Proximal duodenitis is superficial, erosive, what is it?

Proximal duodenitis is characterized by inflammation of the duodenal mucosa. By itself, duodenitis can not appear. Most often it is preceded by a different gastrointestinal disease, for example, gastritis. There are three forms of the disease: mixed, superficial and hypertrophic duodenitis.

Proximal duodenitis, which has outgrown from the superficial - is the most well-known form of the disease. Most of the disease affects middle-aged men.

Symptoms of proximal duodenitis

Symptomatic diseases can be divided into several groups. To the first, are the pain symptoms( in the area of ​​the stomach and intestines).The second - dyspeptic symptoms - a violation of the digestive function. This process is manifested with the help of bloating, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of constant bloating, a tendency to constipation. The third group of the proximal form of the disease is characterized by symptoms of inflammation and intoxication. In this class include increased body temperature, dizziness, general weakness of the body, lack of appetite, often weight loss.

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Reasons for the appearance of proximal duodenitis

There are a number of different causes that can provoke the appearance of a proximal form of the disease. These include:

  • improper diet - fasting or overeating, eating before bedtime;
  • excessive consumption of harmful food in large quantities: oily, spicy, salty, smoked food, crackers and chips, carbonated drinks, etc.;
  • abuse of alcohol products, smoking( especially on an empty stomach) and taking medications;
  • infections - the cause of inflammation can be bacteria, for example, Helicobacter pylori. They excrete substances that are provocateurs of the disease;
  • nerve stress, frustration, frustration. These negative manifestations of the nervous system can be the cause of spasm in the duodenum, which is a factor in reducing the protective functions of the mucosa;
  • genetic predisposition.

The following forms of duodenia are distinguished, depending on changes in structure:

  • superficial( upper intestinal wall suffers);
  • atrophic( there is atrophy of the duodenum);
  • interstitial( the walls of the intestine are destroyed, while the glands retain);
  • hyperplastic( caused by proliferation of mucous membranes);
  • erosive( characterized by the appearance of erosion on the mucosa);
  • is follicular( there are papillary formations in the duodenum).

Treatment of superficial proximal duodenitis

Once we understand what it is duodenitis, what are its symptoms and forms, we need to understand how to cure it. It is worth noting that it is impossible to cure this ailment, because it is very similar to other gastrointestinal diseases. To get rid of the superficial form of the disease and prevent its transition to the proximal, it is necessary to apply a whole complex of therapeutic actions: drug treatment and a specially developed diet.

Of drugs used to remove spasms and pain: No-shpa, Riaball, Meverin.

To get rid of persistent vomiting, you can use: Motorix, Domperidon, Cerucal.

If proximal duodenitis is erosive, it is recommended to take enveloping agents, for example, Almagel.

A diet that the doctor must develop requires that the diet be cured of duodenitis and not allowed to grow into a proximal form. The diet lasts for twelve days, there is a need for fractional, and therefore - in small portions, five times a day. In the diet should be porridge, cooked on the water;slimy vegetable soups;boiled eggs and steam omelettes;fruit jelly;some dark bread. After such a strict diet is allowed to add to the daily diet of meat and fish that are cooked for a couple.

Before you treat, you need to undergo a detailed examination in order to understand what kind of disease it is. After that, the doctor will prescribe an effective course of treatment.

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