Effective headache pills

1 Preparations with paracetamol

Anesthetic tablets can be taken no more than 5 days. If the intolerable headache is combined with a temperature above 39 degrees, you need to call an ambulance. What to drink with a headache?

  1. If the cause of the ailment is the overstrain of the neck muscle( myositis), you need to massage and take any drug with paracetamol, ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid.
  2. If the head hurts from high blood pressure, medications with acetylsalicylic acid are suitable. Under reduced pressure, drugs with caffeine are good.
  3. If the prerequisite is osteochondrosis or spondylosis, any non-narcotic painkillers with substances: paracetamol, ibuprofen or caffeine.

Recommended to read

  • Tablets for headache with increased pressure
  • How to do head massage for headache
  • Taking Paracetamol during pregnancy from a headache
  • Modern drugs from Pressure!

All medicines have contraindications. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions. Do not exceed the dosage, painkillers from different groups do not mix with each other.

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Increasing the dose or taking various pain medications does not increase the effect of the drug, but increases the likelihood of side effects. Paracetamol-based headache medications help:

  • at meteosensitivity;
  • migraines;
  • with vasospasms;
  • of psychosomatic pain caused by stress;
  • at a jamming of the nervous endings and vessels at an osteochondrosis.

Paracetamol in its pure form( paracetamol drug) is not contraindicated in pregnancy. This is a safe medicine for the head, which quickly eliminates symptoms. What pharmacological drugs contain paracetamol?

  1. Paracetamol. The cheapest medicine is available in any pharmacy. Can not be consumed simultaneously with alcohol, can cause liver damage. The substance acetaminophen( paracetamol) refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, that is, it not only stops the pain attack, but also suppresses the inflammatory processes. Due to this, the temperature decreases with colds, the heaviness in the head decreases and the general condition of the patient improves.
  2. Panadol contains paracetamol. More expensive means of import production. Compared with the Russian analogue contains less paracetamol, but the bioavailability of the drug is higher, so panadol acts faster and longer. Taking medicines for headaches at elevated temperatures is possible if the cause of the ailment is known. What is the danger of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? They mask the symptom, relieve headaches and fever. And at this time the bacterial infection actively causes harm to human health. There are cases of deaths of children from pneumonia, which developed without a rise in temperature, as parents gave children medicines from the head with paracetamol. Before you remove the headache and fever, you need to see the doctor and find out what's wrong.
  3. Kalpol. Allows for a short time to eliminate the severity and pain in the nape of the neck, temples and behind the eyeballs. Just like any other drug with paracetamol, it has contraindications. Kalpol can not be used for peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, as the risk of bleeding increases.
  4. Migraine. Contains diphenhydramine, which enhances the effect of paracetamol. Migrenol affects the concentration of attention, so after taking it is not recommended to drive or perform difficult and responsible work. Migrenol is used to treat intense headaches, for example, migraines. Diphenhydramine removes allergic reactions, but has a side effect - it causes drowsiness. This cure for headaches is suitable for those who suffer from insomnia, pain at night. Limitation of the daily dose - no more than 8 tablets. At the time of bedtime, you can take a maximum of 2 tablets.

There is a whole list of medications with paracetamol and caffeine. They can be drunk with a headache to those who have low blood pressure. Hypertension can become worse from caffeine preparations. Everyone who suffers from increased or decreased pressure knows what his reaction to coffee is. If a cup of strong coffee usually has a headache, it means that the caffeinated tablets will help. If the coffee becomes bad, on the contrary, the head starts to ache, then you do not need to use caffeine medications. What to drink from a headache under reduced pressure?

  • migraine;
  • Panadol Extra;
  • Solpadein Fast.

Effective headache pills - tsitramon. Due to the relatively low price and excellent results have become widespread.

The composition includes paracetamol, caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. To combat low blood pressure there is not enough symptomatic. If headaches are worried regularly, you need to see a cardiologist. In addition to citramone, acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol contain:

  • Dicul: Orthopedists deceive people! Joints are treated simply "Strong joints and back pains are needed 3 times a day. .."
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  • in the Co-Fee Plus;
  • in Askofene P;
  • Citramone P and Citramone Ultra.

Different manufacturers use the name "Citramon" for tablets, which can vary in composition. To clarify the composition, you can read the instructions.

2 Strongly acting

Medications with paracetamol, codeine and phenobarbital are used to stop intense pain. These painkillers affect the ability to drive and can be addictive with prolonged admission. Usually they are prescribed when other drugs do not give a lasting effect, for example, with migraine. What to drink with a very exhausting headache?

  • solpadeine;
  • caffeine.

It is important to remember that any pain medication can be consumed no more than 1 week. If during this time the head has not ceased to hurt, then the reasons are so serious that it's time to see a doctor. The combined preparation pentalginum plus contains simultaneously:

  • paracetamol;
  • caffeine;
  • codeine;
  • propyphenazone;
  • phenobarbital.

This composition allows to completely remove pain and heaviness in the head for 10-20 minutes. Phenobarbital and codeine are narcotic drugs, so after using the drugs in which they are contained, difficulties may arise with concentration of attention. If a person has a responsible job, it is undesirable to use such tablets. When passing the drug test( doping control), the tests will show barbiturates. Analogues of pentalginum plus:

  • sedan M;
  • Sedalin - Neo;
  • pyralgin;
  • pentalgin N.

Tablets from severe headaches are available on prescription. Attacks migraine prevent a person from working and coping with household tasks, so with constant and very painful headaches, you do not need to delay the visit to the therapist. The doctor will choose the right medicine for migraine after the examination.

3 Acetylsalicylic acid

For colds and migraines, the best remedy for headaches is those containing acetylsalicylic acid. What can be taken if the head hurts from ARVI, stuffiness, long and hard work?

  1. Aspirin, a deservedly popular drug. It is produced in usual and effervescent tablets. The release form "Aspirin Cardio" is prescribed at elevated pressure, effervescent tablets are suitable for colds, and regular aspirin can be used simply from a headache. It is important to follow the dosage and do not use this medication on a regular basis.
  2. Asphen, Ascophene, Acelisin, Cofibril. In addition to anesthetic, the drugs have antipyretic effect. You can lower the temperature after 38 degrees.

When taking all the drugs with acetylsalicylic acid, you should not drink alcohol. In combination with ethanol, drugs produce severe poisoning. Drink tablets only with clean drinking water. Ascofen can be drunk with milk or mineral water. Preparations for headache begin to act for 10-30 minutes after ingestion. In order to avoid harm to the stomach, it is desirable to use tablets against headache after eating. Acetylsalicylic acid is part of Alka-Seltzer, a hangover remedy, which can also be used for normal headaches.

4 Metamizole sodium and ibuprofen

In Russia, drugs are used that have long been banned in all civilized countries. For example, analgin, which includes metamizol sodium. Analginum has a harmful effect on the bone marrow, which is confirmed by numerous studies. However, doctors continue to traditionally prescribe this drug as an anesthetic. The names of other drugs that contain metamizole sodium:

  • baralgin M;
  • Analgin Ultra;
  • tempalgin;
  • maxigan;
  • revalgin;
  • spazgan and spasmalgon;
  • took it.

Analgin helps to relieve pain syndrome in dental diseases, with headaches and muscle pain. Reduces temperature and eliminates aches and pains in the extremities. With simultaneous reception with alcohol causes strong intoxication, rapid and severe intoxication, poisoning and dangerous consequences for the liver. Prolonged intake of analgin, it turns out, is harmful to the stomach, bone marrow and liver. In emergency cases, when there is no other drug, you can drink analgin, but if there is a choice, it is better to prefer a safer medicine from the head. What tablets from the head reduce the temperature and eliminate pain? Medications with ibuprofen help quickly and safely:

  • ibuprofen, ibufen;
  • burana, a moment, an ultra-cap;
  • Nurofen Express, Nurofen;
  • Express Neo, Faspik;
  • brustan, ibuklin, next.

Novigan, which contains ibuprofen, allows you to cope with a headache due to the vascular spasm. Therefore, it is used for painful menstruation, migraine, psychosomatic overstrain. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, it is best to use novigan after eating.

5 Recommendations for taking

All pain medication tablets should be taken with water, unless otherwise specified in the instructions. For your own safety, you need:

  • not to drink alcohol during treatment;
  • should not exceed the recommended dosage;
  • do not use tablets for more than 5 days, visit a doctor with a prolonged headache;
  • in the treatment of children must be checked with instructions and give only those drugs that are suitable for age;
  • take all the painkillers on a full stomach.

On average, tablets from the scalp act for 10-20 minutes. The pronounced effect lasts from 2 to 6 hours. If you have a very bad headache, what can you do before the pill works?

  1. Take a contrast shower.
  2. Apply an ice pack on your head, moisten the handkerchief with very cold water and wrap it around your forehead.
  3. Make gymnastics for the neck. Exercises: tilt the head to the right and left shoulder, tilt forward and backward, spin in a circle. This will help reduce muscle tension and spasm of blood vessels.
  4. Make a head massage by pressing your fingers on different areas of the skull, on the temples, the back of the head, the crown. To stimulate blood circulation, you can delay the scalp, grabbing at the roots of the hair.

With migraines, it can be difficult to find a really effective drug against a headache that does not contain narcotic components. For treatment it is necessary to pass examination at the neuropathologist.

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