How to make an MRI of the brain to a child and whether there is harm from the procedure

1 How to diagnose

First of all, it is necessary to understand the principle of the MRI device. Inside the scanner a magnetic field is created, to which electromagnetic pulses are sent. They serve as a resonator of hydrogen atoms in human tissues. This resonance is modulated into the image. Thanks to modern technology, the image of the organ is so precise that the specialist can see various deviations. An example of such images can be seen in Fig.1 and 2. This research is conducted without the use of ionizing radiation, which is a great advantage, since the magnetic effect has practically no negative effect on the body.

Since in medicine there have not been recorded cases of deterioration of health after this diagnosis, you can be sure that no harm to the body it does not cause. As a rule, it is prescribed several times: initially - to clarify the diagnosis and the appointment of treatment, later - to monitor the condition of the body, monitoring the treatment process and more detailed diagnosis. Doctors say that it is necessary to conduct it as often as required. Modern technologies have made this procedure as safe as possible.

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2 Contraindications to the study of

However, there are some contraindications in the presence of which the patient is not assigned an MRI.These include pregnancy( however, only the first trimester, the second and third are determined personally), the presence of metal implants in the human body. Since this procedure can take from 15 minutes to one hour and is conducted in an enclosed space, it is not recommended for people suffering from claustrophobia. There are a number of individual contraindications, which if necessary are voiced by a doctor. This also includes self-medication. Do not forget that any treatment procedures should be used solely for the doctor's prescription.

Sometimes the patient is prescribed an MRI with the addition of a contrast agent. This type of diagnosis is necessary for patients with oncological diseases for a detailed study of the tumor. Contrast substance, which is injected into a vein before the procedure, in many respects differs from the drugs used in routine diagnosis. It allows you to see the tumor in the early stages of development and to trace in detail the extent of its spread. Contraindications to the conduct of this type of MRI are pregnancy, breast-feeding and allergy to medicines.

Many are also interested in the question: is there an age limit for the appointment of an MRI?Since this procedure is quite safe, it can be prescribed to both adults and children. However, it is often difficult for doctors to carry out this diagnosis. As you know, in the scanner you need to lie motionless for a long time and earplugs in your ears, as it makes a loud noise, so children often resist this procedure and interfere with its conduct. Young children are usually given anesthesia, while with older people it is necessary to conduct a preliminary conversation, explaining that this procedure is absolutely painless and extremely necessary. However, the MRI study is assigned to children only when it can not be done without.

Diagnosis of MRI is in most cases irreplaceable.

Failure to do so may lead to misdiagnosed diagnosis and incorrect treatment, which leads to disastrous consequences. Do not risk your health, being confident that modern technology is harmful to the body. Statistics show that in many cases it is thanks to these same technologies that doctors manage to find a way out of the most difficult situations.


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