Salpingoitis in adults and children: acute forms of treatment

Salpingoitis is a serious pathology that is accompanied by an inflammatory lesion of the Eustachian tube of the middle ear. When infection of this area or under the influence of other factors, the mucosa becomes inflamed, which provokes swelling of the auditory tube.

As a consequence, there is a risk of discomfort and hearing loss. In order for the therapy to be effective, it must be started at an early stage in the development of the disease.

Salpingoitis MKB-10

In healthy people, the auditory tube that connects the nasopharynx and the middle ear is closed due to the tight closing of the walls. The lumen can only be opened when yawning or swallowing. If the patency of the pipe is disturbed, there is a risk of penetration of the transudate into the tympanum.

This causes an inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the hearing organ. This pathology is called salpingotitis and is often observed in children and adults. According to the ICD-10, it belongs to the category H65-H75 "Diseases of the middle ear and mastoid process."

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Causes of

Various factors contribute to the development of salpingitis. Most often, it develops under the influence of infection by pathogenic microorganisms. This occurs with the development of acute ailments that affect the upper respiratory organs. They include influenza, pharyngitis, viral infections.

Other common factors of development of the disease include:

  1. Infections that penetrate with blood or lymph flow. Usually this is observed in systemic pathologies - measles, scarlet fever or tuberculosis.
  2. Curvature of the septum of a congenital or acquired character. In this case, the auditory tube is completely or partially blocked.
  3. Strong allergy, which is accompanied by severe swelling and discharge from the nasopharynx.
  4. An increase in the size of adenoids or polyps, which provokes squeezing of the walls of the Eustachian tube. This provokes a violation of its patency and problems with blood circulation. Anatomical features. Propensity to the disease has people with too narrow or twisted Eustachian tube.

Symptoms of

The acute form of the disease is characterized by rapid development. It is characterized by pronounced manifestations:

  • sharp hearing loss;
  • appearance of pain syndrome;
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • sensation of flow of fluid in the hearing;
  • an ear congestion;
  • autophony.

During external examination by means of an otoscope it is possible to visualize hyperemia and thickening of the membrane. As the disease progresses, there is a risk of a purulent secret that accumulates and provokes a pronounced membrane tension. As a consequence, there is a risk of perforation.

The chronic form of pathology is accompanied by a persistent hearing loss. After a while it becomes more and more noticeable. This process is due to the fact that the constant tension of the tympanic membrane provokes a decrease in its elasticity. Destructive processes are observed in the tissues, which leads to thickening of the affected area.


Salpingotitis is usually sufficient for anamnesis and otoscopy. Also, a doctor can prescribe a hearing test - audiometry.

Rynopharyngoscopy is often required. Confirms the correctness of the diagnosed periodic deterioration of hearing. At the same time, it improves after blowing.

The picture shows the area of ​​inflammation with salpingotitis


To cope with this violation, it is recommended to contact LOR.The specialist will conduct diagnostics and select the complex treatment of the disease.


Usually, salpingitis is treated with several components:

  1. Use of antibacterial drugs for exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Usage of ear drops - the doctor can prescribe otypax, normax.
  3. The introduction of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose - usually prescribed drugs such as sanarin, naphthysine.
  4. Application of antipyretic drugs.

If the pathology has a slight leak, it is possible to perform catheterization of the Eustachian tube. You may also need a pneumomassage membrane.

This pathology implies the use of such drugs:

  • amoxiclav;
  • azithromycin;
  • Flemoxin solute.

Physiotherapeutic treatment may be used as a supplement to the main methods. The doctor selects procedures depending on the features of the course of the disease. Usually, irradiation with solux is used or endonasal electrophoresis is performed with the addition of a 3% solution of calcium chloride.

Folk remedies help to cope with the disease with folk remedies

.However, they can only be used as directed by a doctor. For systemic and local therapy, herbal infusions are used.

They can be taken orally several times a day, and also inserted into the auditory orifice. Medicinal plants should be poured boiling water and leave for 5-7 hours. Therefore, infusions usually do in the evening.

The most effective herbal remedies include the following:

  1. Eucalyptus leaves, lavender, yarrow, celandine, dandelion roots are taken in equal parts. A couple of spoons of the mixture should be mixed with 500 ml of water.
  2. Peppermint, leaves of cowberry, birch, coriander, caliban bark, St. John's wort are taken in the same ratio. Then 30 g of the collection is mixed with 700 ml of boiling water.
  3. Nettles, sweet clover, root of the mountaineer, pine buds, fucker, immortelle must be taken in the same parts. Then mix 20 g of the collection with 50 ml of boiling water.

In addition, folk medicine offers plants with antiseptic and bactericidal properties:

  1. Strained aloe juice is diluted in equal parts with water. Introduce the remedy in the nose and lay the tulundas soaked in them in the ear. You need to do this every 4 hours. Such treatment lasts 2-3 weeks.
  2. Inoculate onion juice and lay a slice of vegetable in the ear, heating it on a steam bath and wrapping with a bandage. If the product causes intense burning, the juice should be diluted. Such therapy should last 30 days. It is used for the chronic form of the disease.
  3. Insert into the ear canal garlic oil. To do this, mix the chopped garlic with 100 g of oil and leave for 10 days to infuse. After filtering, add a little glycerine.

About ear diseases and their prevention in our video:

Prevention, consequences of

Provided adequate and timely treatment, this disease has a favorable prognosis. It worsens in the presence of dystrophic lesions of the nasopharynx. These include polyposis, tumor formations, chronic rhinitis. With prolonged leakage of the disease, there is a risk of dangerous complications. So, salpingoitis can provoke the appearance of mastoiditis, labyrinthitis, adhesive otitis.

In cold and windy weather, you should always wear a hat. In addition, doctors recommend timely treatment of the common cold.

Salpingoitis is a fairly serious disease that can lead to serious hearing impairment. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to contact a specialist in time who will choose the right therapy.

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