Toxocarosis in children, symptoms and treatment, how and what to treat toksokar by Dr. Komarovsky, photos and videos

Toxocarosis in children, especially younger children, is much more common than in other age groups. This is due to the fact that babies can not fully comply with the rules of personal hygiene, and because of their curiosity they often pull objects from the ground into their mouths and can not pass by walking dogs and cats without patting them. It is these pets that are the constant hosts of non-specific worms. Usually in their feces and on skins there is a large number of eggs and larvae of the helminth. Infection of the child occurs when parasites enter the mouth of eggs from dirty hands or objects lifted from the ground.

What are the signs of toxocariasis in children? This question interests many young parents. Symptoms of infestation with these parasites depend on the form of the disease in children and on the immunorefection of the organism. In most cases, it has a latent flow and often lasts from a few months to 3-4 years. In this case, toxocariasis in children occurs with periodic exacerbations. This helminthiasis, depending on the location of the larvae in the child's body, can have several forms of its development - visceral, ophthalmic, neurological and dermal. Each of them is accompanied by its own symptomatology:

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  • Visceral toxocariasis in children is accompanied by such clinical signs as pulmonary syndrome with attacks of dry cough, shortness of breath, asthmatic symptoms, abdominal manifestations, dyspnea and febrile condition;
  • With the ocular form of the disease in small patients, larvae of toxocar can be found in the vitreous body. Also, the development of this pathology causes in children the appearance of symptoms of chronic endophthalmitis, inflammation of the optic nerve and uveitis;
  • Skin is accompanied by symptoms of dermatitis, hives and eczema of varying severity. With it, under the skin of the palms and feet, tubercle-like nodules may develop, with nematode larvae present in them, and also dystrophic changes in nails and hair;
  • With neurological toxocarias, children develop symptoms of brain damage( hyperactivity, epileptic seizures, convulsions).In addition, the child is disturbed by thinking and memory.

All these signs of invasion can be seen in the photographs available in many medical reference books, as well as in the video materials available on the resources devoted to this disease. Thanks to the photos and video posted there it is very easy to imagine the danger that such a parasitic disease brings to the health of children. Also, these photos and videos help young parents understand that if a child develops such a symptomatology, an urgent appeal to a specialist for passing a special diagnosis and prescribing an adequate treatment is necessary. Only in case of timely therapy there is a hope that the baby will get rid of these parasites without consequences for overall health.

Doctor Komarovsky on the treatment of toxocariasis in children

Dr. Komarovsky, who is loved by all his parents, talks about this invasion very well and popularly and treats him in his program "Doctor of Komarovsky's School".According to the famous pediatrician of specific therapy, which gives a 100% recovery from this widespread "sandpit disease", to date, there is no. Children affected by infection with larvae toxocar, treated the same way as adults with antinematode drugs.

Therapeutic measures aimed at delivering a small patient from these parasites are quite long, since all drugs applied to it affect only migrating larvae and do not harm encapsulated at all. Komarovsky believes that a complex and lengthy process for the treatment of toxocarias in children should be carried out only by specialists. It is up to them to choose the most effective drug in each particular case, and to prescribe the correct dosage of a potent drug that will cause the child a minimum of side effects.

Scheme of treatment of toxocariasis in children

The most effective in this infestation developing in a child are Ditrazine, Mintezol, Vermox and Albendazole. But parents need to keep in mind that they are all very toxic and dangerous for the liver. Treatment of children with toxocarias should only be carried out according to a prescribed schedule and in a strictly defined dosage. From the testimonies of many mothers, it can be seen that a small child after receiving these medications may have an intestinal disorder or start nausea.

The best reviews of parents earned Vermox. Many say that when applied for therapeutic purposes to get rid of the toxocariasis of this drug, adverse reactions occur in children less frequently than after the use of other medicines. But this is subject to strict adherence to the therapeutic scheme proposed by a specialist. The standard course of this drug is 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. But due to the individual characteristics of each child, it can be changed. Also, for treatment of children with toxocarosis, the specialist can prescribe the following medicines:

  • Mintezol( Vermox), the dose of which is calculated based on the specific weight of the child. Drink it for 10 days without breaks;
  • Ditrazine, also having a large number of side effects and capable of provoking a fever in a child;
  • With ocular toxocariasis, along with treatment with an ophthalmologist, Albendazole or its analogue Tiabendazole is prescribed.

Treatment of toxocarias in children with folk remedies

Traditional medicine, although they play an important role in getting rid of the child from this invasion, can not be used separately from drug therapy. Treatment is only associated with them or ancillary. With such a complex therapy, the restoration of the work of children's organisms, disturbed by toxic products of vital activity of toxocar larvae and the intake of potent drugs that relieve them, goes much faster and more efficiently.

Well established in the rescue of kids from this scourge is a folk remedy, like decoction of the root elecampane. To make it, you need to take a tablespoon of chopped root and pour it with a glass of boiling water. The prepared composition is well wrapped and infused for 9-10 hours. Take it to children who are taking medication therapy toxocarose, it is recommended every 2 hours for 2 tablespoons. The duration of the therapeutic course is a week, after which a weekly break is made.

No less positive reviews have an infusion of bark and asparagus of ash. A teaspoon of dry minced raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and cooked for 5-10 minutes.on a slow fire. Then this broth should be insisted for an hour in a warm place. Receiving it with a child's toxocarias carried out on an empty stomach. In the morning and in the evening, kids should drink a tablespoon of warm broth.

It is worth mentioning about such a magnificent preparation that helps in the treatment of invasion, as a mixture of honey and wormwood seeds. They are mixed in equal parts and are consumed one hour before meals, one tablespoon.

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