Causes and treatment of shooting headache on the left and right side

2 Etiology of cranialgia

In situations where a person suffers from direct damage to peripheral nerves of various kinds, serious diseases can occur. Phosergil's disease gradually begins to develop, which implies neuritis or neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. When a twitching pain disturbs a person due to a lesion of the glossopharyngeal nerve, experts say about the presence of Sikar syndrome and neuralgia of the nerve.

Sometimes trauma adversely affects 4-5 pairs of nerves of craniocerebral nature. Pain in the head then occurs due to the tunnel syndrome. If the pain occurs not only in the left side of the head but also in the right side, then this may indicate toxic or alcoholic polyneuropathy. In each individual case, the site of pain localization can be different.

It is also possible that the painful sensations cause pathological causes that refer to autonomic ganglia. In this situation, specialists talk about the syndrome of the Sluber or Hunt syndrome, which cause neuralgia of the nerve, vesicular node or even the syndrome of the knee joint. Then there are very strong shooting pains directly behind the ear or in the nape of the neck.

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Headaches can occur for a variety of reasons. For example, quite often the causes of pain are diseases of the organs of vision. If there is such a problem, then it is necessary to treat ophthalmogenic cranialgia. To do this, you need to conduct a thorough examination of a person, because there may be serious inflammatory and suppuration processes that gradually develop in the eye sockets. When the disease develops quite strongly, a negative effect on the nerve structures occurs, and a shooting pain occurs on the left or right side.

Most people who complain of a shooting pain after a test, diagnose problems with their hearing organs or with the organs of smell. In this case, the causes can be as follows:

  • middle or internal otitis with the formation of pus, which affects part of the pyramid of the temporal bone;
  • purulent-destructive mastoiditis;
  • the presence of acute sinusitis, which cause pain both behind the ear and inside it.
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Inflammation of the osteoarticular apparatus located in the maxillofacial area may indicate serious enough diseases. It can be arthritis of the temporomandibular joint( normal or purulent).In addition, in the place where the cranial nerves pass, osteomyelitis may develop, which provokes very painful lumbago in the head.

When there is at least a minimal irritation of the upper pairs of spinal nerves, the person feels a strong shooting pain behind the ear, sometimes in the nape of the neck. This symptom can talk about the presence of osteochondrosis of the spine, the development of the intervertebral hernia. Some people may suffer from post-traumatic neuralgia, the development of which occurs in the occipital part of the head, and then there is severe pain on the left and very rarely on the right side.

Myofascial syndromes, which may resemble tunneling and psychogenic-neuropathic cranialgia, result from irritation of nerve endings located on the face of a person. In such a situation, irritation can be observed both on the left side and on the right side. Accordingly, pain can also be observed in different parts of the head of a sick person.

If the head shoots from the left side, then this can indicate the appearance of intracranial impulses.

At the same time, such unpleasant symptoms indicate very serious health problems. A person can be diagnosed with a tumor of a neuroglia( for example, an astrocytoma or ependymoma), which is in the immediate vicinity of the nerve trunk. Do not exclude the development of cysts or abscesses in the left side of the head. A similar phenomenon can be observed on the right, then the shooting pain disturbs on the right side. Of the shells located on the cranial nerves, tumors can develop - neurinomas or schwannomas. Such reasons for the appearance of shooting pain are very serious and require immediate treatment.

1 How the ailment develops

Shooting pains are neurogenic in nature. They are very closely related to the appearance or circulation of a certain pathological impulse, which can from time to time wander along the receptors or peripheral nerves of a person. At the same time, not every pain analyzer reproduces the pain that shoots in the head. Such pain analyzers exist in almost all brain structures and even in the human skull. For the development of pain impulses, which causes lumbago in the head, the nerve trunks located on the back of the person are responsible. Most of them are located directly in the soft tissues or in the ganglia of the nerves and in the nerves themselves.

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To create a pain impulse, the head needs certain reasons and conditions. This will allow simultaneous occurrence of a pulse not only in the peripheral nervous system, but also in pain centers located in the brain. The reasons can be different. For example, minor or more severe trauma, damage or inflammation that occurs in the peripheral nerves.

Some people have shooting pain in the head due to injuries to the muscles or nerves that are located in the occipital part of the head. In the presence of such a cause, axons of neurons, long nerve branches, are damaged. May be a negative effect even on the nerve cell membranes. As a result of such processes, synaptic transmission to inter-neuronal connections is significantly enhanced, and the inhibitory effect stops at this moment. Because of this, the sweeping pain very quickly spreads along the entire length of the nerve trunk directly to the tissues in the area of ​​its innervation.

It should be clearly understood that if a person develops a shooting pain, then this indicates the presence of an untreated disease. At the same time, another situation can be considered: it shoots behind the ear due to the fact that the disease irreversibly violated the structure of the neurons of the pain center located in the brain. Accordingly, the pain may occur from time to time both on the left and on the right, while in different parts of the head.

3 Clinical manifestations of

If it shoots on the left side of the head, then regardless of the cause of the pain, all patients complain that the symptom arises very sharply. As a rule, pain is especially strong in the occipital part of the head or in the temple. As the numerous practice shows, a bilateral chamber has never been seen. It is interesting that the pain shoots a clear band from the localization zone and directly into the face, jaw or neck of a person. Often occurs in the parotid region of the head.

Depending on where exactly the irritated nerve is located, the innervation zone will also be located there:

  1. Painful sensations on the left side of the head in the frontal region. Occurs near the facial nerve above the brow. More often than not, the reason is that a person has spilled.
  2. Pain in the parietal part can talk about the defeat of a variety of nerves, because it is this area of ​​the head that is the final site for the branching of most of the nerve trunks. In this situation, the pain begins suddenly, maybe a few lumbago.
  3. If you shoot in the left temple, then you should immediately contact a specialist, because the reasons can be very different. In the field of the temple is a lot of nerves, and therefore without a survey it is very difficult to determine what exactly caused the pain.
  4. In the occipital part, pain usually appears after a sharp movement of the head. The cause of pain in the left side of the occipital region may be a draft.

4 Medical measures

What can I do if there is a shooting pain on the left side of my head? Do not engage in self-medication, because we are talking about nerves. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination. According to the received data, the method of treatment of the problem will be chosen.

Thermal procedures play an important role. They are prescribed for the treatment of a variety of neuralgia or neuritis. They are effective even when a person has been excused. If you conduct thermal procedures at home, then to the left side of the head to apply dry heat. In a hospital, it can be a paraffin-ozocerite application or a compress with dimexid, very rarely - semi-alcohol lotions.

Physiotherapy can help cure many problems and eliminate the causes of shooting pain. In this case, specialists use electrophoresis, iontophoresis, laser therapy, UHF therapy, a variety of magnetic procedures or even galvanic current. Choose a method of treatment should only the doctor, depending on the diagnosis.

In all cases it is necessary to take vitamin complexes and in particular vitamins of group B. Very good help to get rid of shooting pain water procedures, namely a circular shower or an underwater shower massage.

Easy acupressure can help solve many health problems, while it is completely safe for the body. Carry out massage procedures at least 2-3 times a day.

5 Drug therapy

In almost all cases, you need to use medicines. They are appointed only by a specialist, you should not select medicines yourself, because this can only exacerbate the situation, increase the intensity of shooting pain and cause very unpleasant complications.

If severe pain in the head on the left side bothers very often, local anesthetics can be prescribed for a while, which will help to eliminate the painful sensations of the shooting type. If the disease is chronic, and the pain occurs several times a day, it is possible to take such drugs as Baclofen, Gabapentin and Carbamazepine.

When the first shooting headaches appear on the left side, consult a specialist for thorough examination and diagnosis.

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