Why did the hemorrhoidal knot come out, how do you know what hemorrhoids pop up?

Complaints of patients that they have got out a hemorrhoidal node can be heard quite often. This is not surprising, because a lot of people suffer from hemorrhoids, but very few people go to the doctor, considering this disease to be shameful. This attitude to the problem is very dangerous. It leads to the fact that the ailment becomes chronic and the person suffering from it suffers from negative manifestations regularly, and the periods of remission become shorter. If you do not urgently need to tackle the pathology, its relapses will increase every time and, in the end, lead to serious complications. In order to fully understand this problem, it is necessary to find out why hemorrhoids get out and who is most susceptible to the development of this ailment. Causes contributing to the emergence of this not only unpleasant, but also quite a dangerous disease a few:

  • Diseases of the pelvic organs. Inflammatory processes in them contribute to the fact that the outflow of blood from the perianal region worsens and, as a consequence, regularly inflamed nodes appear there;
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  • Diseases of the liver, such as cirrhosis, also provoke the development of hemorrhoids, which, in the absence of adequate treatment of the ailment that has become their original cause, will increase in size and come out of the anus, causing severe pain to the patient;
  • Stagnates blood in the veins of the small pelvis and because of the addiction to fatty and spicy foods, which also disrupt the functioning of the liver;
  • An important factor contributing to the development of this disease is the sedentary, inactive way of life, since during prolonged sitting there is a deterioration of blood flow in tricky bodies. Because of this, they expand and become inflamed, provoking the formation of hemorrhoids, which, increasing in size, come out.

Being exposed to regular risk factors, these blood-filled cones over time do not just begin to increase in size and come out of the anus, but lead to the fact that the walls of the vessels of the rectum become thinned, the tissue degeneration occurs and blood supply is disturbed. As a result, a person has a bleeding at each act of defecation, the damaged crawling hemorrhoidal nodes become infected, which leads to increased blood clotting and, as a consequence, the formation of thrombi.

Can hemorrhoids get out after lifting weights and doing sports?

This is also often asked from specialists. Yes, weight lifting, not even multiple, but one-time, and also employment by power kinds of sports very strongly promote development of an illness. That's why those who work in heavy industries, as well as athletes, weightlifters are at risk. This is due to the fact that with constant physical exertion intra-abdominal pressure increases, which leads to stretching and thinning of the walls of the vessels. They form hemorrhoids, which crawl out at any load. People who are in these risk groups should be more attentive to any negative t disturbing signs, indicating that the pathology of the rectum or anal canal is developing. How to understand that hemorrhoids came out? There are several signs:

  • Discomfort, painful or itchy sensations in the anus. This symptom is the most common, as the flow of veins and the formation of nodes in the perianal region is almost always accompanied by the appearance of mucus. Itching usually appears with an internal form of pathology, and pain is felt most often with the external. Although it also happens that these signs can be characteristic for both types of crawling hemorrhoids;
  • Pain during defecation also indicates the appearance of pathological, blood-filled and popping out of the anal opening of the nodes. In addition, many patients feel new urges after a complete evacuation of the intestines, which also makes it clear about the development of pathology;
  • About the fact that cones come out of the anus, you can understand and follow the traces of blood, which remains on toilet paper or feces. In the latter case, it does not mix with feces, but envelops them outside;
  • The development of the external form of pathology is also evidenced by the very strong swelling of the perianal region. If it seems swollen and also painful when touched, this is due to the hemorrhoids that come out of it.

All of the above alarming signs of a beginning illness should be known to everyone who is at risk for developing this disease. In this category of people are workers of intellectual work, office employees, drivers of heavy vehicles, workers engaged in carrying heavy loads and athletes weightlifters.

Hemorrhoids have come out strongly, what can be done?

First of all, you should hurry to the proctologist. It is this specialist, after carrying out the necessary studies, will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. It is not recommended to take any therapeutic measures independently, as this in most cases leads to an aggravation of the situation. The disease continues to progress, and blood-filled hemorrhoidal nodes get out regularly. The doctor will not only pick up adequate treatment, but also teach how to correctly push the popping cones back. There are general rules for directing the hemorrhoidal node that has come out, but they should be applied only after the specialist has learned to do everything correctly:

  • First of all, the area of ​​the anus is thoroughly cleaned with cool water and the ice compress, necessary for the procedure of correction of the exited hemorrhoidal knot, Sterile gloves and petroleum jelly;
  • A clean perianal area is anesthetized by applying an ice pack to it, and then smeared with petroleum jelly;
  • A man with a hemorrhoidal knot that emerges out into the knee-elbow position with legs slightly apart. This posture is considered the most convenient for restoring blood-filled cones;
  • The skin of the buttock itself or with the help of someone is moved aside from the edge opposite from the fallen node;
  • With the forefinger, the cum of the hemorrhoids crammed into the lumen of the intestine and held there for several minutes;
  • The insertion site is carefully felt to determine the presence of bleeding or damage. It is very simple to do this - in case of their presence, there will be traces of blood on the finger.

If there are pathological signs of damage to the outgoing hemorrhoidal node, you should consult your doctor and, if necessary, go to the in-patient department for examination. If the procedure is successful, the patient should tightly squeeze the buttocks and lie on his side for at least half an hour. Only if this action is observed, it is possible to exclude the reoccurrence of the pathological cone. But it should be remembered that only radical therapy will help the hemorrhoidal nodes to cease to pop up constantly and the person forgot about the painful sensations brought by regular bumps that are filled with stagnant blood.

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