Alcohol during the course of steroids: consequences( for the body and psyche), rules for combining

Steroids are synthetic compounds that are similar in structure and properties to male sex hormones( androgens).Androgens are characterized by anabolic activity, characterized by the acceleration of synthesis processes, the formation of substances of all classes in the body.

Effect of steroids

Anabolic steroids are used in medical practice in the treatment of severe diseases, in sports to increase testosterone levels, increase muscle mass.

Prolonged, as well as uncontrolled reception of steroids adversely affects the liver, cardiovascular system, reproductive organs, the state of mind.

On the liver

Steroid admission can lead to a malignant liver tumor. The risk of adverse effects is increased when taking drugs in tablets. The effect of the drug on the liver is not always manifested by changes in the indices in the blood, they can long remain unnoticed.

Action on the heart and blood vessels

The intake of anabolic steroids affects the ratio of high and low density cholesterol, increases the amount of total cholesterol.

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These changes cause the formation of cholesterol plaques, the narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels, contributes to the appearance of:

  • water retention in the body;
  • weight gain;
  • high pressure;
  • headache;
  • of insomnia;
  • stroke;
  • infarction.

On the

reproductive system Long-term uncontrolled use of steroid drugs can cause hormonal imbalance in men and women. In women, the drug reduces the level of hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, responsible for the maturation of the egg and ovulation.

The presence of male hormones in the body causes:


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  • hair growth by male type;
  • low voice timbre;
  • hair loss;
  • reduction of mammary glands;
  • increase in the size of the clitoris.

In sperm the amount of damaged spermatozoa increases, the ability to fertilize decreases. A feature of the metabolism of steroids in men is the conversion of them into female sex hormones - estradiol, estrone. Estrogens stimulate the growth of the mammary glands, cause irreversible changes. There are even cases of lactation.

On the psyche of

The use of steroids causes a change in the psyche. In persons taking anabolic, character changes:

  • increases aggressiveness;
  • increases excitability;
  • there is a sleep disturbance.

Steroid drugs have the property to suppress immunity, which increases the risk of cancer.
Documentary about the effects of steroids on the body:

Interaction with alcohol

After reading about the side effects of steroids, one can get an idea of ​​how much the opposite of alcohol and steroids. Alcohol lowers the level of testosterone, inhibits the secretion of growth hormone, promotes the accumulation of fat, greatly increasing the synthesis of cortisol.

In addition, alcohol enhances the harm of steroid medications, caused by side effects of admission.

Changes in the metabolism of

The main destructive effect of ethanol on the course of steroids has on the liver. In this organ, there is a metabolism of both ethyl alcohol and steroids. On the enzyme system of the organ is a double load, causing metabolic disorders in general.

Such an effect of alcohol depresses the synthesis processes, which is directly opposite the expected effect of anabolic use - the acceleration of protein synthesis.

Here it should be noted that ethyl alcohol has an anabolic effect in an insignificant concentration, but this dose for men does not exceed 25 ml of alcohol, that is, not more than 100 ml of vodka or 200 ml of wine. And not more than 1-2 times in 8 days.

In reality, these conditions are not maintained, and alcohol fully manifests its destructive properties, enhancing catabolism - inhibition of synthesis processes in the body.

Influence on the psyche

The intake of steroid drugs in dosage exceeding therapeutic, as well as persons with unstable psyche, can be accompanied by increased aggressiveness, the so-called "steroid rage".

In a mentally stable person, taking steroids increases the level of testosterone, but does not cause uncontrolled aggression. Another thing - a mentally unstable person, or a person who consumed alcohol on the background of treatment with anabolic drugs.

Alcohol inhibits cortical activity, reduces the level of control over conscious activity. And disinhibits the work of the brain centers responsible for the basic instincts, assessing the level of danger, threats from the outside world.

In alcoholic intoxication, even if a small dose is drunk, it is difficult to control the behavior, and any sight can cause an outburst of anger.

Changes in the water-salt balance

Ethanol has a diuretic effect, greatly dehydrating the body. Steroids cause the appearance of edema, fluid retention. This leads to an unbalanced content of electrolytes, a violation of vital indicators, for example, the viscosity of the blood.

Consequences of combining

Consequences of alcohol intake during the course of steroids are manifested:

  • with liver damage with a confirmed increase in the concentration of hepatic enzymes, transient jaundice, a violation of bile flow;
  • by the occurrence of cholestatic hepatitis with the intake of anabolics containing the 17-alpha-hydroxylase group,
  • by increased arterial pressure caused by dehydration as a result of disturbance of the water-salt balance;
  • increased blood viscosity by increasing the cholesterol content;
  • a violation of the hormonal balance in men and women;
  • a violation of spermatogenesis, a decrease in the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate in men;
  • with a persistent increase in body temperature.

On the video about alcohol on the course of steroids:

Rules for taking

After a course of steroids, alcohol consumption is allowed no earlier than 3 weeks. If an important event is ahead, and there is no way to completely abandon alcohol, during the course of steroids, alcohol intake in a dose of not more than 100 g of vodka or 200 g of wine is allowed no more than 4 days later.

In this dose and with this frequency of reception for healthy people, ethyl alcohol has an anabolic effect, stimulating the synthesis processes in the body, similar to the action of anabolic steroid drugs.

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