Diet with duodenitis and gastritis - the food menu, what can you eat?

Diet is not only the destiny of those who are trying to lose a few extra pounds, but, at times, a vital necessity. This is what it becomes for those who need to adhere to a certain menu according to the doctor's prescription. If the patient is constantly harassed by nausea and vomiting, as well as disorders of defecation, then there is no longer any wrong nutrition. The above symptoms of gastritis and duodenitis force the patient to adhere to the appropriate diet.

Menu with duodenitis and gastritis - general recommendations

The menu for duodenitis and gastritis is aimed at excluding from the diet everything that can irritate the mucous membrane of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Such a diet implies the use of only soft and liquid food, which is pre-cooked well and boiled to an almost puree state. Solid foods( vegetables and fruits) are allowed only in a crumpled form. The best digestive system is perceived liquid porridge, which have an enveloping property, as well as fruit and vegetable purees.

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In addition, food during a diet with duodenitis and gastritis should be six-time. Between meals should be no more than 4 hours. In addition, portions should be quite small( not more than 250 g).In addition, in the evening, the portion should be reduced. Doctors are also advised to pay attention to the very process of eating - the foods should be thoroughly chewed.

During the observance of this diet, the composition of daily nutrition also changes. That is, there is a reduction in the amount of fats, as well as carbohydrate-containing foods. Diet with duodenitis implies the complete elimination of sweet. It is also forbidden to use marinades, salty and spicy food, fatty and fried foods, as well as all kinds of spices. At the same time, the quantity of proteins and the volume of liquids in the menu, on the contrary, needs to be increased. That is, if before the disease the patient liked goulash or steak - now instead of them it is better to use steam cutlets, scraped soups and broths. Reducing the amount of meat you eat is not mandatory, but you should exclude the pork, replacing it with less fatty varieties.

As with almost any other disease, gastritis and duodenitis require the patient's attention to the consumption of vitamins in the diet. In order to normalize the metabolism and restore the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamins B, C and E. are vitally important. These vitamins are contained in non-fat cottage cheese, fish( which must be boiled and soft), eggs, vegetable and fruit juices and purees. It should, however, be taken into account that the fruit of the acid type is forbidden in the diet with duodenitis. That is, the use of lemons, oranges or grapefruit is prohibited, because they are extremely irritating to the mucous membrane.

What can I eat with duodenitis?

A full-fledged diet with a daily menu, painted for several weeks, as well as painted before small recommendations on the amount and frequency of necessary meals, is appointed exclusively by a gastroenterologist. Only after a personal examination by the doctor conclusions are made about the menu with duodenitis, depending on the stage of the disease, body weight, metabolic features and the physical possibility of consuming certain foods, the lack of allergic reactions and other nuances. However, there is also a general list of recommended dietary foods and dishes that are part of the menu for all patients with gastritis and duodenitis, especially during the period of exacerbation of the disease. What can you eat?

Cereals that boil up to a creamy consistency. They are cooked, as in milk, and on water and milk. Usual oatmeal porridge with duodenitis can be consumed with a small amount of shredded bananas and apples, as well as a couple of spoons of liquid cream. In addition, remember that oatmeal and buckwheat porridge patients need to use constantly!

Vegetables in milled condition, as well as puree from any kind of vegetables. All this is a soft and non-fat component of a diet that is not capable of traumatizing or irritating the mucosa.

Low-fat dairy products are also an important part of the daily diet of the diet. Of course, fatty foods( sour cream, home or fatty cottage cheese, cream, etc.) should be excluded from the diet. But instead of it it is quite possible to use lean yogurt, cottage cheese and even milk outside the period of exacerbations.

Herbal teas and compotes of all kinds of dried fruits are the best way to quench your thirst with duodenitis and gastritis, as well as renewal of the necessary water balance of the human body. They can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Once again we note that with any diet, and, especially with gastritis and duodenitis, it is necessary to exclude harmful food and give up harmful habits. This does not benefit even a healthy body. However, with any diet, of course, you can adapt to a normal full-fledged life: If you are engaged in the constant cooking of varied and tasty food, you will not even notice how quickly the need for the usual food before the illness ends.

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