Diarrhea( diarrhea) of the intestine - pain, upset, rumbling, rumbling, bloating, problems with cancer, spasms and rezi, restore the microflora after a liquid stool after a loose stool?

One of the most common diseases is an intestinal disorder. Worldwide, about 20 percent of the adult population has experienced this ailment. When the intestine hurts, diarrhea appears in most cases. There are many reasons why there is a malfunction in the work of this department of the digestive tract.

The patient should remember that intestinal diarrhea is a protective reaction of the whole organism. Thus, all harmful substances are removed from the body. Before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary: ​​

  • To identify the cause of the appearance of an intestinal disorder and diarrhea;
  • To stop the development of the disease;
  • Carry out procedures that help to restore the body.

The doctor who will in turn diagnose the cause of diarrhea is best. It should be noted that if one of the symptoms of the disease is rumbling in the intestines and diarrhea. The doctor should know this, since rumbling is a symptom of some diseases. Also, you should notify the doctor about whether there is bubbling in the intestine with diarrhea.

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For diagnosis, the medical officer will need to analyze, feces and blood, also have to undergo some more serious procedures. After receiving the results of the analysis, the patient will know why there is diarrhea, intestinal distress and pain.

Most often, the diseases do not require special treatment, since one can recover by using a diet, but it can all turn out wrong if the doctor has been diagnosed with cancer. Diarrhea in bowel cancer, often replaced by constipation, so without qualified help can not do. First you need to get rid of diarrhea, and only then start to treat cancer. In most cases, all procedures will be conducted in a medical facility.

How to restore intestines after diarrhea?

After the diagnosis was made and the cause of the disorder was determined, the doctor will tell you how to restore the intestines after diarrhea. First of all, you need to change your diet, because when you use harmful food, there is irritation, swelling, gums in the intestines and diarrhea.

In order to normalize the process of digestion and get rid of pain, it is enough to follow simple recommendations:

  • After each manifestation of a loose stool, it is necessary to drink a glass of water. This is necessary in order to avoid dehydration. In addition to water, you can drink, slightly boiled tea, apple juice and low-fat broth;
  • The menu should include products containing potassium. The products include bananas, fruit juices, potatoes in uniform. Restoration of the intestines after diarrhea will go faster, thanks to the replenishment of the body with potassium;
  • Drinking salt. All meals should contain a little salt. This product is able to retain water in the body. It is worth remembering that excessive salt intake can also harm the body;
  • Eating proteins. Fatigue, fatigue, spasms in the intestines and diarrhea can be eliminated if you add boiled eggs, fried chicken, turkey or beef to your diet;
  • Vegetables and fruits after hot working should be used with caution. It is best to add all the vegetables to the soup. If the intestines hurt after diarrhea, you can add beets, carrots, mushrooms or celery to the broth. Also from the liquid stool helps the soup-mashed potatoes.

Restoration of intestinal microflora after diarrhea may take some time, but you do not need to get upset. Despite the treatment and diet, certain foods that can aggravate the patient's condition should be avoided:

  • It is necessary to discard products such as chewing gum and carbonated drinks. If this is not done, bloating and diarrhea will not pass;
  • It is recommended that you avoid fatty, fried and heavy foods. Otherwise, indigestion only worsens;
  • Gastrointestinal irritation should be avoided. Irritation can occur after consuming coffee, as well as hot or cold food. If you neglect it, the pain in the intestines, the loose stool and other symptoms become stronger;
  • Nuts, raw vegetables, fruits and bran bread, irritate the digestive tract;
  • Dairy products should also be avoided, as they are difficult to digest.

To not forget what you can eat, and what not, you can make a menu. The doctor can help in drawing up the right menu, as to cure diarrhea, it is necessary in the shortest possible time. The pain in the intestines, diarrhea and other symptoms can be brought to naught if you follow the compiled menu:

  • 1 breakfast. In the morning you need to eat semolina porridge, cooked on water and a protein omelet, everything is washed down with a weak tea;
  • 2 breakfast consists of 100 grams of calcined cottage cheese;
  • For lunch, you need to use meat soup puree and meat steamed meatballs. Everything is washed down with a blueberry kissel;
  • For a mid-morning snack, just drink one glass of rose hip;
  • For dinner you can cook boiled vermicelli and jellied fish. Everything is washed down with a weak tea;
  • Before going to bed, not to load the stomach, it is enough to drink 1 cup of kefir.

If the intestines continue to hurt and the diarrhea does not go away, the question arises: what to do? It is necessary to adjust the diet, because one of the products has a bad effect on digestion. Remember that for the whole day you should eat bread - 200 grams, sugar - 30 grams, and oils - 10 grams.

Treatment of intestinal diarrhea folk remedies

Diet, this is not the only remedy that cures diarrhea. Many patients resort to the help of traditional medicine, which can solve problems with the intestines, diarrhea will be eliminated, and digestion is normalized.

Very good from the liquid stool helps potato starch. It is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of starch, then drink it with water. This simple tool acts instantly.

Another wonderful tool that can solve problems with the intestines, completely eliminate liquid stools and improve well-being, is a film from the chicken stomach. The film must be thoroughly washed and dried. The dry film should be crushed. An adult should use the whole serving at a time, drinking it with water. For a child enough - half a portion.

If the intestine still hurts, diarrhea does not go away and torment swells, you can try another wonderful folk remedy. A mixture of leaves of honeysuckle and sophora flowers are one of the best ways to combat liquid stools. One teaspoon takes a proportion of 1 to 4, where the first is honeysuckle, and the second is, respectively, Sophora. The mixture is poured into 200 milliliters of boiled water. The broth should be taken three times a day after a meal. This tool helps even in complex, neglected cases.

A popular remedy for diarrhea is fried seeds, which are poured with two glasses of boiled water. Seeds along with water are put on a slow fire. Decoction can be removed after half the water is boiled. Before use, the broth should be filtered. An adult person can at one time use half a glass, children, you can take one tablespoon.

Traditional medicine, together with proper nutrition, for a short period of time is able to restore the patient's stool.

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