Prevention gastroduodenitis, sports, exercise, exercise therapy( exercise therapy), exercise

Patients diagnosed with gastroduodenitis should be cautious in approaching any physical exertion, in particular, sharp movements in the form of jumps, jogging and strength exercises. Then there is a logical question: is a professional sport permitted? Experts say a categorical ban, especially with exacerbations of the disease. In this case, the patient is suitable preventive exercises that will not cause harm to health.

Each patient needs to understand that in the presence of such a disease it is necessary to try to minimize any physical exertion, including active movements during the morning exercises and playing sports. It is also necessary to monitor the rest and sleep during the day and avoid any stressful situations and nervous breakdowns.

Specialists welcome medical gymnastics with gastroduodenitis, thanks to which the patient will be able to strengthen the nervous system and adjust metabolism. In addition to this exercise will serve as an excellent prophylaxis of cardiovascular problems and will be able to stabilize blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.

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Another way to prevent gastroduodenitis is diaphragmatic breathing.

Physiotherapy for gastroduodenitis

If professional sports are not contraindicated in gastroduodenitis, then what physical activities are allowed with gastroduodenitis? LFK is a light load on the abdominal press, aimed at improving blood circulation in the abdomen. In addition, you can engage in general development exercises for the trunk, suggesting slopes in different directions and easy circular rotation. It is necessary to monitor the correct breathing during their execution.

Specialists give several tips for practicing physical education as prevention of gastroduodenitis:

  • You can not make sudden movements;
  • Do not bend low;
  • You need to choose a slow rhythm;
  • Time for one lesson - no more than 15 minutes;
  • You can exercise only two hours after eating;
  • Mandatory rest after medical gymnastics, lying on the couch for at least ten minutes.

LFK as a prophylaxis for gastroduodenitis

As a rule, exercise therapy is recommended by gastroduodenitis specialists as a prophylaxis in order to restore the regulation of digestion, improve the blood circulation of the abdomen, stabilize motor and gastric secretion, and strengthen the muscles of the press.

In the course of intensive work, various chemical reactions occur that cause the acceleration of metabolism, oxygen and energy in all cells. Thanks to prevention, the cells are replaced with new ones, and, thus, the process of recovery is accelerated. In addition, the risk of the transition of gastroduodenitis to a chronic form is reduced. LFK also positively affects the respiratory system.

Usually, the first exercise is appointed after ten days from the date of onset of the illness. The complex of exercises for the prevention of complications is selected taking into account the secretion of the stomach.

Prevention of gastroduodenitis with decreased acidity

In gastroduodenitis with a low acidity, exercise therapy consists of simple exercises that can be performed at a moderate pace. Gradually, their number increases, and the main emphasis is on strengthening the press and developing the correct abdominal breathing. Lessons should continue for about thirty minutes.

Approximate complex:

  • In the standing position, they stretch their arms forward and rotate their hands in different directions - ten times each.
  • In the position on all fours, taking a breath, any hand rises first to the side, and then upwards. On exhalation the next one descends and rises. Repeat this exercise with gastroduodenitis should be at least eight times.
  • In the same position, the head drops and the back arches in the lower back. At the output, the opposite is true - the back bends and the head rises. Repeat about nine times.
  • In the position lying on the back, straightened left leg rises, and on exhalation it goes down. Then the foot changes and the same action takes place( at least 9 times).

Prevention of gastroduodenitis with increased acidity

In case of an increased level of acidity, physical exercises will differ from previous ones in coordination, and the load will increase slightly. At the same time, press exercises are minimized.

With this form of gastroduodenitis, doctors advise swimming, skating and skiing. In addition, ball games and various relay races are also useful, which also provide psycho-emotional unloading.

Approximate complex:

  1. Standing, we bend our hands behind the head, and on the inspiration we set aside our legs and bend our backs. Taking a breath, we return the body to its original state. For each limb, repeat at least eight times.
  2. In the standing position, we make leans forward, relaxing our arms and shoulders. We shake the limbs in different directions for a minute.
  3. Lying on the back, at the same time raising the leg and arm( for example, first right), take a breath. We bend the leg and arm and pull the knees to the stomach, tilting the head to the stomach. Repeat up to six times.
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