Diarrhea after intestinal surgery, loose stool, diarrhea after anesthesia and colonoscopy

Usually diarrhea after surgery on the intestine occurs extremely rarely. And all because modern methods allow minimizing the risks of possible complications. Despite this, there are cases when there is a loose stool from anesthesia, or diarrhea develops in the first days after surgery. Why is this happening?

There are many indications for surgical intervention. This and complex adhesion, polyps, intestinal infarction, complete obstruction, Meckel's diverticulum, peritoneal carcinomatosis, mucosal cancer. Depending on the severity of the disease and the accessibility of the operated site, an open band resection or laparoscopy is chosen. They are preceded by a colonoscopy - a diagnostic procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. With the help of her surgeon can see in real time the condition of the internal surface of the colon. There are cases when after any such surgical intervention diarrhea occurs. Why is this happening?

Before any surgery with anesthesia( before colonoscopy including), a thorough purification of the digestive tract is performed. It reduces the risk of complications. The fact is that its microflora consists of a large number of very diverse bacteria. If during the operation or after it they enter the abdominal cavity, for example, this will lead to the development of dangerous inflammation or infection.

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In addition, the absence of feces reduces the risk of wound suppuration, which is necessarily formed after any operation and even diagnostic procedures. That is why preoperative bowel preparation is mandatory. Purification is carried out by different methods. The most common combination of cleansing enemas and the use of strong laxatives:

  • Overdose of the latter just becomes the most common cause of the appearance of a liquid stool after surgery.
  • Severe diarrhea can occur after a special slag-free diet, which is also prescribed to the patient several weeks before the date of the operation.
  • Often, diarrhea after a colonoscopy or surgery is a residual phenomenon of all preparatory activities.

Liquid stool after operation

Mild diarrhea after anesthesia and colonoscopy is considered normal, which is why this manifestation is not a complication. But only in the event that diarrhea after an operation on the intestine lasts no more than two days, if there are blood veins in the stool, it is necessary to immediately tell the treating doctor about it.

The fact is that a loose stool may indicate infection by harmful organisms trapped inside a hollow organ as a result of using a poorly sterilized surgical instrument. Of course, such an event is very rare today, but it is, nevertheless, possible.

When diarrhea is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, fever is a symptom of dangerous complications. In the case of diarrhea with such complications, the patient is subjected to a variety of various tests that help to identify the nature of the infection, and to develop a line of effective treatment. To speed up recovery only strict adherence to all the doctor's recommendations helps. Listening to them, it is easy to minimize the postoperative risks as quickly as possible, quickly to beat all the listed symptoms, including diarrhea.

To restore the microflora of the organ described after a colonoscopy, a proper diet is possible. It is detailed in the description of the table number 10a. Along with diarrhea after surgery, severe flatulence and dull drawing pain may occur. The air inside the hollow organ penetrates during the insertion of the surgical instrument. Gases, in theory, should go out naturally, when this does not happen, the patient is advised to drink any sorbent.

In fact, after surgery and anesthesia, you need not be afraid of diarrhea, not flatulence, and not drawing pains, but bleeding. They can entail repeated surgical intervention.

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