Why does my head hurt for a week and how is it treated?

1 Common causes of

The causes of the occurrence of frequent headaches are diverse, we should focus on the most common of them. The scourge of many modern people is chronic circulatory disorders of the brain. Among the factors and diseases that cause such disorders, can be:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra;
  • diabetes;
  • various craniocerebral injuries;
  • chronic stress;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • use of psychotropic and narcotic drugs.

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Physicians are sounding the alarm: the number of neglected and chronic circulatory disorders of the brain is steadily increasing, and the population does not even suspect such problems, continuing to be treated with improvised means. In the risk group are people who spend most of their time sitting, for example, at the computer.

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Alas, today there are a lot of such people. These chronic disorders have two stages of development.

In the first stage, the patient begins to feel an increased fatigue, the usual seemingly business and care can be done with great difficulty. Strong and frequent headaches may still not be, but there are frequent dizziness, absent-mindedness, sleep disturbances.

The second stage is characterized by frequent and aching headaches, migraines, which alternate with an almost constant debilitating severity in the head. Against the background of these symptoms, changes begin in the psychological structure of the personality: depression appears, the anxiety worsens for no apparent reason, the patient begins to feel completely overwhelmed. If, and at this stage, do not pay a visit to a specialist, it is possible to earn an ischemic stroke. If earlier in the risk group were people who are over 50 years old, in recent years this terrible illness has significantly grown younger.

Doctors often state the presence of cephalgia in patients( also called headache), in which organic lesions are not observed. Such pain is psychogenic and often accompanied by depressive disorders. Duration of pain is individual - from 1 day to a week, etc. There are certain difficulties with the definition of its localization and character. Experts subdivide cephalgia into 5 types:

  • vascular;
  • muscle tension;
  • neuralgic;
  • is infectious-toxic;
  • is liquorodynamic.

The nature of the manifestation of headaches is also important. Cephalgia can make itself known by a series of blunt strokes that occur with hypotension or hypertension, if a person has elevated intracranial pressure, then pain is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Migraine headache is one of the strongest and hardest. She can torment a person from several hours to several days. Pain gives in the eye area. Such phenomena are observed most often at night, 2-3 hours after bedtime. Attacks are characterized by undulation. They then retreat, then flare up with renewed force several times a day.

2 Other possible causes of

Many believe that inflammatory processes in various organs can not be accompanied by headaches, as if they exist by themselves. This is fundamentally wrong and harmful thought. Suppuration and inflammation very often accompanied by cephalalgia, which can not let a person for several days in a row. Taking pain medication helps only for a while. In addition, swallowing all kinds of antispasmodics and analgesics negatively affects the condition of other internal organs, and especially the organs of the digestive tract. Very often seizures of sometimes confused and unclear headaches during inflammation are accompanied by an increase in temperature, weakness and apathy are observed, and there is no appetite. Such symptoms - an occasion to immediately contact the appropriate specialist, starting with the therapist.


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If a fistula is formed, a strong and aching headache appears in the area of ​​its formation. She does not let go of a person until the fistula disappears, and until the inflammatory process ends.

"Say what you eat, and people will say who you are," the doctors of antiquity said. And this is really so, because the quality of modern food leaves much to be desired. A person can have a serious allergy to a particular product, and he does not even suspect about it, continuing to consume it for food. The organism will let know about such peculiar incompatibility with allergic reactions, among which there is a headache. In addition to cephalalgia, often an allergic rhinitis and increased tearing. For example, nitrates and sodium glutamate( often found in meat products) can cause attacks of acute headaches, which are given to the chest, neck and forearm.

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Frequent headaches can disturb not only adults, but also children. The causes of such phenomena can be covered in adenoiditis, or in another way, inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. This is an infectious disease, in which the outflow of lymph and blood from the brain is difficult, since stagnant phenomena in the nasopharynx are observed. The acute course of this disease also provokes severe headaches.

A very serious disease - an aneurysm of the vessels provokes cephalgia in the frontal part. Aneurysm rupture provokes the spread of severe pain throughout the head. Nausea and total loss of consciousness are common.

If a person has a sharp drop in hemoglobin in the blood, there are also frequent headaches for several days. Against this background, there are shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of appetite.

3 Methods of treatment

As can be seen from the list, the root causes of frequent headaches are very diverse. However, it is necessary to treat the causes, and not the pain itself. In the event that a person is diagnosed with circulatory disorders of the brain, doctors usually prescribe drugs that contain the active substance Alfa-dihydroergocryptin. It is he that reduces vascular permeability, normalizes blood circulation in the brain and makes tissues resistant to hypoxia.

The processes of the exchange of serotonin and the pleasure hormone - dopamine - are also improving. After a mandatory course of treatment lasting from 2 to 3 months, most patients note that frequent headaches almost ceased, dizziness disappears, memory and attention are improved. Many feel a sudden burst of strength and energy.

If various causes of cervical spine problems have occurred in the cervical spine, various types of physiotherapy and Ibuprofen are used.

Migraine pain is treated with special drugs that act directly on the serotonin receptors of the brain. However, it should be remembered that drugs like Zomig, Amigrenin are strictly directed. With other causes of cephalalgia, they can not help.

In cases where frequent headaches have begun to worry recently and for no apparent reason, you should often measure blood pressure to exclude hypertension and hypotension. If regular high or low blood pressure is noted, the therapist should be consulted immediately for appropriate treatment.

Be that as it may, taking any medications should be done only with the permission and under the supervision of the appropriate specialist. For the appointment of an adequate treatment, you can independently create a kind of diary of unpleasant symptoms. Enter there information about the time of the appearance of pain, their nature and frequency, also write about their diet on this or that day, possible physical exertion, work and rest. Such information will help doctors better coordinate their actions, conduct the necessary studies and quickly assign an adequate course of treatment.

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