What kind of vegetables can be with a stomach ulcer: cabbage, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic, beets, pumpkin?

If the diet and diet rules are not respected, it is unlikely to expect a rapid cure for stomach diseases. And one of the most important components of almost any diet are vegetables with ulcers. Especially appreciated are the cultures related to the family of cruciferous, which include white, colored and Brussels sprouts, as well as broccoli. The fact is that in their natural composition is present sulforaphane, which destroys the main causative agent of erosive pathology - the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. European scientists have proved that daily consumption of only 60 grams.cruciferous vegetables with gastric ulcer, reduces the number of harmful microorganisms by 80%.

However, it should be understood that only a gastroenterologist can tell with absolute accuracy what vegetables are available for stomach ulcers, and which ones should be completely abandoned. This is due to the fact that some varieties are useful only in the case of a low acidity, since in an overly corrosive environment of the stomach they can further exacerbate the situation.

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What kind of cabbage can be included in the ration in stomach ulcer?

In folk medicine very often there are medicinal recipes in which one of the components is the juice of white cabbage. However, this variety of cruciferous culture can be used only with reduced acidity, since this vegetable stimulates the increased release of acid. That is why it can not be used in any form with exacerbation of an ulcer and internal bleeding of the stomach.

But cauliflower with stomach ulcer can be a part of diet soups puree. Only inflorescences are used for this purpose. The leaves are not used, as the decoctions of them are very strong and unfavorably affect the mucous membrane damaged by erosion.

Stewed and sauerkraut in gastric ulcer, which occurs against the background of increased acidity, is also contraindicated, since both dishes intensify secretion. At the same time, American doctors say that with the use of sauerkraut the process of recovery is significantly accelerated. If at medical methods of treatment for ulceration of the ulcer it is required at least 21 days, and thus there is no significant remission, when the sauerkraut is included in the diet, after three weeks there is complete disposal of the pathology and active restoration of the damaged tissues. True, the report does not indicate which patients participated in the experiment - with a decreased or increased acidity of the stomach.

Contradictory recommendations are also found regarding the use of sea cabbage in the stomach ulcer. Some sources say that kelp is completely contraindicated, others advise to use it daily, but in grated form and no more than 2 teaspoons a day, while others say that this seafood is useful in the form of dry powder, which you can season with any dish. In order not to expose yourself to the risk of complications, it is best to consult your attending physician.

Does carrots help with a stomach ulcer?

Despite all the usefulness, carrot juice with gastric ulcer, and especially during periods of exacerbation, can not be consumed. In general, it is used for prevention and at a certain dosage, which for an adult is not more than 100 ml per day. Root most often include a small amount in the composition of vegetable diets and, as a rule, cooked and grinded. Raw carrots or its juice can cause a complication in the form of a critical increase in acidity. Here everything depends on the nature of the disease, so self-medication is unacceptable.

Is it possible or not cucumber in stomach ulcer?

Specialists advise to completely exclude both salted and fresh cucumbers in acute gastric ulcer. Only in periods of remission and in the absence of increased acidity can a small amount( up to 200 g) of young and fresh vegetables, which are previously cleansed of the peel and can be introduced into soups, second courses or salads, can be included in the daily ration.

Is it possible to have tomatoes with an ulcer?

Tomatoes are rich in carbohydrates, which activate the vegetative system responsible for various processes in the human body, including the production of gastric juice. Thus, tomatoes with gastric ulcer, as well as tomato juice, can provoke an excessive increase in acidity. In addition, often there is flatulence and intestinal colic, which negatively affects the overall condition of the patient.

It is generally observed that tomatoes slow the healing process of ulcerative lesions, therefore, during periods of exacerbation and intensive therapy, they must be completely abandoned. When the disease decays and there is complete remission, you can eat a small amount of ripe vegetables of non-acidic varieties, after cleaning them from the skin.

Is the onion useful for stomach ulcers?

Some nutritionists and gastroenterologists hypothesize that in order to prevent the formation of erosive pathologies on the walls of the stomach, you must always include onions in your daily diet. But if the ulcer does appear, then this vegetable is one of the first excluded from the list of food, because it is considered acute and can have an irritating effect.

At the same time, the onion is rich in flavonoids, which have an antibacterial effect, so this vegetable can be found in some folk recipes. But, as a rule, it must undergo a certain heat treatment, in which the sharpness disappears, and the useful substances remain. In any case, only a professional doctor is able to determine whether it is possible to bow on stomach ulcer and in what form to use it.

Garlic for stomach ulcer - harm or benefit?

It is absolutely forbidden to eat garlic for exacerbation of the disease. In periods of persistent remission, it can be introduced into the diet, but only subject to certain rules:

  1. Garlic is added to meals only in powdered form;
  2. If a thermally unprocessed vegetable is used, it should be combined with fresh products such as boiled pasta, potatoes, cereals;
  3. As an aromatic seasoning, garlic in a small amount is added to the dish and during cooking is well stewed or cooked;
  4. It does not adversely affect garlic, which is pre-treated with steam.

Than the potato is useful in a stomach ulcer?

Boiled or fried potatoes with gastric ulcer has no useful effect, but the raw root, or rather its juice, effectively helps to get rid of pathology.

Potato juice should be drunk for three weeks. Take it three times a day for half an hour before meals. In the first week, drink about 60-65 g. The second - the dosage is increased to 125 g. In the last seven days use 180-190 g.

  • For the treatment of stomach ulcers, potatoes are taken, which lay no more than six months. At the end of this period, solanine accumulates inside the vegetable - a toxic substance that causes poisoning. Also, you can not use sprouted, greenery and sluggish tubers.
  • Freshly squeezed juice should be used no later than 10 minutes after cooking, as then all its useful properties are lost.
  • It should be noted that the potato juice destroys the tooth enamel, so it is recommended to drink it through a tube.

Pumpkin with stomach ulcer will help the early healing of

Indeed, pumpkin juice in the stomach ulcer accelerates the healing process. Flesh, frayed with honey, is also useful. In a stew or boiled form, this vegetable removes toxins, localizes inflammatory processes, activates gastric motility and optimizes digestive processes.

However, pumpkin juice has an alkaline effect, therefore, significantly reduces acidity. This property is very useful for ulcers, accompanied by high acidity of gastric juice. But if the acidity is low, the use of pumpkin in any form is highly discouraged. Do not use this product and people who are addicted to diarrhea or suffering from acute gastrointestinal disorders.

For preventive maintenance, pumpkin juice is taken once a day in a volume of 100 ml for half an hour before a meal, and with an aggravation the frequency of reception is increased up to 3 times a day in the same dosage.

Zucchini with stomach ulcer for dietary food

Courgettes are recommended to be included in dietary nutrition in case of peptic ulcer, as they have antitumor effect, restore intestinal function and other functions of the human body. But this vegetable can be used only under condition of heat treatment. In its raw form, it is contraindicated in people suffering from high acidity.

In what cases can I drink beets with stomach ulcer?

In chronic gastric ulcer disease, beetroot is used as one of the ingredients of multicomponent drugs. For example, root vegetable juice can be mixed with alcohol and honey, as well as with the juice of other vegetables, such as carrots and radishes( all components should be taken in 100 ml).The mixture is infused for 3 days in a dark and cool place. Drink the finished medicine before meals, three times a day and for 5 days. Dosage - 2 tbsp.spoons for one reception.

But with the aggravation of stomach ulcers beet juice and pulp should be completely excluded from the diet, as they contain a number of natural acids that increase the pH of gastric juice.

Bulgarian pepper with gastric ulcer increases acidity

Even such a healthy vegetable as Bulgarian pepper has a number of contraindications to consumption. It can not be used for peptic ulcer with high acidity. But it is perfectly suitable for prevention, since it has powerful antioxidant properties, cleanses the body of harmful bacteria and reduces the risk of cancer cells.

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