Why do my eyes hurt and what should I do with this condition?

1 Causes that can cause severe pain syndrome

If your eyes hurt, the cause should be clarified by an experienced specialist. To determine the cause, doctors take into account the nature of the pain, the time and duration of its appearance. So, for example, if the pain syndrome builds up gradually, then the doctors usually diagnose any eye diseases.

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  • Inflammation.

When detecting an infectious-inflammatory eye disease, doctors usually diagnose such ailments as conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis. Infectious inflammation is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. They easily fall into the organs of sight from the outside, and from within the body. Inflammatory diseases are accompanied by severe pain syndrome, lacrimation and reddening of the eyes. Often, there are common symptoms such as fever, general malaise, fatigue. In especially severe cases, pus may start to appear from the eyes. Pus becomes the cause of sticking together of the eyelids. This unpleasant phenomenon in most cases appears in the morning after awakening. When these symptoms appear, you should immediately register for a consultation with your doctor. Do not rub eyes at all. This can lead to worsening of the symptoms and spread of the infection.

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Infection of the eyelashes at the base may cause the appearance of barley. The cause of this ailment is a staphylococcal bacterium, which leads to a strong inflammation of the eyelid, its swelling, redness of the eyes, swelling and pain syndrome.

  • Glaucoma.

Serious disease, which can permanently hurt your eyes. In this disease, an increase in intraocular pressure is diagnosed. During periods of exacerbation, patients complain of an intolerable pain syndrome. In most cases, glaucoma causes complete blindness.

  • Sinusitis.

This disease is more commonly known as "sinusitis".Genyantritis is characterized by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and such unpleasant symptoms as swelling and mucous discharge from the nose. Increasing the mucous membrane of the nose presses on the tissues of the eye, which causes their pain.

  • Inflammation of the trigeminal branch is another cause of eye pain.

The feeling of discomfort, as a rule, appears after the transfer of a virus to a patient or after hypothermia.

4 Methods of treatment

Treatment of pain in the eyes directly depends on what exactly caused their appearance.

If an infectious disease becomes the cause of unpleasant phenomena, then doctors prescribe antibiotics, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. If the medications failed to produce the desired results, then the doctors perform surgical treatment.

If the cause of the pain is a long time in front of the computer, doctors advise, in the first place, to properly organize their workplace. The light must fall to the right. Artificial lighting should be uniform and moderately bright. In bright sunlight, you must always close the blinds. This will help avoid the glare on the screen.

If the eyes hurt, then you should sit in front of the computer in such a way that the distance from the screen to the eyes was not less than 50 cm. If you need a long time in front of the computer, experts advise every 40 minutes to take breaks. During the break, you should do gymnastics for the eyes. This kind of gymnastics is quite easy. You just have to look left and right, then back and forth, and make circular movements with your eyes. You can often blink. If necessary, wear glasses before working in front of the computer.

As mentioned above, sinusitis can cause unpleasant sensations in the eye area. When this disease is discovered, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs to the patient.

Severe headaches, namely migraines, can also lead to the above problem. When migraines appear, bed rest should be observed. Taking painkillers with a very severe pain syndrome is unlikely to produce the desired results. It remains only to wait until the attack does not pass by itself. If the migraine is accompanied by a feeling of nausea, then you should spend as much time in a dark, quiet room. Relieve the pain will help cold compresses.

"If barley has struck the eye, what should I do to reduce pain?"- a very good question, the answer to which everyone should know, who often faces this painful condition. In most cases barley passes by itself after a certain amount of time. However, in some cases, to reduce the pain syndrome and prevent complications, doctors write out special drops. Such medicines as Albucid, Interferon and Levomycetin are very popular. Use these medications twice a day for 2 drops in each eye.

Traditional medicine

What to do if the eye hurts, and there is no way to consult a doctor? The answer to this question is quite simple: you need to turn for help to traditional medicine, which for many centuries has helped to cope with serious illnesses. Today there are a lot of home remedies that positively affect the condition of the eyes. Everyone can find something suitable for themselves.

  • Treatment by welding.

In tea brewing, you need to moisten the cotton wool disc and wipe the sick eyes with it. Such cleansing can also improve vision. Positive results appear after 2-3 days.

  • 3 spoons of chemist's chamomile should be poured in 200 ml of boiling water, set aside for 30 minutes and strain through a mesh.

In the resulting consistency, moisten the cotton disc and wipe the eyes with it. This procedure is preferably carried out before going to bed.

If the eyes themselves are very sore, pharmacy algae called "fucus" can come to the rescue.3 spoons of algae should be poured into a thermos and pour hot water. The drug should be infused throughout the night. The obtained tincture should be poured into ordinary square ice molds and placed in a refrigerator. Before going to sleep, you need to spend around the eye with one cube of the drug mixture. Do not be afraid that the liquid will get into your eyes. To harm the organs of vision, she can not. The course of such treatment should not last less than 2 weeks.

What should I do if my child's eyes hurt directly? This question worries all parents. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms experts advise to prepare drops on the basis of medicinal herbs. Such drops are prepared quite easily.1 spoon of cumin should be mixed with the same number of leaves of plantain and petals of a cornflower. All ingredients must be crushed, pour 400 ml of boiling water and drain. To drip such means it is necessary 5 times a day in each eye on 3 drops.

If the eyes ache constantly, then do not hesitate to check with a professional. This can cause very serious complications.

2 Other factors of pain

A sharp pain syndrome indicates damage to any structures of the eye. This happens in case of inflammation, trauma or hemorrhage. There are a number of other reasons for the above problem.

  • Visual overstrain.

A very common cause, because of which the eyes of the majority of patients who seek medical attention with this problem are constantly sore. Currently, many people spend almost the whole day in front of computers. It is very hard for the eyes, which causes overstrain of the oculomotor muscles. This all becomes the reason that in a fairly short period of time the eyes of the inveterate "computer programmer" begin to ache, blush and water.

  • Various injuries.

As mentioned above, doctors often diagnose eye injuries, which causes the above symptoms. In such a situation it is very important to provide the victim with an ambulance in time. First you should wash your eyes. Then it is necessary to dig in them a few drops of Albucidum. If a foreign body gets into the eye, and there is no immediate possibility to call an ambulance, then you should try to get rid of the foreign body yourself. To do this, you need to blink rapidly for 1 minute, close your eyes and wipe your eyelids with a clean handkerchief. If you get into the eyes of hard-to-remove particles, you can not wait a single day. Untimely treatment of a doctor can cause partial or complete blindness.


A simple but effective way to get rid of the Headache! The result will not be long in coming! Our readers have confirmed that they successfully use this method. After carefully studying it we decided to share it with you.

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  • Many people are interested in the question, why do the eyes hurt with headaches? In fact, quite often, when you have severe pain in the head, your eyes will soon start to hurt.

This is due to the fact that the muscles of the face are very strained with headaches, which is the reason for the appearance of the above-described unpleasant phenomenon.

  • Poor blood supply to the eyeball. Diagnosis of violations in the vessels, which are responsible for the supply of blood to the eye.
  • Allergy often becomes a cause of pain, redness, and increased lachrymation of the eyes. It is also often observed photophobia, runny nose and itchy eyeballs.
  • Wearing contact lenses. The eye hurts, as a rule, with very long wearing of lenses( all day without interruption), use of unsuitable lenses and when using this medical product with expired shelf life.
  • Increased intracranial pressure accumulated excess fluid in the ventricles of the brain becomes the cause of a feeling of heaviness and severe blunt pain in the eyes.
  • Dikul: Orthopedists deceive people! The joints are treated simply "Strong joints and back pains pass, you need 3 times a day. .."
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3 When to seek help from a doctor

In some cases, the above-described unpleasant phenomenon can cause very serious complications. In such situations, it is not only impossible to delay the trip to the hospital, but it is also dangerous.

  1. Contact with eyes of any foreign body.
  2. Dull pain syndrome, which lasts for 2 days or more.
  3. Severe bruise in the eye area.
  4. Appearance of piercing sharp pains.
  5. Pain accompanied by visual impairment.
  6. It is necessary to urgently run to the hospital if the eye is very sore inside, and such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, photosensitivity and vomiting appear.
  7. Vision organs hurt the child.
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