Is it possible to die from a stomach ulcer? How many live with a peptic ulcer and whether a disability is registered?

Some people treat their health negligently, while others frighten every transferred disease. However, most people do not belong to these two extremes, so the patient's questions to the doctor: "Do they die of an ulcer?" And "How many live with an ulcer?" Are quite natural for those who first encountered this problem. Immediately want to grieve the "heroes" who do not care for their health: they die of an ulcer, but death from an ulcer is possible only in the case of negligent treatment of yourself and violation of prescriptions of the doctor. If you turn to a specialist in time and treat yourself in good faith, then death will be very unlikely. The same goes for the question: "How many live with a stomach ulcer?" With a diet, annual preventive examinations and not allowing the development of exacerbations and bleeding, the patient can safely live up to 100 years. Most people who have had the disease diagnosed in middle age live with it for another 30-35 years, provided that they monitor their health.

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From an ulcer it is possible to die

Let's now consider in more detail, under what circumstances a patient is really threatened with death.

Gastric ulcer is fatal in the following cases:

  1. Severe bleeding .The stomach has an intense blood supply, so if the walls of the vessel feeding it are eaten away, then it is fraught with large blood losses. So, with profuse bleeding, a patient can lose more than 1 liter of blood within 15 minutes. It is important to understand that the bleeding that has arisen and not treated once will necessarily be repeated in the future. Symptoms of bleeding: increased heart rate, drowsiness, cold sweat, dizziness, sudden weakness.
  2. Perforations of .As a matter of fact, this through corrosion of a wall of a stomach that does possible outflow of a gastric juice in a peritoneum( is accompanied by strong pains).If you ignore these pains, the patient with perforation of the stomach after a few days will die of peritonitis. In addition, it often happens that perforation is combined with bleeding, which significantly increases the chance of death.
  3. Penetration - when the stomach is soldered by walls with another organ, and the ulcer gradually passes into it. This complication is less dangerous than perforation, however, when penetrating into the pancreas, the risk of dying from acute pancreatitis is quite large.
  4. The pyloric stenosis is a chronic form of the disease with localization in the lower parts of the stomach. Over time, lead to scarring of the body and, as a consequence, deformation of the gatekeeper( the valve between the stomach and intestine).Because of this, food can not enter the duodenum.
  5. Stomach cancer. The fact that malignant tumors in most cases lead to the death of the patient, everyone knows. The only thing that should be noted is the causal relationship between the two diseases, in which both peptic ulcer can cause a tumor, and the cancer lead to a stomach ulcer.

Disability and stomach ulcer

With life expectancy and lethality, we figured out, and can we work with a stomach ulcer and who is given a disability?

With regard to professional activities, if it does not contribute to the occurrence of relapses, you can continue to do what you love. Otherwise, the work will have to be changed.

You can rest from work and get a disability in such cases:

  • II group of disability - with the IV degree of disability of the body( more than 4 exacerbations per year with rare remissions and irreversible changes in other organs);
  • III group - with the third degree of impaired body functions( 3-4 annual exacerbations with hospitalization or outpatient treatment for more than 8 weeks, the need for surgical intervention).
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