Hemorrhoids 2-3 degrees( the third stage), symptoms, treatment without surgery, methods of removal, how to treat at home with candles and folk remedies?

One of the most urgent problems of our time, is a disease like hemorrhoids. This ailment can occur both in men and in women over 30 years of age. There are exceptions, and the disease manifests itself in younger people.

When hemorrhoids come in grade 3, even shy patients turn to the doctor. This is due to the fact that discomfort at this degree of disease is greatly increased. This happens primarily because people do not seek qualified help in a timely manner.

Among the main causes contributing to the emergence of hemorrhoids of the 3rd stage, it can be considered:

  • Disturbance of digestive processes. This occurs when the diet is not respected;
  • Low physical activity. Especially the similar reason appears at those who sits at the wheel and in an office chair;
  • Pregnancy. The baby puts pressure on the pelvic organs;
  • Physical loads. This applies to athletes and movers.

To recognize the third stage of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to pay attention to the emerging symptoms.

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Symptoms of hemorrhoids 3 degrees

Patients do not know, but hemorrhoids from stage 2 quickly enough into the third. Such an ailment can be recognized by any adult person. The main signs of the disease in stage 3 include:

  • The appearance of blood from the rectum. This occurs at the time of the act of defecation;
  • The discomfort that occurs when the bowel is emptied is replaced by a pain syndrome;
  • Venous formations fall much more often. Despite this, they can be returned to the place without anyone's help;
  • In the anus, the patient experiences a burning sensation and itching. At the same time, this can happen at any time.

With a superficial examination, not even a specialist will be able to recognize hemorrhoids 3 tbsp. In fecal masses, you can see obvious veins of blood. With such changes it is necessary to donate blood for analysis. Hemorrhoids of the third degree can be complicated by the appearance of anemia. This occurs with frequent blood loss.

As soon as symptoms of hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree appear, it is necessary to go to the polyclinic. The specialist will conduct instrumental diagnostics, due to which the diagnosis will be confirmed.

Treatment of hemorrhoids 3 degrees

When hemorrhoids go from 2 degrees to 3, it is necessary to take urgent measures. It should be understood that first you need to understand whether there are complications. Unfortunately, conservative treatment of hemorrhoids of the third degree, will not relieve the emerging disease.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids of stage 3 with the help of surgery. At the moment, the specialist uses the following methods of surgical intervention:

  • Hemorrhoidectomy. In order to get rid of the disease of grade 3, surgery is performed on cavernous formations. Before a surgical procedure, it is necessary to make a spinal anesthetic. The operation can be either open or closed. A specific method will be chosen only during the surgical procedure. In order not to cause pain, it is recommended to perform an operation to remove hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree by the open method;
  • Hemorrhoids of stage 3 can be performed without surgery, in the classical sense. To get rid of cavernous formations, you can use the Subbotin bandaging method. With the help of a clamp the surgeon grasps the knot at the border with the mucous membrane. After this, the venous formation is bandaged. Soon, the venous formations in the third stage will pass, as they simply disappear;
  • Elimination of cracks in diseases of the third degree. In this case, surgical intervention is also necessary. First, the specialist anesthetizes the work area, then conducts the operation. After treatment, the sphincter of the rectum should be within 3 days at rest.

It should be remembered that the patient will need a recovery after surgery to remove hemorrhoids of the third degree. Otherwise, the body will be weakened and a new disease may appear.

Regarding the fight with the 3rd stage of hemorrhoids at home, you can not spend your time on it. Even medications will not give effective results, which means that alternative medicine also does not cope with the disease.

Postoperative period of grade 3 hemorrhoids

Whatever the methods of treating hemorrhoids of stage 3 would not be used by a doctor, the patient needs rehabilitation procedures. For relief of leucorrhoea, which appear after the operation, it is necessary to use analgesics.

It should be understood that after the operation to remove cavernous sacs of the 3rd degree, men and women behave differently. Everything depends on the physiology of man. In men, there is a delay in urination, as well as a breakdown in the functions of the prostate gland. To eliminate the problem that appeared after removal of cavernous nodes of grade 3, you must enter a catheter into the urethra.

In order to sleep swelling, you can use candles from the disease of stage 3.With the help of a suppository you can eliminate bleeding. If the postoperative period is at home, you can use ice to treat the consequences of stage 3 hemorrhoids.

Another important aspect in the rehabilitation period is nutrition. Thus, treatment of cavernous formations of the 3rd stage can be carried out at home. It is important to exclude from the diet all harmful foods. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the sutures will disperse and bleeding will open.

For fast recovery after hemorrhoids 2 and 3 stages it is necessary to visit the toilet once a day. In this case, the act of defecation should be done without tension. To avoid constipation, treatment of hemorrhoids 3 tbsp.can be implemented by popular means. Perfectly fit tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

After the treatment of hemorrhoids of the third degree, you can return to classes in the gym only after 3 months. In addition, training should be started gradually. Heavy loads will cause a relapse of the disease.

How to avoid re-hemorrhoids 3 degrees?

After having managed to cure the third art.hemorrhoids, care should be taken to ensure that the disease does not return. It is enough to fulfill several simple rules:

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Contraindicated frequent weight lifting;
  • Use at least 2 liters of liquid per day;
  • Food should be balanced;
  • It is recommended to monitor your weight.

Whatever methods of struggle are used, the disease can return. This is due to the stressful situations that arise in the life of any adult. To eliminate the bad mood, you can go swimming. In addition, the muscles of the anus will always be in good shape.

Of course, prevention does not guarantee that the hemorrhoids will not appear again, but they can be cured with candles and ointments. That's why you should think about your health.

If there will be venous formations 1 tbsp.it is necessary to wash or bathe in the tubs. For this it is enough:

  • Prepare a flower decoction. Take 1 tbsp.a spoonful of chamomile and bark of oak and mix them with a liter of water;
  • Perform the procedure for 15 minutes a day before going to bed;
  • Similar therapy is conducted throughout the week.

If nevertheless there was a third degree of a hemorrhoids, treatment in house conditions to spend without the doctor is categorically not recommended. Otherwise, serious consequences can occur.

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