Antibiotics for diarrhea in children, Levomycetin tablets against diarrhea

When a child has diarrhea, moms tend to take all measures to eliminate it quickly and often immediately give antibiotics. With diarrhea in children, this decision is not always right, because diarrhea is caused not only by bacterial pathogens against which such a drug is effective. Often it is provoked by viruses, food poisoning or a neurogenic factor. In these cases, the use of this medication is not only useless, but also quite dangerous, because antibiotics kill both pathogenic and useful microflora in the digestive organs. In case of inappropriate use of antibiotics, diarrhea in children can only increase due to an imbalance in the intestine. To prevent this, when there is a liquid stool in children, it is necessary first of all to turn to a specialist and, using appropriate diagnostic tests, to reveal the true cause that provoked the appearance of watery feces in the child.

In the event that a specialist has revealed that the baby's diarrhea is caused by a bacterial pathogen, antibiotics are prescribed to him. With diarrhea in children, it is the prerogative of a specialist to decide which medication to take and begin treatment. Only in this case it is possible to avoid the appearance of negative side effects. Often parents are interested in whether the organism of a small child can cope with intestinal dysfunction caused by pathogenic bacteria on its own. In some cases, this is possible, but the disease lasts much longer. To ease the condition of the crumbs, one should listen to the advice of the attending physician and in case of pediatric diarrhea, to conduct a course of treatment with the antibiotic selected by him. Most often, the doctor prescribes an effective drug, such as Levomycetin. Although this drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, independent treatment for them, especially if signs of diarrhea have appeared in a small child, it is not worth taking.

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Levomycetin for diarrhea in children

This antibiotic is a broad-spectrum drug, as it is sensitive to a large number of bacteria. Levomycetin tablets with diarrhea in children have a bacteriostatic effect, that is, they help suppress the reproduction and growth of bacteria. In this regard, it is very important in the treatment of diarrhea in children to maintain the desired concentration of this antibiotic in the blood of a small patient. To children the daily dose of a preparation should be calculated by the expert proceeding from weight of their body. The course of treatment with these tablets is 10 days.

It should be noted that the use of Levomycetin for diarrhea in children requires strict adherence to instructions for its use. If you make mistakes in the prescribed course of therapy or untimely interrupt treatment, diarrhea can go to a chronic form or a bacterial pathogen will acquire resistance to the drug. Although Levomycetin is a fairly good antibiotic drug for pediatric diarrhea, it has side effects:

  • The child may experience vomiting or allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and fever;
  • The drug can lead to the oppression of hematopoiesis, in connection with which the patient may suffer a fatal outcome. If this antibiotic is prescribed for diarrhea in children, the specialist should strictly monitor blood counts.

Use of Levomycetin for diarrhea in infants is only indicated if other potent medicines do not work as intended.

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