Causes and treatment of headache after eating

1 Etiology of the disease

Why does the headache after eating? The causes may be as follows:

  1. Low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia often occurs as a result of fasting, malnutrition or irregular eating. The fact is that nutrients do not saturate tissues immediately after eating, and the process of digestion requires the body to have certain energy inputs.
  2. Intoxication of the body as a result of constipation, weakened peristalsis, lack of enzymes.
  3. Food poisoning by spoiled food, inedible mushrooms, berries, dangerous chemicals.
  4. Compliance with a strict diet that can cause stress and nervous overexertion.

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Headache that occurs after eating is usually pulsating, bilateral. Unpleasant sensations cover the forehead and whiskey. Occurs in the form of a severe attack, passes as suddenly as it begins, can last from 5-10 minutes to a full day.

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2 Action of

products An excess of vitamin A can lead to regular headaches. In fact, it is quite difficult to get an overdose of this vitamin from food, usually it is accompanied by simultaneous intake of several multivitamin preparations. In case of hypervitaminosis of vitamin A, in addition to the headache of the patient, nausea and cramps in the abdominal cavity are disturbed. Until the patient's condition improves, he needs to limit in the diet butter, eggs( especially yolks), liver, tomatoes, carrots.

Also the cause of pain can become preservatives, in large quantities contained in semi-finished products and fast food. Sausages, sausages, instant foods are better to exclude from their diet altogether or eat them as rarely as possible.

Regular use of alcohol during meals inevitably leads to a headache. And it's not just about a lot of booze, but about a glass of wine or a beer mug for dinner. Ethyl alcohol causes a sharp expansion, and then a spasm of blood vessels, which adversely affects the brain.

People who are accustomed to the morning cup of coffee, often the question arises, why the headache. And the answer is simple, a headache can arise in the event that the body did not receive its portion of caffeine on time. In addition to headache, withdrawal syndrome is also accompanied by nausea, irritability, inability to concentrate, tremor.

It is very common that the headache is caused by the use of sodium glutamate, and this myth has been around for many years. The fact is that the results of the investigation of this substance were falsified and filed by journalists to the public as a sensational discovery. In fact, a person does not eat so much glutamate sodium with food, so that it could negatively affect his health. The same goes for soy products. To date, soybeans are recognized as one of the safest and most useful sources of high-grade protein, and they contain no substances that can cause headaches.

Doctors say that it is harmful to suffer a headache, as the expectation that everything will pass by itself only intensifies unpleasant sensations. It is best to take pain medication immediately after the onset of painful sensations in the recommended dosage. It is desirable to always have in the medicine cabinet one of the proven tools for pain relief: analgin, tsitramon, spasmalgon, paracetamol.

If a malaise occurs after a meal regularly, you should consult a doctor even if the medication is easy to cope with the pain.

3 Recipes of traditional medicine

Ginger tea is a truly magical tool for accelerating metabolism. This drink helps the body to quickly and efficiently absorb food, resulting in improved biochemical composition of the blood, and the tissues receive glucose, oxygen, vitamins and minerals in the required amount.

To make ginger tea, it is necessary to boil 2 cups of water, add 2 tsp.shredded ginger and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. In the finished tea, you can add lemon. It is better to sweeten it with honey, but it should be added only after cooling to room temperature, since at high temperatures honey not only loses useful properties, but also releases dangerous substances.


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After taking this tea, there is a slight fever in the abdomen and a sensation of fever. It is better to start with 1 gulp of ginger after eating, and patients with chronic diseases of the digestive system should consult a doctor.

To prevent headaches, drink 1 glass of ginger a day after each meal. And if the headache has already begun, you can drink a glass at the same time.

You need to train yourself to follow the diet. Most often the head begins to ache when, after a hard working day without a single snack, the person gorges on before going to bed. If there is no appetite in the morning, and do not feel like eating breakfast, it's better to try to get up half an hour earlier. I do not have to go to lunch, but in a calm atmosphere. Between the main meals you can arrange snacks, but there are no sweets, muffins or fast food, and fruits, vegetables, nuts.

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Products that contain sugar substitutes, preservatives, caffeine, excess salt can cause headache.

Useful products for the prevention of an ailment are products containing riboflavin, fatty acids, B vitamins, a sufficient amount of liquid. Greens, especially spinach, fresh vegetables and fruits, seeds and whole grains, direct-pressed oils can significantly improve the condition of the patient.

4 Symptoms of intoxication

Intoxication can be both exogenous when poisons enter the body from the outside, and endogenous, when toxins are formed inside damaged and inflamed tissues.

Symptoms of intoxication:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • disorientation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • dehydration of mucous surfaces. Most often, intoxication is caused by poisoning with inedible mushrooms, berries, herbs and roots, eating spoiled food, infectious diseases, disrupting the liver and kidneys, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and drugs.

    When poisoning, a headache after eating says that the toxins have already penetrated the blood. In this case, you need to call an ambulance, as self-medication can lead to serious consequences, including coma and death.

    In the case of endogenous intoxication, eating is not the cause of poor health in itself, but it exerts additional strain on the body, worsening the patient's condition. As a rule, in such a situation, a headache after eating is not the only symptom.

5 Pathological manifestations during the

diet So-called hungry headaches - uniform, non-pulsating, concentrated in the forehead region or extending to the entire head as a whole. The reasons can be different:

  1. First, with a low level of glucose in the blood, the tissues receive insufficient nutrition. The work of receptors and analyzers is disrupted. The food center in the brain, responsible for feeling hungry and full, exchanges ceaseless signals with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, starvation of tissues and nervous overstrain begins.
  2. Secondly, when food intake in insufficient quantities, the metabolism may be severely impaired. With a lack of enzymes in the digestive system, food is poorly digested and, decomposing in the intestines, poisons the body.
  3. Thirdly, the constant feeling of hunger, dissatisfaction with yourself and your appearance leads to the fact that every meal, however meager it may be, can cause feelings of guilt and fear of failure and criticism. In such a situation, stress develops and, as a consequence, a headache of psychogenic nature.

So, if your head hurts after eating, then it's already a health problem.

Remember that before you get rid of it, you need to find out the reason.

Stay healthy!

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