How is migraine treated at home

1 Characteristics of the disease

Migraine is a neurological disease. Migraine is characterized by acute, throbbing pain. It can occur regularly or from time to time.

The ancient Greeks called this ailment hemicrania, in translation it means "half of the skull" - the pain that appears in one part of the head. But there are rare cases when the pain syndrome occurs simultaneously from two sides.

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The pain attacks sharply and unexpectedly, in the form of an attack. It pulsates and drills the temple, gives to the parietal and frontal parts. In other cases, pain concentrates in the eye. It is not a sign of a serious brain disease, it is not caused by ophthalmic diseases.

Migraine is related to the reaction of the vascular system of the head to external stimuli .The mechanism of the onset of the disease is not fully understood. However, to date, the role of vasoactive substances in its development has been proved. Vasoactive substances can expand or contract blood vessels. They are produced by vascular cells to regulate local blood flow.

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Some people experience a painful condition every few months. And others suffer from it every day. On average migraine appears quite often - twice a week.

Migraines are moderate and tolerant. But sometimes people lose their efficiency from strong and frequent pains. In addition to pain, they may experience nausea and vomiting. If a moderate severity of migraine is diagnosed, the patient is treated at home, while on sick leave. With a complicated course of the disease, the patient may be hospitalized. In rare cases, a medico-social examination is appointed for the purpose of disability.

The disease is more susceptible to the fair sex.

It is passed on from generation to generation, mainly on the female line. If the mother has migraine attacks, then the children will appear with a probability of 72%.The first migraines occur in adolescence. The peak of diseases occurs at the age of 18-30 years. Migraines develop more often in urban areas.

2 Basic forms of the disease

Simple. It arises unexpectedly, against a background of excellent well-being. Pulsating headache is localized in one part of the head, more often in the forehead, eye or temple area. Sometimes the pain appears in the occipital part. In severe attacks, nausea and vomiting may occur. The crisis lasts 1-2 hours. After a night's sleep, the pain subsides.

During an attack the patient does not tolerate a sharp sound, bright light and touch. He pale, his pressure changes, limbs become colder. Sometimes there is chills and thirst.

Classical migraine. Has an aura - a phenomenon that precedes an attack. Auras can be visual, vestibular, olfactory, sensitive and motor. The most common is the visual aura. For a short time before the attack, the patient can see shiny flies or asterisks before the eyes( photopsy), the field of vision( scotoma) may decrease or the part of the view from the side on which pain( hemianopsia) appears. With a classic migraine attack, the sensitivity of the body increases. Reflexes can change on the one hand.

Associated migraine. It is characterized by long-term disorders and is divided into:

  • ophthalmoplegic( lesion of the optic nerve occurs);
  • hemiplegic( weakness of the extremities);
  • vestibular( imbalance, tinnitus);
  • cerebellar( impaired coordination);
  • cardiac( attacks of angina pectoris);
  • abdominal( bloating, diarrhea).

Group headache. It is characterized by repeated attacks of headache attacks. Crises are repeated up to 6-8 times a day. The patient has lacrimation, the skin of the face darkens and turns red.

Complicated forms. These are forms of migraine, which imply the presence of physiological pathologies( basilar migraine, migraine infarction).

3 The causes of the disease

There are the following factors that affect the disease:


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  1. Psychogenic. Stresses, constant conflicts. Overload emotional and physical.
  2. Meteorological. About half of patients react to changes in weather conditions.
  3. Most women experience migraine during and after menstruation.
  4. Sleep disturbance( chronic lack of sleep or excessive sleep).
  5. The use of oral hormonal contraceptives.
  6. Some types of products( chocolate, cheeses, smoked products, cocoa, nightshade, nuts).Alcohol abuse. Rigid diets.
  7. Overheating in the sun.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Simultaneous presence in a patient of dyskinesia bile ducts and arterial hypotension contribute to the development of migraine.

4 First aid

What to do with migraines? Doctors do not advise to suffer a headache. To reduce it, you need to postpone all matters, retire in a darkened cool room, get rid of various sounds, as much as possible, lie down and relax. On the forehead, you can put a terry towel soaked in cool water.

Most people who regularly suffer from headaches know how to treat a migraine at home. Some people are helped by a cup of coffee, others by a warm bath with the addition of herbal medicines. You can alleviate the pain if you go out into the fresh air( but not in the sun in hot weather).

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Effective means are usual mustard plasters, if you put them on calves of legs.

There are a lot of folk ways for cupping a migraine. You can use any of them.

If the pain is unbearable and does not abate, you can drink anesthetic - ibuprofen, panadol, aspirin or nurofen. Pregnant and lactating women should drink a pill of paracetamol.

If migraine pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, impaired coordination and balance, stenocardia, vision problems, fever and other dangerous symptoms, you should consult a doctor without delay. How dangerous such a migraine, symptoms, and treatment at home as possible - can only determine the doctor. Is it possible to cure a migraine?

5 Traditional medicine recipes

How to treat migraines at home using folk remedies?

In places where the jawbone is fixed, there are small dimples. If they are massaged with a light pressure, the pain will subside.

Half of the cut bulb can be attached to the temples. They are fixed with a bandage and left until the moment the pain goes away.

Instead of onions to temples, you can attach white cabbage leaves or lilac leaves.

Quail cabbage is recommended not only to the temples, but also to the area behind the ears.

To the sore spot, apply a mixture of egg yolks and saffron( for 3 yolks half a teaspoon of saffron)

Headache can be reduced if you drink a quarter cup of a mixture of vinegar juice and raw potatoes( in equal parts).If at the moment there is no viburnum in the house, you can get by with the juice of potatoes.

You can grate whiskey with lavender or mint oil. Oils should be used with caution in pregnant women.

Some people help to relieve the attack of anise seeds.

The pain of a couple of camphor and ammonia is stopped. Both ingredients are taken in equal parts, mixed and inhaled by their vapors. It is not necessary to abuse this remedy.

The egg-milk cocktail also helps. The raw egg is driven into a glass of hot milk( not too hot, so that the egg does not curdle) and mix. You need to drink at the very beginning of the attack.

Tampons, impregnated with fresh beet juice or onions, inserted into the ear from the side where pain has arisen, help relieve pain.

In an enamel saucepan pour in equal proportions water and apple cider vinegar. When the liquid boils, you must gently bend over the pan( not to burn your face) and inhale steam.

If you eat periodically on an empty stomach a raw apple sprinkled with salt, seizures for a long time will not bother.

For the same purpose, folk healers are advised to start the day with a glass of whey.

One of the most effective remedies for migraine is considered a lilac ointment. To make it, you need a pig lard and young buds of lilac. The buds are ground in a meat grinder and squeezed out juice from them. To the juice add the smalets in the proportion 1: 4.The mixture must be thoroughly mixed. Ointments are smeared on the forehead and whiskey at the first signs of ailment. The pain subsides after 30 minutes.

6 Head massage

Head massage can be used in a complex of measures for the management of migraine headaches or as an independent measure when other means are not available. Pregnant and breastfeeding is better to give preference to massage, since folk remedies and medications are undesirable in their position. The procedure improves blood flow to the head and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. How to get rid of migraines with massage?

Before a massage you need to relax. It can be done on your own, but it's better if you get help with migraines from another person.

First, in a circular motion, you need to massage the entire head. After this, you should divide the entire surface of the head into zones and massage them in turn. When treating each area, the skin should be stretched and slightly squeezed.

When all zones are massaged, the hair is divided into strands and in turn they are pulled to a light painful sensation.

With finger pads, tapping movements need to be walked around the entire head.

After the head, attention should be paid to the neck. It is carefully massaged from the back of the head to the cheeks. Then the face is massaged from the chin to the forehead. Zones of the neck and face need to be massaged about 15 times.

Then attention is paid to the occipital part of the head.

Again the neck. Now in the direction of the neck-shoulders-clavicle. Especially carefully it is necessary to stretch the tissues in the region of the spine. Literally probing the vertebrae.

The forehead rises before the sensation of spilling heat appears.

Finally, whiskey is massaged.

7 Prevention measures

People who suffer from migraine attacks need to radically change their lifestyle.

First of all, you need to develop a healthy sleep regime and not violate it. It should be ensured that the sleep lasts the recommended 8 hours. Nedypaschat, as well as to pour it is impossible.

It is recommended to revise your habitual diet. It is necessary to abandon products provoking migraine attacks, or reduce their use to a minimum. Preventative means is a normal herring. It's good if she appears on the table from time to time.

It is better not to eat fast food, convenience foods, carbonated drinks, products with preservatives and dyes. It is necessary to avoid snacking on dry run.

The diet is adjusted so as to avoid periods of starvation. Sometimes migraine attacks occur because of hunger.

Instead of tea, it is better to drink infusion of viburnum. The berries of Kalina are poured with boiling water and insist. They drink a drink instead of tea with honey. Useful compotes of dogwood and herbal teas. It is good to drink infusions from raspberry leaves, chamomile flowers and oregano. Coffeemans need to reduce the amount of coffee consumed.

It is necessary to abandon bad habits and not to abuse alcohol.

Regularly you need to be outdoors, long walks in the park or the forest are useful. The living area should be well ventilated.

Health effects on moderate physical activity are beneficial. Greatly strengthens the vessels with a contrast shower. If you do such procedures regularly, vascular disease will stop worrying. Taking a contrast shower, do not make too much temperature difference, especially when doing this for the first time. Sufficient temperature fluctuations range from 35 to 40 degrees.

If you follow these simple rules, you can get rid of migraines forever.

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