Vitamins in the stomach ulcer. What are they? How are they accepted?

Many doctors often prescribe vitamins for a stomach ulcer. The most common are folic acid, P, C, U, A, E, group B. It should be noted that some of them should be treated with caution and taken only on the advice of the treating doctor( A and E, with an overabundance in the body can turn into toxicsubstance).

Vitamins can prevent the occurrence of complications and exacerbations of the disease, as well as accelerate the process of tissue repair and scarring of ulcerative formations. Their concentration should be within the limits of the norm.

The most necessary vitamins for gastric ulcer are:

  • Vitamin A( Retinol) .It is used if the cause of the disease is the transferred stress, severe psychological trauma, depression or the influence of physical factors( stroke, fall with a strong bruise of the stomach, burn).In this case, the body releases a large amount of acid. Influencing the weakened organ, it irritates its walls, resulting in an ulcer. With acute manifestation of the disease, 50,000 IU of Retinol are administered. With a weaker stress take 25 000 IU of beta-carotene - a substance that, when ingested, turns into vitamin A.
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  • Vitamin E ( succinate d-alpha Tocopherol).It is a natural fat thinner. It is important in the ulcer of the stomach, because it stimulates the growth of capillaries, saturates the cells with oxygen, prevents the development of bacterial infection and the manifestation of relapses of the disease. At normal dosage, the effect of this substance will protect against mucosal damage to the stomach. The daily dose is 800 mg.
  • Vitamin C ( Ascorbic acid).Insufficient amount of ascorbic acid in the body increases the risk of stomach ulcers with bleeding. To cure the existing symptoms of the disease, 2 g of vitamin C is prescribed, which is taken throughout the day. The use of this substance will help stop the synthesis of acid and salts in the cavity of the digestive organ, and also improve the overall immunity of the body.
  • Vitamin B6 ( Pyridoxine).An additional method of pyridoxine promotes effective treatment and relief of pain syndrome. The daily dosage is about 100 mg. In severe complications, according to the doctor's decision, you can take 150 mg of pyridoxine per day.

The vitamin course should last about a month. You can repeat it after a few months. Gastroenterologists often prescribe complexes of vitamins for peptic ulcer. They should contain substances such as magnesium, bismuth, zinc, selenium( Undevid, Complivit, Stress formula).

But it is not recommended to take vitamin complexes that contain mineral substances, since they are the causative agents of ulcerative formations.

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