Hypertrophic duodenitis

In the course of the disease duodenitis, the mucosal wall of the duodenum changes. Depending on these changes, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • catarrhal;
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic;
  • erosive.

Consider the hypertrophic form in more detail, since it is very common.

Hypertrophic duodenitis is one of the chronic forms of the disease, in which the protective mucosal wall of the duodenum increases, becomes thicker. This process is due to the increase in cell pressure and their spread.

It is known that with hypertrophic duodenitis, the folded formations of the mucous wall become coarsened, stiff and increase in size. They are very closely adjacent to each other, bright spots in diameter up to 0.8 mm can appear on inflamed areas. Due to this form of the disease, the duodenum is spread by air with great difficulty, and in its lumen there is a large amount of fluid, which consists of mucus and bile.

To identify hypertrophic duodenitis, specialists resort to the instrumental method, namely fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. Such diagnostics allows to determine structural changes and defects of the mucous wall of the duodenum, and reveals localization, i.e.the exact place of the inflammatory process.

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Symptomatology of hypertrophic duodenitis

In order to cure the disease of the duodenum, you need to closely monitor your body. If the following signs appear, then there is a suspicion of hypertrophic duodenitis.


  • acute pain in the digestive organs;
  • dyspeptic signs are signs of a failure of the digestive functions( nausea, profuse vomiting, frequent indigestion, bloating, constipation, etc.);
  • characteristic common signs of intoxication and inflammatory processes( fever, general weakness, lethargy, fatigue, total lack of appetite).

It is important to note that it is very difficult to identify a disease without qualified care. The exact form of duodenitis and the exact diagnosis should be ascertained only by the gastroenterologist. He will prescribe effective treatment and help cope with a dangerous ailment.

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