Methyluracil: instructions for use, composition, reviews, prices, analogs

Modern medicinal products allow to achieve as soon as possible a noticeable improvement and eliminate the main symptoms of many diseases. And among the agents whose action is aimed at enhancing metabolism and improving the general condition of the patient with such body lesions as leukopenia, gastric ulcer, long-lasting non-healing ulcers and wounds of the skin, it is necessary to isolate the preparation Metiluracil, which enables the fastest healing and restoration of tissue integrity.

This article will cover such questions as instruction on the use of tablets and Ointments Metiluracil, price, analogs and reviews about the drug.

Features of the drug

Methyluracil, being a remedy with a wide range of effects, makes it possible to apply it when prescribed by a doctor in a variety of diseases. I actively influence the immune system by stimulating the metabolic process, the drug also regeneratively affects the damage to the skin and mucous membranes, and several of its dosage forms allow using it as it is most convenient for the patient.

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The drug Methyluracil should be attributed to the means of the new generation, which show their effect already during the first few applications with the minimum number of adverse events. Even with an increased sensitivity of the patient's body to many medicinal substances, the drug Metiluracil is well used and gives a good result in treatment. And with a comprehensive approach to ongoing drug treatment with this drug and other drugs with a similar effect, the effectiveness increases due to the total effectiveness of each individual drug.

The peculiarity of the drug Metiluracil can be called a significant increase in the degree of work of all systems and organs in improving metabolism, which is especially important for diseases in the elderly with reduced immunity in children.

Composition of Methyluracil

As the composition of the preparation is balanced in the most balanced manner, the degree of its effectiveness is recognized as the maximum. Stimulation of metabolism, rapid healing of tissue damage, elimination of such manifestations as weakness, lack of appetite, bad sleep - all this makes it possible to recognize the drug Metiluracil as one of the most effective for many symptoms of various pathological conditions.

The active substance in methyluracil is methyluracil, the combination of auxiliary components may vary depending on the type of dosage form of the drug:

  1. Methyluracil in the form of tablets has the following composition - active substance methyluracil, auxiliary components: talc, povidone, magnesium stearate, corn starch. The tablets are white, round in shape with a biconvex surface.
  2. Methyluracil in the form of an ointment used topically for topical use, methyluracil is also active in the active ingredient, and aqueous lanolin and medical petroleum jelly, which are an ointment base, can be assigned to the auxiliary components.
  3. Methyluracil as rectal suppositories of have the following composition: active substance methyluracil, auxiliary components are the basis for suppositories( medical petroleum jelly, purified white wax, lanolin water).

The listed medicinal forms of the preparation represent the maximum convenience in using them, and when using them in the complex, an increased degree of efficiency is provided.

Dosage forms

The drug is available in the form of tablets, ointments for external use and rectal suppositories.

  • Tablets are presented in the form of contoured honeycomb packs of 10 pieces each, in a cardboard package contains 5 contour blisters.
  • Ointment is sold in an aluminum tube of various sizes: 10, 15 and 25 g. The taboo is placed in a cardboard package with an annotation for use.
  • Suppositories are also presented in contour cellular blisters for 5 pieces, in cardboard buds there can be 1-2 blisters.

The cost depends on the form of the drug, as well as the seller's selling margin. Tablets are sold at a price of 50 to 65 rubles per package, ointment - 45-85 rubles per tube, and rectal suppositories at a price of 65-89 rubles.

Pharmacological action

The drug Metiluracil differs from the presented analogues of third-party manufacturers with a guaranteed high degree of effectiveness. As the reviews of buyers and doctors say, when using any form of the drug, the result becomes noticeable after only 1-2 first applications.

In this application of ointment for external use on the surface of the skin does not require its rubbing, as the ointment is quickly absorbed, leaving no oily traces on the skin and clothing. Tablets also have a pronounced result 2-3 days after the start of their administration.


When using ointment Metiluratsil for the treatment of skin with various types of damage to the skin and mucous membrane, the active substance absorbs rapidly with the upper layer of the epidermis, which explains the obtaining of a pronounced result in a short time. At the same time, the skin, which is not affected by the damage, when this ointment hits it, does not feel any negative impact.

In case of significant skin lesions, the form of the drug should be alternated to reduce the amount of active substance absorbed by the body through the skin. Especially well proved itself the drug when used in sunlight and thermal burns, eliminating severe soreness and providing the skin with the necessary substances to quickly restore it.

When using tablets and rectal suppositories, the active substance is also absorbed as quickly as possible. So you can work on the affected parts of the mucosa, eliminate its ruptures, with increased sensitivity.


Removal of the remainder of the constituents of the drug is carried out with the help of kidneys. Also, the liver is used for blood purification, therefore, care should be taken when using the preparation in the form of an ointment for external consumption with a large area of ​​skin damage.

Let's find out further why Ointment and other forms of Metilitacil are used.


The use of the drug is determined by its properties. And the agent Metiluratsil, having a wide range of effects, is usually prescribed for various skin lesions, dermatitis, and pressure sores. Also the agent can be used in complex treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  • for burns of different nature - thermal, solar;
  • for radiation dermatitis, bullous,
  • with solar urticaria;
  • in the treatment of radiation sickness;
  • after chemotherapy;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • for bone fractures;
  • for various skin lesions and breaches of the integrity of the skin;
  • in the treatment of hepatitis, pancreatitis, in the complex treatment of anemia and sore throat;
  • after removal of papillomas;
  • for improving the immunological properties of the body with nephrogenic arterial hypertension;
  • for eczema of various species, incl.child.

The drug has proven itself when exposed to wounds that are difficult to heal, with severe skin flaccidity, with furunculosis, carbuncles.

Instructions for use Methyluracil for children and adults is given below.

How to use Metiluratsil with hemorrhoids, this video will tell:

Instruction for use

Having excellent healing properties, the drug Methyluracil is easy to use in any of its dosage form.

  • So, ointment for external use should be applied to the affected areas, in places where there are wounds and skin ruptures, with a thin layer. No rubbing of the ointment is required: the required amount of the substance will be absorbed already within 5-10 minutes after application. So it should be repeated 1-2 times a day, the bandage is not needed. The duration of treatment with an external ointment is determined by the attending physician-dermatologist, usually it is 5-7 days. After this time, you need to take a break( 1 week), after which the use of the ointment can be repeated.
  • Tablets with significant skin damage, with peptic ulcer, anemia, pancreatitis are usually prescribed in a complex therapy. Tablets with these diseases are prescribed twice a day, 1 tablet. Drink plenty of water without cracking or chewing them.
  • Suppositories are used in the evening. One suppository is introduced with warm hands to avoid unpleasant sensations when treated in this way.


The use of the drug gives excellent results in the treatment of many diseases associated with impaired skin integrity, with deterioration of the mucous membranes. By activating the metabolism, the active substance of the preparation perfectly stimulates the defenses of the organism, but there are a number of conditions in which the use of Metuluracil is not shown.

To such contraindications should be attributed:

  • acute phases of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • age is up to three years.

The gestation period is also the moment that should be considered when prescribing metiluracil: the physician takes into account the complex benefits of its use and the likely complications, since the active substance of the drug can penetrate the blood and affect the developing fetus.

Side effects of

There are a number of side effects that can occur when using the drug.

  • These include rashes on the skin with increased sensitivity to the components of the remedy, redness and dryness of the skin, its itching and burning, probably the appearance of peeling.
  • It is also sometimes observed deterioration of the liver, kidneys, especially with their organic lesions.

Special instructions

  • Special instructions include children's age( up to three years of use of the drug Metiluratsil not recommended) and pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.
  • In lactation, the drug is administered with caution, with the possibility of constant monitoring of the baby's condition.


Application of the drug Methyluracil with drugs that have a similar effect, allows to increase the degree of effectiveness from the treatment. However, with the combined use of diuretics, the efficacy of the treatment can be somewhat reduced, and with the use of metiluracil with analgesic and sedative drugs, there is probably a manifestation of increased drowsiness and apathy. This should be taken into account for those who have a connection with the management of complex machinery and machines.


According to customers, the cost of this drug allows you to make a purchase even with a limited budget, and doctors noted the high degree of effectiveness of the drug Metiluratsil. The possibility of using in complex treatment and with the use of funds with a similar effect, the effectiveness of treatment increases, the symptoms of many diseases decrease.

As well as one of the important advantages of this drug is the simplicity of its use, and the presence of several dosage forms allows you to choose the one that will be best tolerated and have the greatest impact.


The following medicines can be classified for drugs with similar medicinal effects:

  • Stisamet;
  • Meturacol.

They contain methyluracil preparations Levosin and Levomecol, and Diucifone combines, among other things, the properties of such a substance.

On the use of metiluratsila in the treatment of sports injuries will tell the video below:

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