The mechanism of constipation, what happens during it in the intestine?

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Prolonged interruptions between acts of defecation, or insufficient dry stools, which become systematic, indicate the presence of constipation. In this case, the form of the feces changes, it is allocated in the form of small dense spools, and the process of defecation is difficult, it can be accompanied by pain and bloody discharge. When the constipation is started, breathing becomes fetid, the tongue is put on a plaque, the general state of health worsens. The basic causes, most common in the development of prolonged stool delay, can be called:

  1. Increased absorption of fluid from the passage through the rectum of stool.
  2. Weakening of the rectum muscles, which do not provide excretion of the feces from the anus to the outside.
  3. Blocking the stool output by internal obstructions in the guts( swelling, adhesions).
  4. Disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Depending on the factors causing stool problems, it is possible to explain in different ways what happens in the intestines with constipation.

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Constipation mechanism

In the digestive tract, the main processes of digestion of incoming food and liquid occur in a source of energy that ensures the normal vital activity of the human body. Ballast substances that have not been recycled leave the rectum into the anus. Occasionally, the electrical impulses in the intestine cause the smooth muscles to contract, moving the liquid content further. If the rhythm of contractions is disturbed, the movement of the content slows down.

This increases the time for the process of water absorption in the lumen of the intestine, correspondingly reducing its content in the feces below the permissible norm. This is the mechanism of constipation in nervous disorders, diseases of the central nervous system, and certain diseases of internal organs. Spontaneous response to irritation from the stomach, bile ducts causes constipation, in which nervous mechanisms participate. Problems with the stool caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other diseases of the endocrine glands are explained by the influence of the hormonal mechanism.

Mechanism of development of alimentary( food) prolonged stool delay lies in the fact that the lack of the necessary amount of plant fibers, fiber in the consumed food leads to inhibition of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. The same mechanism of constipation is observed even with insufficient physical activity, sedentary work. Violation of the rhythm of defecation is facilitated by a change in the habitual way of life, the absence of a regime. In the event that little fluid enters the body, it can also trigger the mechanism of constipation.

The decrease in the contractile capacity of the intestine, characteristic of atonic constipation, is characterized by an increased tone of the intestinal musculature. Spasms, which occur in this case, interfere with the normal movement of the stool and at the same time there is bloating, pain. Such a mechanism is typical for diseases of the digestive organs, pelvic organs and with neuropsychic overstrain. Delay with a stool can be provoked by lowering the threshold of sensitivity of the nerve endings of the rectum, which become unable to push the feces from the anus. Most often, this mechanism of constipation is noted in the elderly or in those whose body is weakened by prolonged treatment or a postoperative period.

Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, when defecation passes with pain symptoms, causes fear to again experience pain, which causes conscious suppression of desires to emptying. Finding out what happens during constipation can determine the choice of the direction of treatment to eliminate the factors causing stunted stool.

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