Isosporosis in humans: pathogen, ways of infection, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

In the environment, namely in soil, water bodies, there may be simple parasites in the form of spores( oocysts).A person, in the body of which such disputes fall, develops isospore. Knowledge of the signs of the disease, what factors lead to it, will help to avoid the problem or identify it in time.

Causal agent

There is a wide variety of sporoviks, all specialists know 200 species of such protozoa.

Those that are capable of harming a person have the name:

  • Isospora belli,
  • Isospora natalensis.

These two types of isospores affect only the human body. The process of their reproduction has two cycles:

  • sexual stage( schizogonia),
  • is an abnormal stage( sporogony).

Oocysts from the environment enter the small intestine of a person and are developed in the mucosa for further development and reproduction. After a while, the formation of sex cells takes place and another stage of reproduction begins( schizogony).

As a result, oocytes appear that are immature, which, for complete maturation, must again fall into the soil. Protozoa return to the environment with feces.

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Pathways of infection

Oocyst infection can occur if they get into the human digestive system. There is only one way - through the mouth.

Due to the fact that the oocysts are well preserved and go through a certain path of development in the soil, the source of infection is:

  • vegetables and fruits that have been affected by oocysts;
  • land,
  • not washed hands before meals,
  • water objects that people use for rest, bathing;
  • sources of water used by people for domestic needs, including drinking water.

Symptoms of

A person with a medical condition has such problems:

  • fever, this happens abruptly and lasts about a week;
  • diarrhea, in feces observed blood or mucus;
  • cramping abdominal pain,
  • nausea,
  • sleep disorders,
  • vomiting,
  • a person noticeably losing weight,
  • nervousness,
  • fatigue,
  • frequent strong-onset headaches.

The presence of isospores on the mucosa of the small intestine, their reproduction, vital activity, lead to the fact that the microflora inside the organ is disturbed. This causes a reaction - nutrients from the food do not come in full, which causes starvation of the body.

After a few weeks, self-healing occurs. In some cases, the disease acquires a chronic course. It happens with people who have weak immune defense, for example, in AIDS patients.


Symptomatic disease resembles enteritis. Therefore, the task of a specialist correctly identify the problem.

Isosporosis will be confirmed if isospores are detected. For this, there are several ways of sampling the biomaterial for analysis for the study:

  • The Darlington method is that the stool is placed in water and the mixture is well stirred. Steps are separated, mixed with other substances special for this method, and the mixture is again centrifuged. From the surface of the solution, a film is collected, which is examined for the presence of oocysts.
  • Smears are taken and the potassium solution or Lugol solution is used for tinting. Oocysts are transparent, in addition, their density in feces is low, so one should consider repeatedly strokes to make the analysis more accurate.

For the study, it is better to select the biomaterial from 16 to 20 days after the onset of symptoms of the disease. Such an analysis will be most informative.

Treatment of isosporosis in humans

The patient is recommended:

  • Abundant drink, because diarrhea leads to dehydration.
  • Full balanced nutrition, because it is necessary to replenish the body's shortage of nutrients due to disorders of the small intestine mucosa.
  • Drug administration:
    • Co-trimoxazole,
    • Biseptol,
    • Metronidazole.

Prevention of

To avoid isopress infection, it is necessary to follow the rules:

  • wash hands before eating,
  • wash vegetables and fruits before consumption, especially carefully if they are greenhouse;
  • does not swim in ponds that have not been tested for the presence of harmful inhabitants;
  • do not drink water from unknown sources.
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