Erosive gastroduodenitis - symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, how to treat a chronic form?

Today, erosive gastroduodenitis is often detected, its treatment is complex. It is carried out by observing a strict sparing diet and correctly selected medication. To accelerate the recovery process help traditional medicine, physiotherapy and sanitation.

This is the only way to achieve a remission that will last indefinitely, excluding the possibility of a secondary occurrence of the acute phase and the transition to a chronic form. Ignore the symptoms of erosive gastroduodenitis in any case impossible. This is the most dangerous form of damage to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. It can easily lead to the development of an ulcer or an oncology. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the first signs of the disease and have an idea of ​​what medicines will help you in the process of fighting it. Let us dwell on these two points in more detail.

Symptoms of erosive gastroduodenitis

It is the endoscopy that makes it possible to clearly see what erosive gastroduodenitis is, its symptoms and treatment are well known to the gastroenterologist, therefore a visit to it must necessarily be planned if permanent headaches, severe weakness and compulsive nausea begin to torment. Clinical picture can be supplemented:

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  1. Sour eructation.
  2. Unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth.
  3. White coating on the tongue.
  4. Constant feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
  5. Severe heartburn.
  6. Lack of appetite.
  7. Alternation of constipation and diarrhea.

Erosive gastroduodenitis is characterized by the appearance of erosion and small ulcers on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, the nature of its symptoms depends on the severity of the disease. If ulcerative lesions spread throughout the tract, vomiting with blood is added to the nausea, black feces appear.

When the sores bleed, the patient develops anemia from time to time, it causes dizziness and weakness. The person starts to get tired quickly and can not work. In this case, he must be hospitalized. In other cases, therapy is carried out at home, so it makes sense to talk in detail about how to treat erosive gastroduodenitis in the home.

Features of the therapy of erosive gastroduodenitis

The first symptoms of the disease can not be ignored, in many patients the acute phase very quickly develops into a peptic ulcer. Therefore, the treatment of erosive gastroduodenitis must be treated very responsibly. Trying alone to fight the disease is not worth it. And all because each describes the disease develops in its own way. Only a doctor after the examination can make an effective medication scheme and advise which diet to use for the first time in the acute phase.

But there are certain general rules about which it is useful to know each of us.

Therapeutic diet for erosive gastroduodenitis

The therapeutic diet is very different from that used to lose weight. Both have different goals and objectives. During treatment of erosive gastroduodenitis a full nutritious diet is made, very high in calories, but it is gentle. It is important to reduce mechanical, chemical or thermal effects on the walls of the mucous membrane of the gastro-chemical tract, so food and dishes that can increase the production of gastric juice, acidic fruits and vegetables with coarse fiber are prohibited. You can not eat fried, hot and sour food, smoked delicacies, canned goods, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

All products during cooking are important to grind, grind, the food is better to cook on slow heat, and then to cool and serve to the table only in a warm form. You can see the detailed menu, having studied the diet "Table №1" and "Table №5".

Scheme of medical treatment of erosive gastroduodenitis

When answering the question how to treat erosive gastroduodenitis, the doctor necessarily takes into account the cause of the disease. If the originator of the formation and ulcers becomes the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the patient is prescribed antibiotic treatment. The choice of medicines is carried out after the test for the sensitivity of the bacterium detected in the patient to certain antibacterial substances. Since the results of the study are always individual, patients are always assigned different antibiotics.

In addition to antibiotics, prescription drugs that can reduce the acidity of gastric juice, as well as tablets that include the regenerative properties of cells of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Reparants accelerate the healing processes of erosions and ulcerous formations. And one more direction of treatment is restoration of the motor-evacuation function of the tract.

Strengthening motility allows you to quickly remove mucus, prevent any other stagnation that provokes the disease. Treatment of erosive gastroduodenitis with folk remedies helps to speed up recovery. The most effective remedy is infusion of celandine. It is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of dry grass is poured into a glass of steep boiling water and insists in a dark place for an hour and a half. It is taken on a tablespoon on an empty stomach three times a day for a month without a break.

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