Diarrhea and loss of consciousness

The causes of stool disorders are very diverse, but most often acute diarrhea is associated with infectious disease( bacteria, viruses, parasites), and chronic diarrhea is noted for inflammation of the bowel or diseases of other organs. Regardless of the nature of the pathogen common to all types of diarrhea is the threat of dehydration, which is due to the withdrawal of fluid along with feces during defecation. In turn, a decrease in the volume of fluid leads to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood( oligemia or hypovolemia).The main signs of the disease are:

  • deterioration of general well-being;
  • pallor and dryness of the skin;
  • shortness of breath, weak frequent pulse;
  • lowering blood pressure, leading to loss of consciousness;
  • hypovolemic shock.

Loss of consciousness with diarrhea is due not only to dehydration of the body, but can also occur for other reasons. With diarrhea caused by a disease in which the abdominal organs are filled with blood, a loss of consciousness is also possible. Another reason for this symptomatology is intestinal obstruction, in which the development of a shock state is possible.

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In case of acute diarrhea with loss of consciousness, special rehydration preparations, antispasmodics and drugs are used for treatment, which slow down the muscular contractions of the intestine to eliminate the pain syndrome during defecation and spasms. If the stool is very thin, the water balance is restored, using after each act of defecation, one glass of any liquid( water, decoction of medicinal herbs, compote from dried fruits).

In a chronic liquid stool, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness, drug therapy is directed to cure the underlying disease. Diarrhea with loss of consciousness caused by an allergic reaction and impaired absorption process eliminate the exception of the diet products provoking diarrhea. To normalize the microflora and restore the physiological balance in the intestine, to avoid losing consciousness in diarrhea, the prescribed drugs are used. This is necessary for the development of dysbacteriosis after the course of treatment with antibiotics, and only in accordance with medical prescriptions. In no case can you do self-medication at home, if such a severe disorder of the stool is observed in children or elderly people.

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