Wide tape: the life cycle of development, structure, photo, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of the disease

The colonization of the intestine with worms may not appear for a while, however, the problem requires careful attention and at the first signs of the disease - accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Geographical spread and localization

Helminth infection is possible in the territories of the globe where there are rivers and lakes, and the climate is relatively cool.

This is:

  • Denmark,
  • Finland,
  • Germany,
  • Canada,
  • The Netherlands,
  • Italy,
  • France,
  • North America,
  • Russia
  • and other countries.


The wide tape has a structure that is somewhat unusual for helminths. It physiologically consists of three parts:

  • The head has a shape flattened from the sides. Its diameter is 3 ÷ 5 mm. On the head there are holes, which are called botry. Helminth uses them to attach to the mucous layer of the intestinal wall.
  • The neck is the next part of the body of the worm. It is relatively thin and connects the head to the joint body.
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  • The long part of the worm represents its body, consisting of a huge number of segments. Here there are both female and male helminth organs, which ultimately provide the appearance of eggs in the terminal segment.

The life cycle of the development of

A wide tape before going into the human body, passes a certain life cycle.

  • The larvae enter the environment with feces. Their development can be continued if they find themselves in a water body with fresh water.
  • The larva can live in the pond for up to six months, provided that the water temperature does not rise above 200. The larva swallows the crustacean. In his body, the helminth is transformed into a parasitic stage, which has the name procercoid.
  • A crustacean can become a victim of fish, and inside it a wide ribbon passes into the second parasitic stage - the plerocircoid. The larva extends into the muscles, liver, and fish eggs. In this form, along with the infected fish, the parasite enters the human body and turns into a worm that lives in the small intestine.

Mechanism of infection of

A person or animal can get helminth infection through the ingestion of a fish that has a plerocircoid in its body( a parasite at a certain stage of its development).Another condition - the infected fish was taken for food in raw form or underwent insufficient heat treatment.

This feature that a person who has helminth in the body is not contagious to other people. But from the fish, in which there are plirotsirokoids, there is an opportunity to get infected, even by simply cutting it, if after that the person ignored the hygienic procedure - to wash his hands.

The wide ribbon at this stage of its existence falls into the small intestine and begins to develop there in the mature worm. The creature attaches itself to the wall of the small intestine, supports its vital activity, sucking out nutrients.

Pathogenic action of

The presence and activity of helminths in the intestine has consequences:

  • Because of insufficient intake of folic acid and vitamin B12( not digestible, it adsorbs the tape) anemia occurs.
  • The ribbon is attached to the intestinal wall and its mechanical damage occurs over time. This can in the worst case lead to tissue necrosis.
  • The products of the vital activity of a parasite can cause allergic reactions.
  • Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract may occur due to irritation of the endings of nerve fibers in the intestinal mucosa.

Symptoms of infection with a wide ribbon

When a worm gets into the body, the signs of this event do not manifest themselves immediately. Helminth develops into an adult, and the symptoms of its presence are indicated in about a month or two.

A person experiences:

  • painful discomfort in the abdomen area,
  • nausea,
  • stool disorder,
  • vomiting, which is repeated;
  • change in appetite upward or downward.

Over time, an anemia happens in a person infected with a wide tapeworm. It manifests itself through such signs:

  • headache,
  • hypotension,
  • pallor of the skin,
  • dizziness,
  • faintness,
  • possible syncope,
  • rapid pulse.


In order to determine the disease, the specialist analyzes the symptoms of the patient's problem.

It is important to ask him about the availability, a month or two months before the appearance of signs of the disease, creating conditions for infection with helminth. For this, a sick person could eat fish that had undergone insufficient heat treatment.

Take action:

  • Take a feces swab and examine it under a microscope, with the intention of detecting the segments of the helminth and its eggs.

The photo shows the eggs of a wide ribbon under the

  • microscope. You can examine feces in another way: by PCR.This study has a high cost, but the result is quite informative.
  • Biochemical and clinical blood tests give some information about the changes in its composition, characteristic of infection with a wide ribbon.
  • Serological tests can be done, but they do not give much information in this disease.


In order to cure a person from the presence of a parasite, prescribe medication.


The drugs used to control the parasite are too heavy for some human organs. Therefore, the appointment of drugs can only be done by a doctor.

This can be:

  • bilricid,
  • niclosamide,
  • praziquantel.

Biltricide( usually prescribed by a physician) is taken once in an amount of 25 mg / kg.

Folk remedies

Folk methods can be of secondary importance in the course of treatment. Do not engage in self-medication, all actions must be agreed with the doctor.

  • Seeds of pumpkin. It is recommended to use an empty stomach in an amount of 300 mg. Seeds are rubbed and eaten for an hour, washed down with a small amount of water. After consuming the seeds( after 3 hours) they drink a laxative. Expect half an hour and make an enema in order to cleanse the intestines.
  • Seeds of male fern. Before taking the extract, you must first observe a diet for two days. Before going to bed take a laxative. Morning begins with a cleansing enema. Then take the extract of seeds( depending on the weight of the patient) 4 ÷ 7 g. Take a capsule every two minutes. After half an hour, the laxative remedy is recommended again. After an hour and a half you need to have breakfast and, if there is no urge to go to the toilet, then put an enema after three hours.

Prognosis and prophylaxis of the disease

In general, the prognosis of the cure of the disease is optimistic. Infection with worm does not make irreversible changes in the body.

To avoid diphyllobothriosis, it is necessary: ​​

  • When cutting the fish, wash hands thoroughly at the end of the work and use the tools( cutting board, knife).
  • Fish cook enough time. If it is fried, then at least 20 minutes of heat treatment on each side.
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