self-medication. If a non-qualified person in the medical field undertakes to prescribe for himself or herself these or other drugs, then he is more likely to get himself such a disease.

Generally, colitis is a very serious disease, which, without paying due attention to it, can give a complication. To appear this or that kind of colitis can at any age and in any person. Its prevalence reaches an ever greater scale. In no case should you engage in self-treatment and at the first sign of contacting the clinic.

Symptomatics and causes of intestinal drug colitis

Drug colitis is accompanied by pain and bloating. Pain can be either periodic or permanent. Too frequent diarrhea provokes the appearance of hemorrhoids and as a result there are bloody discharge. And this is already a lot of important reason for going to a polyclinic to see a specialist.

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In addition to this patient often visit the urge to defecate. After prolonged diarrhea and decreased appetite, signs of dehydration appear: dryness in the mouth, weakness, malaise, dry eyes and skin, rare urination. Often, inflammatory processes cause an increase in body temperature, and, hence, perhaps even the appearance of fever.

Reasons for the onset of drug colitis:

  • Intolerance to medication;
  • Prolonged use of antibiotics that disrupted intestinal microflora;
  • The use of laxatives.

Treatment of drug colitis

There is an opportunity to treat the disease at home according to a prescription issued by a doctor or in a hospital. To a hospital resort in difficult and severe cases. In the hospital, the patient will first of all be prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which will necessarily be aimed at quickly eliminating the infectious environment of the disease. The infection itself is destroyed by taking antiparasitic or antibacterial therapy. Again, such assignments can only be written out by a specialist in his profile.

Often doctors adhere to similar therapy. First, it includes fasting - 1-2 days. Secondly, it is necessary to take courses of physiotherapy. Thirdly, you must follow a prescribed diet.

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