Falling hemorrhoids, dropping hemorrhoidal nodes from the rectum( anus), symptoms and treatment, what to do?

The burden of hemorrhoids in the form of a fallen hemorrhoidal node is the main symptom of neglect of the disease or improper treatment. Falling nodes of hemorrhoids occurs in the late stages of development, if the musculature of the rectum does not already hold the inflamed and enlarged cavernous tissue in the rectum. As a rule, the loss of hemorrhoids is typical for the 4th degree of the disease, however, in case of unfavorable course of the disease or as a result of additional conditions, for example, pregnancy, the part of the rectum falls on 2 degrees.

There may be a number of reasons for the drop of a hemorrhoids' nodule. These include:

  • weakening of muscular tissue of the rectum;
  • loss of anal sphincter tone;
  • ineffective or untimely treatment;
  • atrophy of the connective tissues of the rectal zone;
  • complication after surgery if the doctor's recommendations are not observed.

Sometimes nodules fall out after birth, when hemorrhoids developed during pregnancy, as a result of strong generic attempts go to the next degree. Nodules of hemorrhoids can fall out with minimal physical exertion. Sometimes a person suffices to sneeze enough to feel that the hemorrhoidal knot has fallen out. Necessarily the part of the intestine gets out of the anus at defecation, lifting weights.

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Symptoms of dropped nodes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids prolapse is characteristic of its external form. At 2-3 stages, the dropping nodules can spontaneously enter the rectum, but at 4 degrees this does not occur. Even when the inflammation subsides, the cones remain hanging outside, forming a kind of bag around the anus. The dropping hemorrhoids causes discomfort in the rectal zone, and when the sphincter is clamped, pain occurs.

The number and size of the pouches varies. At some patients at survey the doctor detects one site, at others - their congestion. Of course, taking any measure requires any form and type of hemorrhoids, but for the sake of fairness it is important to note that single cones are easier to treat than a hemorrhoid "bunch".

There are small in size nodules to a centimeter, and there are impressive in size sprawl of 3 or more centimeters. Large cones are often injured during defecation, begin to bleed. This aggravates the problem and delivers additional discomfort, pain and inconvenience to the patient.

With hemorrhoids of the 4th degree of compaction, they not only often become inflamed themselves, but also "tolerate" unfavorable symptoms on surrounding tissues. Possible abscesses, suppuration, swelling and itching of the adjacent skin and mucous membrane.

When do hemorrhoidal nodules fall out?

If the cones do not come out at the beginning of the disease, then this phenomenon is already observed on the second, but they spontaneously return to the rectum. Absence of therapy and adverse life factors, for example, sedentary work or hard physical labor, lead to the development of pathology. In this case, the disease enters the third phase, one of the symptoms of which are the fallen hemorrhoid cones, which the patient has to insert into the anus after each defecation or excessive physical effort.

Correction of the fallen hemorrhoids is necessary, as pinched seals with a sphincter can lead to thrombosis of tissues.

In pregnancy or after childbirth, pathology develops much faster. Sometimes the first and second stage of a woman just does not notice, but only finds herself sick when the cones fall out constantly. What to do in this case? A timely visit to the doctor will help to begin adequate treatment and prevent further development of the disease.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids with prolapsed nodes

A proctologist performs an examination of the patient in the knee-elbow position. External review allows you to assess the condition of the anus, skin tissue, the severity of hemorrhoids. After this, the specialist can evaluate the possibility of directing the cones by the patient himself. Also, a finger examination of the rectum is performed, which allows to assess the tone of the sphincter, to reveal the presence of scars of the mucosa.

One of the diagnostic methods is the examination of the rectum with a probe. The proctologist performs examination of the walls of the rectum for the presence of cracks, reveals the number and dimensions of internal hemorrhoids. Inspection of the anal canal is carried out at a depth of 10-12 cm and is well tolerated by patients.

There are other diagnostic techniques, such as sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. They allow you to more thoroughly study the condition of the rectum and determine the degree of pathological changes.

The complex of diagnostic measures allows the specialist to see a clear picture of the development of the disease, to identify concomitant anatomical abnormalities and complications.

How to treat fallen hemorrhoids?

It is best to treat hemorrhoids in 1-2 stages, and in later phases, relapses often occur. At the beginning of the development of the disease, when the cramping cones recede spontaneously, conservative medication is recommended, which involves the use of painkillers, antimicrobial and absorbable suppositories, and funds aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the rectal area. In later periods of the disease, when cones no longer self-adjust, often bleed and pinched by the anal ring, other methods of treatment are connected:

  • To remove symptoms and reduce inflammation at home, use rectal suppositories. Gepatrombin, Aurobin, Relief, Proctosan, suppositories with oilsea ​​buckthorn, ichthyol or methyluracil.
  • Dropped nodes are treated with ointments. The best drugs for getting out of hemorrhoids are Heparin ointment, Vishnevsky's composition, Proctosan gel, Levomekol.
  • Include tableted preparations that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and stabilize blood flow in the small pelvis.
  • Treat fallen lumps and folk remedies. For example, make compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs, make home remedies, which, in the opinion of adherents of traditional medicine, help much better.

But, as a rule, medicines and folk remedies are not enough. Inflammation can and will leave, but relapses are inevitable and illness will return. To completely get rid of the dropping nodes often resort to surgical intervention.

Minimally invasive methods for treatment of dropping hemorrhoids

If it was not possible to remove the symptom with tablets and ointments, which happens in most cases, patients are offered minimally invasive methods of treatment:

  • Sclerotherapy. The procedure consists in introducing a special drug into the vessels that feed the enlarged cavernous tissue. As a result, the fallen nodules decrease in size and fall off.
  • Photocoagulation or ultrasound. Ultrasound or infrared radiation is directed to the dropped nodes. Cones decrease and resolve.
  • Ligation. Latex ring drags on the plexus, which without food by blood dies.
  • Desaturization. The procedure involves bandaging the vessels of the nodes, which quickly die off.

It is possible to remove( excise) seals of cavernous tissue, and you can resort to hemorrhoidopexy, in which the nodes that fall out are pulled upward by resection of the rectum. All operations are performed under anesthesia.

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