Painkillers for stomach ulcer. What are the most effective for relieving pain?

One of the first symptoms of ulcerative education is pain syndrome. It can be weak or strong. In any case, the appearance of pain forces a person to use certain drugs - painkillers. With the stomach ulcer, several essential medicines belonging to the following groups are used to alleviate the pain syndrome: Spasmolytics, Antacids( Almagel, Maalox, Fosfalugel), Bismuth-containing( De-Nol, Vis-Nol, Vikalin, Vicair), Proton Pump Blockers( Omeprazole, Nolpase), H-2 blockers of histamine receptors( Ranitidine, Famotidine, Kwamatel).

The main painkillers are antispasmodics. For relief of attacks and periodic pain during exacerbations of the disease, medications that relieve spasm are prescribed, which is the cause of severe pain. Such means include: No-spa, Spasmoman, Dicetel, Buskopan, Papaverin. Separate group consists of combined drugs( Spazmalgon, Baralgin), which in addition to spasmolytic includes analgesic, which eliminates the manifestation of severe pain.

  • Spazmalgon
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    .One of the most effective pain medications for ulcers. The composition spasmalgone includes three main components - metamizol sodium, fenpiverinium bromide, hydrochloride pitofenone. This combination of substances helps to quickly remove the spasm and achieve an analgesic effect. The drug is available in two forms: tablets( blisters 10, 20, 50 units), injections( ampoules of 2 and 5 ml, in packages of 5 and 10 pcs.).The daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets. Injections are injected into a vein in a dosage of not more than 2 a time, intramuscularly allowed from 2 to 5 ml. Frequency of application - every 8 hours. It is prescribed only by a doctor, because he has a lot of contraindications.
  • No-spindle .Refers to universal antispasmodics and painkillers. Its effect is based on a decrease in the intake of active ionized calcium in smooth muscle cells. To relieve pain in the stomach ulcer, a tablet or injection is used.
  • Spasmoman ( otilonium bromide).Effective drug, which is often used to quickly relieve and relieve pain with ulcers. It relaxes the smooth muscles of the stomach, without extending this effect to other organs. The medicine is available in tablets.
  • Dicetel .Refers to the group of antispasmodics with m-cholinoblocking and myotropic actions. The main active substance is pinaverium bromide. With a stomach ulcer, painkillers tablets Dicetel in a dosage of 50 mg appoint 1 pc.3 times / day.
  • Buskopan .An excellent analgesic for ulcer disease. Thanks to the action of the drug, the muscles of the stomach relax, and thus the central nervous system is not harmed. The main active ingredient is hyoscin butyl bromide. It is sold in the form of tablets and candles.
  • Papaverin .Anesthesia in the stomach ulcer passes through the removal of a long reflex contraction of smooth muscles( spasm) and the resulting pain syndrome. The main active substance is papaverine hydrochloride. It is available in three forms: tablets, suppositories, injection.
  • Baralgin .The medicine has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, prevents the development of spasm. For severe pain, it is used as an analgesic. It is used in the form of tablets, and with pronounced painful sensations an injection is made.

Painkillers for gastric ulcer are an integral part of the complex treatment of the disease. It is prescribed only by the gastroenterologist, despite the fact that many drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

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