Colitis: symptoms and treatment with folk, the first signs of the disease in adults, in women, how does the disease manifest itself?

Disease of colitis is an inflammation that occurs in the cavity of the colon. The manifestation of colitis can begin because of various causes. Inflammation in adults begins in the intestinal mucosa, after which the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease. Colitis in women by observation is the most common gastrointestinal disease, where the method of treatment, medication and folk remedies, will be made depending on the provoking infection.

Common symptoms of colitis in women and men may be:

  1. Persistent or periodic pain in the abdomen.
  2. Bloating.
  3. Stool with blood-purulent mucus.
  4. Feeling chills.
  5. Persistent urge to defecate.
  6. Feeling dehydrated. This can include weakness, decreased urination, a feeling of dryness in the mouth, on the eye and skin surface.
  7. Diarrhea.
  8. Fever.

To date, many varieties of colitis are known, and each has its own distinctive symptoms, and there are different treatment methods.

Symptoms of acute colitis

When colitis with acute characteristics is observed, the strongest edema begins to form and the intestinal mucosa thickens. The first signs of colitis are the formation of mucus, the walls of the intestine turn very red, erosion and appearance are possible, as well as a minor hemorrhage, as seen in the examination. But they can be seen only with internal examination, after which appropriate treatment is prescribed.

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What are the external manifestations of colitis? You can observe the discharge of blood mucus together with feces. There are often tenesmus, that is, the appearance of very painful desires that may appear during defecation. It is worth noting that in some adult patients, in addition to these symptoms, there may be diarrhea, a general malaise, consisting of nausea and vomiting, and rapid fatigue. If you only carry out treatment with folk remedies, then it is likely that the disease will become chronic.

Symptoms of chronic colitis

When the disease begins to change into a chronic form, it becomes important not only that the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, but also inflammation begins in the connective-muscular apparatus. Signs of colitis in women is the expansion of capillaries, the formation of neoplasms. Also, the disease manifests itself in the form of strong painful sensations, which are localized to the abdominal parts, the chair is broken, tenesmus with blood impurities are excreted, feces are fetid. In the treatment of symptoms of colitis, folk remedies and preparations are likely to cause eructations, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite and irritability.

Chronic form of the disease is ulcerative colitis, which is nonspecific. Symptoms of colitis in adults is the formation of hemorrhagic neoplasms, while you can see the corresponding manifestations. It should be noted that in women this form is revealed more often. In addition, ulcerative colitis also has manifestations in the form of a violation of the functionality of the immune system. Symptoms include severe pain, constipation, increased body temperature, articular pain, rectal bleeding, or discharge that is blood-purulent. In addition, when it begins to exacerbate, there are possible such manifestations as pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, anemia, weight loss. If drugs have not been applied on time, it is likely that delayed treatment will lead to the development of cancerous tumors.

Symptoms of spastic colitis

Spastic colitis always has different manifestations. Thus, some may suffer from difficult or rare intestinal emptying, while others may suffer from diarrhea. Mostly, the symptoms are manifested in the form of bloating and a general disturbed state of intestinal activity. Often observed pain in the abdomen and the appearance of gases. Treatment is possible, as with folk remedies, and with medications.

Symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis

The disease appears due to a dysbacteriosis, which was not cured in time. In a mild form it is difficult to diagnose the disease, therefore, it is customary to put such a diagnosis only if there are such signs: diarrhea when taking antibiotics, especially Tetracycline and Linkomycin. The average and severe form in adults are characterized by the continuation of diarrhea even after stopping the intake of antibiotics. The people's means in this case assume the role of auxiliary. In addition, the chair is very frequent, possibly the appearance of impurities of blood and mucus, the overall body temperature rises, there is a general intoxication. There are painful sensations, especially with defecation, tenesmus and false urges.

Symptoms of enterocolitis

Symptoms of enterocolitis are often similar to gastritis in acute form, but differ in origin. Symptoms are rumbling in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and bloating. The tongue begins to form a plaque, and when palpation is determined by the painful areas.

Treatment of enterocolitis is carried out by means of a water-tea diet. If necessary, gastric lavage may be prescribed.

Symptoms of ischemic colitis

When ischemic colitis appears common symptoms of this disease, but they have a different form and intensity. The main sign is the appearance of a strong pain sensation in the left side of the abdomen, as well as disorders of the stool, which includes intestinal cavity obstruction during subsequent rectal bleeding and peritonitis.

Symptomatics and treatment of colitis

Treatment of colitis in adults is carried out in various ways. First of all, therapy is prescribed. For starters, it is possible to use folk remedies and light drugs to eliminate the cause, that is, infection, inflammation, blood flow disorders and more. It is worth noting that in medical practice it is shown that more than just symptomatic treatment and the use of folk remedies are required, namely intravenously injected liquid into the body and drugs to control pain.

The diet is the main therapy for the treatment of a large number of symptoms of colitis. The diet contains a lot of fluid, thanks to which the large intestine rest and restore its functionality.

Infections that can cause diarrhea often require the introduction of antibiotics, however, in this case, the decision of a specialist will depend on the first signs. From some bacterial infections, the body can easily get rid by itself or through the use of folk remedies and observance of dietary rules.

Inflammation of the intestine in the form of ulcerative colitis is taken under control by combining drugs using a step-by-step procedure, and eliminating symptoms gradually. For the beginning preparations are appointed, and in the event that they are less effective, then drugs are added to support the immune system.

Treatment of the first signs of ischemic colitis begins by injecting drugs intravenously to calm the intestines and prevent dehydration, especially if the patient can not comply with the water diet on his own. In the event that adequate blood supply in the intestinal cavity is not restored, surgical intervention is required to remove part of the intestinal cavity, which is a site of bleeding.

As it was possible to notice, the main symptoms of the disease are diarrhea and spastic pain in the abdomen. Outpatient treatment is based on a diet, which prescribes a constant drink for 24 hours and rest, which is so necessary to eliminate pain. Often the symptoms of colitis disappear quickly enough, and the further course of treatment can be directed only at folk remedies.

In addition to the fact that a large amount of fluid is required daily, it is necessary to replenish and lose it, otherwise dehydration will occur, potentially intensifying the pain signs in the abdomen and convulsions.

Depending on the cause and symptoms of colitis, treatment is prescribed to control manifestations. Antibiotics are useful for such signs, which are caused by certain infections. Preparations aimed at supporting immunity, as well as folk remedies, are used to control the manifestations of inflammatory processes.

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