Catarrhal gastroduodenitis is chronic, diffuse - symptoms, treatment, diet, what is it?

When the inflammation of the gastric mucosa is transferred to the first part of the duodenum, which is called a bulb, a catarrhal gastroduodenitis is diagnosed. Medics themselves are reluctant to use this term and prefer to record alimentary, nutritional or simple inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa in the medical history. As a rule, this species becomes the next phase after superficial gastroduodenitis. It can be detected only in the acute phase. On the development of pathology indicate a very characteristic symptoms.

Usually acute catarrhal gastroduodenitis develops suddenly. The patient begins to feel severe pain in the abdomen, the stomach literally bursts, he swells, guts walk in the bowels, they manifest themselves in the form of a strong rumbling.

In the mouth there is a strong dryness, abundant drink from it does not save, but leads to the appearance of nausea. The patient experiences dizziness, he is attacked by weakness, which causes him to adhere to the pastel regime.

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Over time, the condition only worsens. The chair leans towards diarrhea, vomiting appears, which brings obvious relief. Vomiting causes the contents of the stomach to go out, followed by the gastric juice itself, then bile and slime. This is what is characterized by catarrhal gastroduodenitis, the symptoms of it should cause the patient to seek medical help.

Over time, the attack will pass, there will be a short remission, and if you do not take adequate treatment will develop chronic catarrhal gastroduodenitis, get rid of which will be extremely difficult.

All of the above signs of the pathology develops four hours after taking or acting as an irritant. What can provoke catarrhal gastroduodenitis in chronic and diffuse form? Denote the most common reasons.

Why develop catarrhal gastroduodenitis?

The most commonly described disease is a direct consequence of external stimuli. It occurs immediately after:

  1. Poisoning by poor-quality food.
  2. Overdose of aggressive medications.
  3. Taking a lot of alcohol.
  4. Combinations of alcohol and drugs.
  5. Violations of the rules of healthy eating.
  6. Alternating gluttony with prolonged hungry pauses.
  7. Uncontrolled diet for weight loss.
  8. Strong emotional stress.

To provoke catarrhal gastroduodenitis can also damage the gastrointestinal mucosa by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. She with her spiral tentacles very firmly penetrates into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Dangerous products of the life of the bacteria. They destroy the protective layer of the mucosa, form an alkaline environment, neutralizing the acidic environment of the gastric juice. Food is not digested, not digested, as expected, in the duodenum. The patient loses nutrients, therefore he loses his strength, experiences weakness and rapid fatigue.

If the inflammation covers the entire gastric mucosa, the diagnosis is diffuse catarrhal gastroduodenitis. This is the most dangerous condition that can lead to the development of peptic ulcer. Therefore, it is so important in the diffuse form not to engage in self-treatment and in time to seek help from specialists.

How is catarrhal gastroduodenitis treated?

In the acute form of the patient is not hospitalized. He is advised to adhere to the pastel regime and observe a strict therapeutic diet. It consists of several provisions.

In catarrhal gastroduodenitis, it is necessary to completely eliminate hunger and learn to eat small portions five times a day. The food is selected high-calorie, but all meals are steamed and served in an exceptionally warm form. See the approximate menu allows "table number 1"( it is used in the first days after the attack) and then "table number 5"( it is followed in the next two weeks).

After the acute phase of the attack passes, the patient is assigned the intake of adsorbents( Smecta and activated charcoal), drugs that can restore the acidity of gastric juice( Kwamatel or Omeprazole).For the speedy recovery of the mucosa used enveloping drugs( Maalox or Fosfalugel).

If you adhere to this treatment regimen, a diet with catarrhal gastroduodenitis becomes the main tool in the treatment of the disease. But when the development of pathology was provoked by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, two or even three strong antibiotics of the tetracycline group are included in the treatment regimen. Only this way it will be possible to get rid of the pathogen.

After such treatment of catarrhal gastroduodenitis, the body will noticeably weaken, so it is advisable to perform some rehabilitation measures: take several physiotherapy sessions, be like a massage, go to a resort and drink mineral water.

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