Menu with diarrhea( diarrhea, stomach upset) in adults

In the event that a person experiences diarrhea, the first thing he needs to do is adjust his diet. The list of products excluded from it is quite impressive, so all patients are concerned about the menu issue with diarrhea. Usually it is picked up by a specialist, but an adult can be picked up and, after consultation with him, to choose suitable dishes. As with diarrhea, putrefactive and fermenting processes in the intestine are intensified, only products that can not cause them should be used for them.

Preparing the menu for a stomach disorder, the basis of the diet should take porridge welded on the water. The best cereal for cooking during diarrhea patients will be rice, semolina, oatmeal and buckwheat. The only exception is pearl barley. Another mandatory dish in the daily diet for diarrhea is mucous soups with these cereals. For their preparation is taken vegetable broth. Meat or fish broth is not forbidden. Only for them you need to take lean varieties. Superfluous in the menu with diarrhea will be the following dishes:

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  • Fatty foods. It can be like fried food, and simply covered with it from above, as it contributes to increased diarrhea;
  • Whole milk is also not recommended, which enhances fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • When a patient makes up a menu for diarrhea on his own, adults are subject to caffeine and alcohol.

Also, do not use doubtful semi-finished products for cooking. They are categorically not recommended not only for diarrhea, but for any other abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, thoroughly wash all foods before cooking.

Sample menu for adult diarrhea for one day

In order to better understand what a dietary diet should be, you should read how a patient with this disease can eat. Such a table is suitable both for exacerbation of pathology, and after diarrhea receded. The most appropriate option for a one-day menu for diarrhea is as follows:

  • For breakfast it will be useful to eat a porridge of oatmeal or rice cooked on water without sugar. To enhance the healing effect in it, you can add a spoon of honey. A good option would be a steam omelet or two soft-boiled eggs. It is supplemented with tea with crackers;
  • Snack in this menu for a patient with diarrhea will serve as a pudding of cottage cheese with half-water diluted with apple or orange juice;
  • For lunch, an adult who suffers from an upset stomach is offered a slimy soup with vegetables on a weak fish or meat broth. The second dish can be a steak cutlet or meatballs with mashed potatoes. Drink follows jelly with the addition of fruit or berries;
  • Snack is a baked apple with gilt;
  • Dinner during diarrhea should be light and nutritious. This menu offers for him a steak cutlet from chicken or veal with rice garnish. Drink this dish can be decoction of rose hips;
  • Before going to bed with diarrhea, you should drink a glass of low-fat kefir with bifidobacteria. It will contribute to the restoration of impaired microflora.

After the state of the patient with diarrhea begins to improve, in the menu it will be possible to add bread from wholemeal flour, dry biscuits and fresh fruit without skin. But all new products with diarrhea need to be introduced into the diet gradually, not allowing rush, otherwise it will be fraught with the resumption of a loose stool. If you comply with all the rules in cooking, and in eating food, as well as avoid getting into the dishes forbidden with this disease products and sharp spices, with a stomach disorder you can cope in the shortest period of time.

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